Re:looking for fanfic kagome trapped/ floating caste 3 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 84
Do you happen to remember how many chapters there were? I'm annoyed because I really liked this story and loved the updates....
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looking for fanfic kagome trapped/ floating caste 3 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 20
hey all,
been trying to find this Sesshomaru Kagome fic in my bookmarks for both Dokuga and Fanfiction.net it's been a long time since i last read it so i figured id get help with my search.
I can't really remember the full story to well either, nor do i know if it ever got completed. but these snippets i do remember were from a few chapters.
kagome is brought/taken or kidnapped to sesshomaru floating castle in the sky technically like a castle on land
overtime Sesshomaru has feeling for kagome i think he goes to his mother for advice or possibly bokuseno --- i am thinking it his mother he goes to get advice from but i can't be sure--
kagome wants to leave and rin tells kagome about the grounds how it's impossible and that can't leave the grounds and rin tells her why that the castle is on top of land that floats above the earth and kagome asks rin to take her to the edge of the lands she wants to see this for herself
rin bring her to the edge and there's nothing but clouds as there thousands of feet up in the air kagome stunned just sits there and rin leaves her be. kagome just stunned realising shes trapped
and sesshomaru arrives back to the palace asking rin where kagome is and rin tells him she took kagome to the end of the land and said kagome was very sad
sesshomaru fearful runs to were kagome is. --thinking the worst--
he rushes out and finds kagome at the edge sees she sitting at the edge looking out he says her name she stands he approaches she reflexively steps back and theres nothing but air she falling down to the earth bellow.
Sesshomaru chases after her catches her before she falls to the earth And flys with her in his arms back up to his floating land says Kagome not to do that to him again.
he puts her back on the ground she angrily says he drove her to it.
another scene i remember from this story: sesshomaru gives kagome a package that she refuses to open which he forces her to open and turns out to be a very fancy kimono she rejects it which makes him frustrated
-- The scene may have been spread out in chapters but it's what i mainly remember from this story so i hope it helps make it easier to find. any help is greatly appreciated.
Last Edit: 2021/04/06 15:14 By TourmalineBlue.
Reason: More detail hoping to help find
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Re:looking for fanfic kagome trapped/ floating caste 3 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 20
Your on the right track Lady Amalthea and it is sort of an older story im just searching through bookmarks at this point just trying to find it. I hope i do, it's been killing me to read it again and the search is driving me nuts. LOL
So anyone able to help me find it that would be great!
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Re:looking for fanfic kagome trapped/ floating caste 3 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 84
I know this story and I know I faved it. Another detail I remember, is that Kagome was given archery lessons and while keeping Rin company cooked bacon, Sesshomaru unfamiliar with it, tastes it. A brown leather collar is involved too.
Having trouble finding it too. Odd. Hopefully it wasn't deleted. I'll look into it later on the laptop.
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Re:looking for fanfic kagome trapped/ floating caste 3 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 20
I admit I'm struggling to remember the number of chapters, though it wasn't a short story im certain it was at least at a ballpark to be around 30+chapters maybe more if the author updated as i can't remember if the author completed it.
what im also struggling to remember if it was partially written as a drabble series cause for whatever reason im under the impresion in my memory of the story thinking there were both long chapter and short chapters.
again it makes it difficult in my search cause it's been so long since i last read it, but i can definitely say it wasn't a short story or oneshot though.
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Re:looking for fanfic kagome trapped/ floating caste 3 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 84
Tourmaline Blue, memories keep tickling my mind, I have a hard copy of my faves in the basement. Unfortunately for us basement is packed away in boxes for renovation, so that lead is dry well, for now.
But I might be on to something, do you remember StardustMiko, changed her handle to PhilosophyBlue, and then GildedGlass? I believe the story we're searching for might be one of hers. Most of her fanfics have been pulled...I don't remember so little stories. I'll try to pm her later tonight but while searching I came across a title Covenant. I'll pm you with the link.
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Re:looking for fanfic kagome trapped/ floating caste 3 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 20
yeah i do know the author StardustMiko, and iam aware she changed her handle to PhilosophyBlue, but not that she also change to GildedGlass.
it's been a while since I've visited any of her works, maybe she did do this story maybe not it's just so hard to remember as it's not exactly a newer story. but any help is greatly appreciated if your able to reach to her that be great.
im still looking through bookmarks either way.
Last Edit: 2021/04/07 16:18 By TourmalineBlue.
Reason: update grammar
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Re:looking for fanfic kagome trapped/ floating caste 3 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 20
just updating as still on the search and read through the profiles of StardustMiko, PhilosophyBlue, and her acct on dokuga GildedGlass.
still not found the story im looking for so still searching again if anyone else knows this story any help is greatly appreciated
as im stil on the search myself ill keep you all posted if i find it.
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Re:looking for fanfic kagome trapped/ floating caste 3 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 84
I believe the story we are looking for is Caged Miko. It was started by Stardust Miko who changed her SN to Philsophy Blue then Gilded Glass. Ihavelisted as being on FanFiction.net and hass been pulled as it is no longer under her bio.
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Re:looking for fanfic kagome trapped/ floating caste 3 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 20
thanks Lady Amalthea for getting back and searching some more for this fic i wonder if it was 'Caged Miko' it`s hard to say for if the story was pulled from the site either way it be hard to confirm if it was. But i wouldn't be surprised if it was Stardust Miko aka Gilded Glass as her writing style has a similar context and the way she writes makes me think it very well could have been her story. If it is indeed that story It`s a shame she pulled it, it was a very good story and i did enjoy reading it so very much.
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