So lately i've been remembering snippets of a fiction that i read long ago, but for the life of me i've been unable to find it, maybe this will seem familiar and one of you will know what story it is.
Sesshoumaru and Kagome are a couple (married, dating or engaged...just know they are romantically involved)
Kagome is not part of the story for the most part (she was raped and thus commits suicide or she was raped and murdered.....either way she is dead)
Sesshoumaru is successful (doctor, tycoon...maybe a politician) and he uses this to his advantage when he decides to avenge Kagome
Sesshoumaru somehow finds out who knew/was involved in Kagome's rape and he hunts them down and tortures them
That's all i can remember from the fic, i don't think it was finished when i last read it but for some reason whenever i think about it i "know" it wasn't continued. It was well written and i dont think it was long...maybe 5ish chapters. Well hopefully someone will have better recollection of what fiction this is and share it with me

i cant wait to reread it. (best to stay optimistic)
(might not be suitable for all ages)