Still waiting on a third...
All in Moderation by Luna
Moderation is a principle of life. Doing something "in moderation" means not doing it excessively. Yet when cold truths seem too much for Kagome to handle, a night out in town leads to a ruenion where all is nothing, and love can never be too much...S/Kag
Rating: K+
Universe: Alternate
Status: Complete
Category: Oneshots
Genre: Romance
New recommendations...
Curiosity by KitsunenoTama
Like a butterfly attracted to a flame, the spark was lit the moment that curiosity came about. Kagome/Sesshomaru -Drabbles-
Rating: K
Universe: Canon
Status: Incomplete
Category: Chapter Stories
Genre: Romance
Weep no more by VampireGoddess12Xx
“Shed no tear, Oh shed no tear, the flow’r will bloom another year,Shed no tear, Oh shed no tear, The flow’r will bloom another year, Shed no tear, shed no tear, shed no tear, shed no tear,Weep no more, Oh weep no more, Weep no more, Weep no more,
Rating: M
Universe: Canon
Status: Complete
Category: Oneshots
Genre: Tragedy
Goodbye by Mikaela
In the darkness of death, she finds herself alone, without a savior. But all it takes is a simple child to find her and beg for her life for her to be restored. Alas, salvation had not been her wish, but now she had no other choice. So, living on time given to her by an enemy turned ally, she stands beside him and drowns in sorrow, living only to avenge a love lost. (Currently undergoing chapter edits)
Rating: T
Universe: Canon
Status: Complete
Category: Chapter Stories
Genre: Drama
Need a Hand? by Demonic Gurl
When in a time of need... do you bottle it up and reject all help? Or do you let it go and accept the hand of need?
Rating: T
Universe: Alternate
Status: Complete
Category: Oneshots
Genre: Drama, Friendship, Humor, Romance
Just Because You Can... by Inumaru_Rapture
doesn't mean you should. A Sesshoumaru/Kagome fanficton written to answer the challenge given by: Mlmonty Some Ideas taken from the movie: Moulin Rouge (which I do not own) In a way, I borrow some of the idea from Black_Rose's fic: Until Death; being that she is dying from an illness, unwilling to tell anyone, and hiding her scent(which interests Sesshoumaru). (All of the name references are from which is no longer up and running -cries-)
Rating: MA
Universe: Canon
Status: Incomplete
Category: Chapter Stories
Genre: Angst, Dark, Drama, Friendship, Romance, Tragedy
For The Love Of Another by Fluffy Lady
He was supposed to remain with her for all times.
Rating: T
Universe: Canon
Status: Complete
Category: Oneshots
Genre: Action, Angst, Dark, Drama, Friendship, Tragedy
Gone back through assignment 14 to find some good stories to recommend. Remember this need to be seconded and thirded to count as recommendations, but only do so if you feel they should be. Also don't forget, everyone is free to add any they've liked for recommendation that have appeared on our assignments. If you have any questions, feel free to ask
