As my very first Inuyasha/SessKag fic was published on FFnet in January 2006, I've officially been around and writing for this fandom for 10 years.
To celebrate this milestone, I decided to accept prompts from my readers.
I'll be accepting prompts
until Sunday the 10th, and you can leave them on
my Tumblr (I accept anonymous asks so you don't need to have an account to send me a message).
Based on the prompt I'll write a short one shot of max 1,000 words, which will be published on my
Tumblr blog and also in my oneshot collection
Miscellany (Rated M) here on Dokuga.
When you leave a prompt, please mention which fandom it is for, as I don't exclusively write SessKag but also dabble in JamesxLily from Harry Potter and IchiRuki from Bleach.
Lastly, I just want to say a huge
THANK YOU to this fandom and each and every one of you, your support has kept me going through all these years. Stay awesome!