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Plz help me find these challenging old fics!
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Just make a thread outlining as much about the general plot as you can remember, and any defining details that made the story stick with you. Good luck!
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TOPIC: Plz help me find these challenging old fics!
Fuyu no Kaze
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Plz help me find these challenging old fics! 14 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 6
Hi all, it's been awhile Uni is slowly and steadily stealing my life but I persist! lol

Ok so here are some fics that I vaguely remember but don't know the titles for or who wrote them. Please help me find them! I would really like to read them again, and then hopefully trying to remember then won't bug me while I'm trying to study lol

1) Sess is on a quest to acquire some flower for Rin that's supposed to grant eternal life/youth. In order to do so he enlists the help of Kagome somehow, because the flower is only granted to couples where one is a youkai and one is a human (the flower is gifted by divine beings to help the couples in their happiness by letting them stay together forever).
Sess of course is a jerk at the time and selfishly uses kagome to get the flower, and doesn't realize 'til its almost too late that he loves her. But sess is a smart cookie and ends up giving the flower to kagome. Rin and the youkai she loves (i think it might be koga) later end up getting their own flower.

2) This is an AU fic set in modern time. Kag and Sess are roomies or best friends or something. She loves him, but he doesn't know or doesn't care. On the night of Sess's graduation, they end up sleeping together. He leaves soon after (the very next day i think) to study abroad and later further his career. Kagome ends up pregnant. It's a difficult pregnancy because she's human and Sess is a demon and her friends help her through it (i think miroku and perhaps kaede are the most prominently helpful...and Miroku may be related to her...but i'm not sure, but she's got a best guy friend that really helps her through the pregnency).
One day she's walking on the street and bumps into Inu. He scents that she's pregnant with progeny that's related to him (and I actually think he jumps to the conclusion that his dad had an affair and confronts him about it). Once he realizes that it must be Sess's kid that she's carrying, he tries to help her out as much as he can. Ideally the father should be with the baby because his presence calms it or something, but because he's related to the dad, inu is an okay substitute for the time being.Meanwhile i think Sess gets sick or something where ever he is, maybe gets a nagging feeling that something's not right, because he's supposed to be with Kag.
Naraku makes his greasy evil appearance too i think, and unnerves her.

3) Kagome is for some reason traveling by herself, and comes across Sesshoumaru who's been turned into a child (i'm pretty sure he wasn't turned into a puppy). She takes him in and they start traveling together. They grow close and Kagome wonders if he'll remember the good times they had while together. Somehow he gets back to his original size and age, and lo and behold he remembers! After that he pursues her I think and they get together.

EDIT: Here's two more ^-^"

4) Kagome and a younger Sess develop feelings for each other, and she is "tested" by Sess's mom and dad, so make sure she will be a good mate. They poison her as one of the tests, and the final one i think is that Kagome gives up her life for Sess.

5) All I really remember is that Kagome tells Sess that if he wants to bed her when she doesn't want to, she'll never speak again. He being the ass he is at the time, doesn't care about her not speaking again. He later regrets it.
Also, Sess builds a room in his home to commemorate those who helped to defeat Naraku. I think this is when Kagome speaks for the first time in A LONG time, and it's to say "Please" and beg him I think to commemorate Inuyasha as well. Later on she has this ability, where she's able to show someone else all her pent up pain through touching their forehead. I think the person she showed this to was being punished for some reason I can't really remember.

EDIT2: And some more...ehhehheh...

6) Ok so I really just remember the ending for this one. Kagome is stuck in the future and waits for Sess but time passes and she starts to doubt that he'll come for her. I think she sees someone who she thinks is Koga, but it's actually Koga's son (this part's iffy). But it is Koga I think that takes her to an island that no one really knows about but youkai. Sess in the mean time, has miscalculated how much time has passed, but once someone tells him Kagome is there and celebrating something with them, he leaves right away.
It might be another fic where she finds Koga in the future first, and he whisks her on a jet to this place and that, where she she visits Shippo (i think) before finally getting to where Sess is.

7) Sess takes Kagome to see the graves of Sango and Miroku, and while there she realizes who he is, but doesn't let on that she knows. She talks to her dog about how poorly he was treating her by making her wait so long to find her. I think she named the dog after him so that she can curse both of them at the same time.

8) Sess pretends to not be related to his family, and starts a relationship with Kagome. She goes to his family's company one day (for an article I think? she may be a reporter) and mistakes his dad for him. His dad then tells her about Sess being engaged to someone else. (Now that I think about it, isn't this one by demonlordlover?)

So yeah, that's all for now, please, please, please help me find these fics! And also note that its possible that not all details are correct, I may have mixed the details up between fics. I tried by best to only give the details that I'm pretty sure stay true to the story, but there are just so many I love to read (some of them over and over) lol

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Last Edit: 2010/05/20 18:47 By Fuyu no Kaze.
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Re:Plz help me find these challenging old fics! 14 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 9
I'm not sure about the rest but the first fic sounds to me like "Absolution" by Demonlordlover2
You can check it here:
Hope that helps
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Fuyu no Kaze
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Re:Plz help me find these challenging old fics! 14 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 6
Thanks so much! That is the first one I have no idea why I thought it was a flower lol but that's for getting it despite my misremembrance *hugz*

Also, I've added two more stories I can't remember clearly to the list. If you remember any of these please tell me!

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Re:Plz help me find these challenging old fics! 14 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 10
The second one sounds like Forever Young by Jade Namida. But I don't think the author took it down.
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Re:Plz help me find these challenging old fics! 14 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 18
Contains Mature Link. No Minors.

Number seven sounds very much like the last chapter of A Voice From the Past by Jaxxia7 on Mediaminer. This is not a Sess/Kagome pairing but an inutaisho/Kagome.
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Re:Plz help me find these challenging old fics! 14 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 42

Number 8: A Simple Kind of Life by iloveprettysilverhair
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^~~~~ Teensie made me a pretty Banner!!!! :D

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Re:Plz help me find these challenging old fics! 14 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 42

Number 6: The Masks We Wear by Kagome Warrior Princess
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^~~~~ Teensie made me a pretty Banner!!!! :D

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Shrine Girl
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Re:Plz help me find these challenging old fics! 14 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 31
#5 - the title and author elude me at the moment but it used to be on single spark. Sadly, the author(ess) removed it from all fanfiction sites, I believe. If I remember the name, I will post it.

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- The Narrator from Dave the Barbarian

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Re:Plz help me find these challenging old fics! 14 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 18
Number 4. Is Embracing Ice by Yabou
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Re:Plz help me find these challenging old fics! 14 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 18
Number 3. is Cursed by Faust VII.
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Re:Plz help me find these challenging old fics! 14 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 32
#5 is 'Stirrings of the Blood' by Shabopo... and yes, it has been removed from ALL sites, per the author's request.

#2 sound to me like you are mixing 2 or three different fics. Part of it does sound like 'Forever Young' by JadeNamida, which was pulled from the internet a while ago. There is still a partial piece of it posted on one site, but it was never completed. I have a copy of everything that was posted before it was pulled down, and it is more complete than what is still up. However, Naraku was not in it at the point it was discontinued. The distant sickness of Sesshomaru, the roles of Kaede and Miroku and InuYasha do fit that one though.
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Fuyu no Kaze
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Re:Plz help me find these challenging old fics! 14 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 6
H'Ohmigosh! Thanks so much to everyone! *confetti and karma rain* You guys are the absolute best! I haven't checked yet, but I think you guys got all of them! *glomps*

xoxox <3

P.S. sesshys_jaded_samurai, thanks for the files XD you're my hero!
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Re:Plz help me find these challenging old fics! 14 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 10
Number 7 if its the one I'm thinking about, may be a Inutaisho x Kgaome fic. She comes back to the future and graduates. After, she's offered to work at the old slayers village. She goes to the village and finds a dog and names her inutaishou, knowing that it would piss him off (he hasn't revealed himself to her) Does that sound familiar? If so, its called A Voice From The Past by Nefra

Here's the part with the dog...

"While walking she heard a very soft whimper and the rustle in the tall grass. Approaching slowly, she parted the grass to see a small bundle of what looked like fur covered in thick brown mud. Picking up the bundle, not caring about her shirt, she smiled at the puppy face that stared back at her. Taking it back to the bathroom in the main hut, she began washing it off and found that it was a solid white puppy. At a glance, she could tell that it was an American Eskimo and a female at that.

“How could someone give up a precious little thing like you?” Kagome asked it, lifting the pup up.

The pup merely barked playfully and tried licking her face. Kagome set the pup down and wondered what to name her. The vengeful side of her brain went into overdrive and she grinned once more at the pup.

“I got an idea little pup. Wanna help me get some revenge on my mate?”

The puppy barked in response, shaking itself, fluffy fur flying everywhere. (A/N: That’s almost a tongue twister. LOL!)

“Good, because I’m gonna name you Inutaisho.” She smiled at the small growl the pup gave her. “I know you may not like it but I really want to get back at my mate. If I call you Inutaisho and you being a female pup…I think you would understand if you were older.”
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