Heh heh.
I was talking to a friend and recommending certain fanfictions to her, when I started thinking of more awesome fictions that I have a memory of reading, but I don't remember their titles.
1. This fic is /very/ old, and I don't remember much at all. So here are some vague details: Kagome and the gang meet each other while living on residence for whichever university or college they attend. Kagome and Sesshoumaru have a rocky beginning to their relationship but eventually they fall in love. Later on, it's revealed that the gang has suppressed memories from 500 years back that are coming back slowly. I think it had something to do with Naraku but I'm not sure.

Annndd, well, the rest of the plot evades my memory.
2. I think this was part of a one-shot collection, and I've searched and I've searched, but I can't seem to find it. >__>. Basically, Kagome returns from the feudal era blinded, and so she has to learn to live without her sight. At her school, Sesshoumaru's her teacher and his vision is almost gone as well. I don't remember much else, except he helps her take risks. Later on, he is completely blind as well. That's all I remember. It was written
really well though.
3. Kagome is blinded in the feudal era in this fic as well, I think. She comes back to her time permanently, I think, and she finds a friend in someone who keeps her company but keeps coming and going mysteriously. I think her family thought it was a ghost or some imaginary friend or something like that? He disappears [when she's well, perhaps?] because he feels guilty and doesn't think that she'd want anything to do with him, but she misses him to death and when he does return, he finds out she forgave him a long time ago? Ah, such a vague memory.
4. In Kagome's time, demons still exist and they are considered dangerous and no one ever goes near them, or meets them, etc. Kagome finds an injured Sesshoumaru by the well, and tries to help him out, leading to a series of interactions between the two. She writes an essay on how demons are probably not all bad, and it's a pretty.. unacceptable topic, to say the least, and she gets in trouble for it and has counselling with Miroku. Her parents don't know about this, and Souta is the only one who does. I think Sesshoumaru and Kagome interacted by pinning a message onto a tree? This fic was downright
5. In this fic, Kagome is taking courses to make up for her highschool absences, or something like that, and she ends up taking history or something. The professor is her grandfather's archenemy, and he doesn't believe in demons at all. One day, Kagome meets him somewhere far away and somehow he turns back into Sesshoumaru? That's really all I remember.
Soso, please help.
Andand, thanks in advance.