Ye gods, it's already the fourth and I'm lazy as all heck so yeah.
Anyways, in celebration, this is a countdown challenge to St. Patty's Day.
-Can be a part of an existing series.
-Can be any rating
-Anything goes, drabble, oneshot, oneshot collection, chapter story and whatever else.
-Adhere by site rules of course
-Challenge lasts until March 31st, 2013
-Have fun and for anything else I left out, eh.
-Oh yeah, doesn't have to be done in order!
If a certain prompt strikes your fancy and the one before it doesn't then go ahead.
-There will be a banner for those who completed the entire thing.
So since it's the fourth, four prompts to start us off.
01. Beer
02. Ireland
03. Cross
04. Clover
05. Blue - Originally blue was the color of St. Patty's day