Guys, can you help me find an Inu/Kag story? I'm not a big Inu/Kag fan, but I love epically long fanfics, and this is one of the long ones. Inuyasha is trapped in a cave by either a priest or Kikyo. Kikyo knows he is there, at any rate. He is kept there for a long time, and is starving and covered in his own waste from being bound. Kagome is worried about him, but the others don't help her look. Shippou could have given them vital information that Inuyasha was in trouble, but didn't. I don't think the author of this story liked Shippou much

Anyhew, Kagome goes off on her own, trying to find him, and she becomes starved and exhausted looking. Sess finds her laying on a forest trail, and helps her free Inuyasha. He helps bring the two together. There is a scene in a pond or hotspring between Kagome and Inuyasha, their first time together, and Sess is impressed at Kagome's fortitude, both in how much she was willing to go through to save Inuyasha, and then being able to stand up to him during mating. Sound familiar to anone out there? I'd sure appreciate a hand in finding this... I thought it was called "Lost and Found", but I found another story (a great Sess/Kag) that I had saved under that title...