Okay, there's this story I've been looking for that I can't seem to find any where. *Is Frustrated* I don't remember much about it since it has been a few years since I read it, but I do remember this one part... kinda. In the story, Sesshoumaru was deeply attracted to Kagome, but Kagome, in all her innocence, found his desire for her sinful and wrong. He was persistent though, and she eventually develops feelings for him as well. But she still didn't feel comfortable being involved with him, for she felt horribly guilty about "sins of the flesh", so she convinced Sesshoumaru to come to confession with her. Though Kagome felt embarrassed about confessing her feelings for him, Sesshoumaru didn't feel any shame at all while confessing his desire for her. In fact, he told the guy they were confessing to about all the things he'd like to do to her (in very...
precise detail). This, of course, left Kagome utterly mortified and the poor priest completely speechless.
If anyone knows where I can find this story, or if it has been deleted from fanfiction.net entirely, please let me know. Thank you.