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story search:Sessh finds Kag bring back to castle
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TOPIC: story search:Sessh finds Kag bring back to castle
Tourmaline Blue
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story search:Sessh finds Kag bring back to castle 10 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 20
Note: I read this fic years ago and saw it on a few fanfiction sites, like either on, Dokuga or destinys gateway romance fanfiction archive, these sites come to mind, but with so many fanfics sites changing it's been hard to relocate this fic. Hopefully someone can help me relocate it.
About story: very well written, the author used paragraphs and the story was written in both Sesshomaru POV and Kagome POV.
Chapter I remember reading was up to six
I'll try to recount as accurately as i can from what I remember from reading this fic.
Not i don't remember much from the first chapters mostly the later ones for sesshomaru and Kagome started interacting more.

Story Description:

Kagome I think is now trapped in the past, Inuyasha has I believe left her not intending to marry or mate her, and shes now on her own her friends are living their own lives upset by Inuyasha's confession she runs into the woods , with now where to go she runs into the forest and comes to a stop where there is a big bolder where she starts cry in anguish.
I'm not sure how sesshomaru comes across Kagome, I think he smells her sent and in curiosity approaches her. I think there is some inner dialogue on his thought regarding Kagome on how he views her and that there is a bit of attraction.
He sees Kagome questions her why she is alone he decides to comfort her since she is very upset and eventually join her on the bolder shes laying on and has her recline in his lap.
Sesshomaru spends the evening listening to Kagome spill her heart out till she falls asleep emotionally exhausted, it's now late at night taking it all in Sesshomaru learns quite a bit from her about who she is where she's from and whats shes given up, but he still has more questions and finds her to be a mystery ,he finds her attractive and in his inner dialogue he thinks she would be attractive in a red silk kinda garment (kimono or some other type of nightware) he got as a present from a minor lord it would show her lovely skin and that it would look exquisite on her.
He decides to take Kagome to his castle. As he flys he notices Kagome shivering in the cold and covers her up with his fur pelt. (note I not sure if he was transformed into a dog or not in this scene, but I won't exclude the possibility) he contemplates her and decides she'll stay with him in his castle till he can learn her secrets.
Once at his castle he summons telepathically some shadow youkai to make up a room of his choosing for Kagome and gets Jaken to bring to her room two human women servants/attendants.
Note: these shadow youkai Sesshomaru goes into a bit of internal diaologue of how they came to be servants/slaves to his house and will. I believe they where servants he inherited from his father who mentally controlled them destroying they're free will and minds till they were then no more then puppets and all they would do is serve there master there only purpose to serve as they have no will. Sesshomaru talks of how when he was a pup his father would train him on learning how to mentally control other demons by invading his mind sometimes he would get trapped in his mind and his father would have to pull him back out and sometimes repair the damage, as he started to mature one day Sesshomaru was able to mentally strike back at his father that his father never again tried to invade his mind for fear of trying to do so ever again.
Sesshomaru takes her to the room he also tells Jaken to bring and inform the two human women they're job in handling the sleeping miko Kagome, they listen to Jakens orders they are quite and tremble in fear as they listen to Jaken threaten and demand that they both do what they're told and not to do anything to displease or Sesshomaru will have them killed. As to which Sesshomaru smirks at the comment of killing.
They attend to Kagome they wash her as she sleeps and they re cloth her in the red garment/kimono that Sesshomaru was thinking of having her wear earlier.
They bring her onto the bed( i believe it's a westernized castle with beds up off the floor and no futons, from what i remember anyway) Sesshomaru sees how they've dressed her and is pleased the attendants are dismissed as well is Jaken. Sesshomaru observes Kagome and finds she does look quite exotic in the Kimono he had them dress her in he fingers the garment she's wearing contemplating her presence in his home, but decides to leave her room and retire for the night. and The fire eventually burns down till its dark in his room.
Sesshomaru Goes to his bedroom where he realises the room is cold he summons one of the shadow youkai to start a fire in his huge fireplace he has in his room as the room warms sits in a high lounge chair in front of the fire contemplating kagome but decided to leave his thought s for the morning, he undresses till he's entirely nude and goes to his giant four post bed and get in and sleeps.
I guess a few hours later Kagome awakes she realises she no longer in the forest in a completely foreign place, she notices her clothes have changed and that she been washed, panicking she gets out of the bed yelling calling for Sesshomaru, trying to find him she uses her powers to locate him she feels his aura and follows it angrily yelling his name till she gets to two giant wooden doors that I believe have an Image of Sesshomaru in his true form. She burst her way in the doors slam open. She yells Sesshomaru's name in his room and Suddenly the fire place bursts forth a blazing fire that startles Kagome she becomes silent observing her surroundings now that there is light to help her see.
She sees Sesshomaru on the bed .
He sits up in bed the sheets slides low on his naked hips he makes a comment to her about her liking hat she sees. Kagome though is also now unsettled at his nakedness embarrassed she grabs a discarded loin cloth that was on the chair angrily saying "do you have no decency" tosses it at him he smirks but puts it on.
She demands to tell her why shes in his castle and why he kidnapped her that she was scared to wake up alone in a new place wondering where she was start saying things that judge sesshomaru and question his honor and character that what he did was un thoughtful and careless.
Sesshomaru starts to get mad at her stating he was trying to help and comfort her.
Kagome in her anger starts to say twist her words unloading her anger and frustration on him. Kagome then in her anger says or thinks he is just like Inuyasha or that her though was so mentally amplified that Sesshomaru heard it which is that "He's just like Inuyasha or suddenly she look at him and compares how he and Inuyasha are alike and looking at him, for a secound she sees Inuyasha and Says Inuyasha's name. Sesshomaru just furious vehemently in a deathly soft tone of voice tells her to get out, Kagome pauses looking at his expression seeing his hurt countenance. He bellows out in fury again for her to get out his voice so loud and chilling when he yelled out shakes the room causing her to flinch and turn around and flee. the door close with the force of his youkai i guess.
Sesshomaru is lost in his own angry thoughts he telepathically demands the shadow youkai to take Kagome to her room. His thought process is now on how hell hurt Kagome for how her words hurt him and how now he feels anger for ever showing her weakness like his compassion, mercy, and feelings. The shadow youkai suddenly mentally contact him that the girl they demanded to take back to her room is fighting and not willing to comply with their efforts to take her to her room. so he tells them to let her wander till she gets lost then there to drag her back to her room. He contemplates on punishing her to submit to his will either torturing her mentally or physically but decides to deal with her in the morning and uses his youkai to diminish the fire yanks the loincloth of him tossing it to the floor and gets back into bed.
We then go back to Kagomes POV
She wants to apologize so she turns around and heads back to Sesshomaru's bedroom.
She sneaks back into Sesshomaru s now dark bedroom she goes to the four poster bed pulls back the curtains and looks upon sesshomarus face she can make out from the light of the moon from the bedroom windows. She thinks he's asleep she brushes his hair from his bangs tracing his moon. She then gets dissuaded form talking to him since he's asleep and decides to turn around and head back to her bedroom. Suddenly a hand clamps down or her wrist and yanks her flat on her back on top of the four post bed Sesshomaru hunched above his hair being a curtain around them his face is really close to hers he asking her in a soft voice what she is doing back in his room.
She says she was sorry for what she said and wanted to apologize. He asked apologize for what she says for hurting you. Sesshomaru is also telepathically reading her thoughts as he listens to her words to see if she`s being truthful
Sesshomaru Is stunned and shocked that she new how she hurt his feeling and that she may e able to read him.
She again thinks of inuyasha and though that causes Seshomaru be apprehensive of accepting her apology as he listense to Kagome's last thought he to forgive her is when she Thinks "he's nothing like Inuyasha he's a completely different person".
Sesshomaru silently curses her for he wanted to hurt her now with her apology he can't bring himself to do so. But he holds her close and cuddles her as she cry's how sorry she is. The rest of the chapter ends with Kagome and sesshomaru falling asleep together.

Hopefully this very detailed explanation should help jog the memory of someone or ring some bells of familiarity!
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Re:story search:Sessh finds Kag bring back to castle 9 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 0
I think I read this but the name is escaping me
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