beckyducky wrote:
Hairann - I have to say: your banners are great!! Thank you for making them! ^__^
How do you make them though? I was thinking of making my own too.
Thanks I'm glad you like them

. Really it depends on each banner, as I use different effects depending on which one I am making. These assignment banners were made with Corel Painter X, which I no longer have and can't give a very detailed explanation but...
Basically for those I took a premade image from the program, added an effect, like turning it into paper, changed the highlights and direction the light came from. Then added the text. That was pretty much it.
If I knew what program you were planning on using it, and had used it myself, I might be able to give you a better explanation, but mostly I just randomly moved buttons until I like how it looked lol.
For those that had real images, such as the one I made for the authors, see the questions, comments, concerns thread, ones like those are basically pasting images on top of each other as new layers and changing the properties of each layer individually. Let me know if this helps or just confuses you
