I'm looking for a fic that was on FFN and SS. Kagome's group and Sesshoumaru's group get into a fight with Hakudoushi and Sesshoumaru protects Kagome by jumping in front of her and taking a hit for her. When the blast clears there's a hole but no Kagome or Sesshoumaru so the group freaks out and starts looking everywhere for them. Kagome and Sesshoumaru, however, have fallen into a cave beneath the impact site. Sesshoumaru is injured and Kagome is pinned beneath some rocks.
Sesshoumaru can't heal because Kagome's power interferes when she goes to sleep. Kagome tries to stay awake long enough for him to heal and so she goes through her backpack and starts reading her journal. Sesshoumaru helps get the rocks off her legs and some time during all that a mole claws a tunnel into their cave, then another out of it. When Sesshoumaru is healed enough he heads off down one to look for a way out. A while later kagome follows.
Sesshoumaru gets out through this den of bats or snakes or something and goes back to the impact zone to break through and find her and meets up with his group and Inuyasha's group along the way. when they get to the cave Kagome isn't there so they follow her scent down one of the tunnels again. She's been captured by the snake/bats so they disguise themselves with Shippou's magic and infiltrate the cave thing.
Thats all i remember, which is everything except the important bit.

I'm pretty sure the title has cave in it somehow and I'm going to feel rather stupid when I get told the title because its so obvious.