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Author Interview: KogasAngel
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TOPIC: Author Interview: KogasAngel
sugar0o who lurks
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Author Interview: KogasAngel 15 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 216
Well, This is something new that the r0o and another is doing. We decided it'd be nice to talk to a few authors and post replies to an online interview. Introduce them to people that might not have seen them before now, so without further adieu:

Author Interview: KogasAngel.

1. What is your preferred genre? Action? Romance? Comedy? Other?
I actually prefer comedy over others. Though a good smut is always welcome.

2. What introduced you to the Sesshomaru/Kagome pairing?
Well, I came across Dreams by Nefra and followed up with Unworthy One by Vyncent. Then, I became friends with Rinseternalsoul as well as Beautifulsilentdeath and their fics really did me in when it came to the pairing.

3. Do you have a favorite and least favorite of the stories that you’ve written?
I think that my favorite is a tie between Question about Honor and If You’re Not the One. Those fics really pulled me in. My least favorite had to be the first version of From the ashes. I don’t think that was put together well.

4. Do you have a favorite story written by others?

Well, I recently stumbled on Mokomoko plus Miko and there are several others so I’d be at this all day if I had to list them.

5. Any odd things you do when you write? Or do you have a set pattern you have to follow?
Well, I have to be ‘in the mood’. I hate time limits, though I do ok for challenges and I have to have quiet and there are times that I have to yank out my DVDs just to see Sesshomaru and remember who I am writing about.

6. Do you research things you do or just wing it?
By the seat of my pants!!!

7. Do you have one thing that challenges you in your stories? i.e. writing a synopsis, sagging middles, going off plot, etc.
I have a muse that likes to start one project and then go skipping off to another. She is also into ninjas and we are attempting to live in both worlds.

8. Ever dealt with writer’s block or a temperamental muse? If so, how did you deal with it?
Yes, and it lasted for over a year. My muse went on vacation. I simply relaxed. If you force it, inspiration never comes. Believe it or not, If You’re Not The One came when I was relaxing in the bathtub one night. Long story, but true

9. Are people you know or are close to know you write fan fiction?

My close family knows. My mother says that she hangs her head in shame to know that her daughter writes smut, but for some reason, she keeps looking at it. I think that she is a closet hentai. My dad gives me a thumbs up and a shrug of his shoulders.

10. When did you know you liked to write and wanted to do it in some fashion?
I didn’t know until I started to watch Inu Yasha and stumbled across a site called Anime Spiral [**please note that this link will take you to a non-Dokuga site]. My writing sort of grew legs and went running from there.

11. Have you ever had a story you’ve been writing that you found as you wrote it you just couldn’t stand it anymore?

From The Ashes, the first version. I felt that my vision was not very thought out and took it down.

12. Is fan fiction the only thing you write?

At this time, yes. However, I have several ideas, but until I finish school and my masters, I think that is what they will remain.

13. Is updating a problem for you or not?

Sadly, yes. Before I became a single mom, updating was not an issue, but now I am working full time, going to college for a bachelor’s degree and then a Master’s degree, there is simply not enough time in the day.

14. What inspires you to write? Is it one thing or many?
Well, I don’t have a significant other, so I’ve got to amuse myself someway. I’ve also got a lot of things running through my mind, so getting it out on paper or computer screen is a way for me to express what I feel.

15. What is the strangest inspiration you’ve gotten for a story?
Reading Highlander romance novels. Yummy!!!

16. As you see it, what’s the biggest problem in fan fiction?

I think that there are several people who think that their pairing is the only pairing that should be. Many authors get flamed for trying a title character out with a minor character and get stung from it. I was afraid of this happening when I wrote my Ginta and Kagome fic a few years ago, but thankfully, it was well received.

17. What is your current goal in writing? ...What is your future goal?

I want to be a writer. My ultimate goal, and no laughing, is to be as good as Stephen King or Diana Palmer. Believe it or not, I live in the area where Stephen King’s Pet Cemetary was filmed. The cemetery used in the movie is a cemetery in Bangor. I’ve never been, but apparently, I’m the only one who didn’t know this and only found out about it last week. Geez....

18. Do you think the end of the Inuyasha manga or the re-birth of the anime will help or hurt the Kagome/Sesshomaru pairing fandom?
I think that as long as we have our imaginations, the Kagome/Sesshomaru fandom will continue. While Rumiko has the plot already lined out, we can create our own fantasies and in the end, I think that nothing will really change.

19. Aside from Kagome or Sesshomaru, who is your favorite Inuyasha character? ...What is your least favorite character?

Gotta love Kouga!!!!

20. What can we expect from you in the future?
I am hoping to bring laughter, hentai-ness, and everything that I’ve been known for in the past to the present and future readers of Dokuga.

And because you've finished one over 50k...

1. What did it feel like when you knew it was getting close to being done?
I actually got nervous. After all, an author is expected to end a fic with a flourish and I always worry that I’ve disappointed someone.

2. How did it feel when you finally finished it?
A bit sad, but then again, it was a major accomplishment.

3. Any hints you can think of to inspire others to finish?
Work at your own pace and don’t worry about upsetting people. It will finish when the muse says that it is time to be finished.

4. What do you think should be done to encourage more to finish works rather than leave them hanging?
I think that people are going to do what they want, so if they abandon a fic, its their choice. But, gentle encouragement is always a good motivator.

5. Do you think anything you’ve finished has the possibility of being translated into something publishable?
I’m not really sure. I’m my own worst critic and I think that I need to be at a point in my life where some of the stress is gone before I can really take a critical eye and judge. But, If You’re Not the One would be my best choice.

Well, I certainly found out a lot! And i'm very glad, my muse has that same addiction to ninja! so much she even made another name on FF just so she could appease the evil MutantPlotbunnies! :3 either way, if you want to read some of KogasAngel's work please see her profile on Dokuga here.
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Last Edit: 2009/10/16 11:36 By sugar0o. Reason: :3
We all have our demons, I named mine r0o.
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Re:Author Interview: KogasAngel 15 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 3
That was a great interview r0o! KogasAngel is one of my favorite authors!
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sugar0o who lurks
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Re:Author Interview: KogasAngel 15 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 216
Yes! She rocks for putting up with me! and seriously if even 2 people go and read one of her fics that never knew her before then i think it was worth it :3 I love this site and its authors! this is gunna happen more often with other names so be on the look out! :3 thanks for taking the time to read this! -r0o
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We all have our demons, I named mine r0o.
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Re:Author Interview: KogasAngel 15 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 8
Excellent! I really liked your interview. That's a great idea actually, giving the best authors a little more recognition (Kogasangel is amung my favorite writers)
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sugar0o who lurks
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Re:Author Interview: KogasAngel 15 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 216
well we're going to be getting some lesser known authors too. But we figured KogasAngel was a good person to start with. She's well known, and yet still people are finding new stories of her's all the time. :3 i know i hadn't ever read "gift from the past" until it was about on chapter 6 and i was like and now i'm all like >:3 i pounces you! UPDATE! =x
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We all have our demons, I named mine r0o.
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Hoshi Phoenix
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Re:Author Interview: KogasAngel 15 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 8
Kogasangel is one of my favorite authors. I was reading her work when she was on A Single Spark. Glad that she's here now! This was a great idea to do this r0o!
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Last Edit: 2009/10/16 23:22 By Hoshi Phoenix.
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Sesshoumaru's Fiend
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Re:Author Interview: KogasAngel 15 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 5
This is a really good idea, sugar0o. It's always nice to get to know the authors on Dokuga. Personally, my all time favourite story by Kogasangel is Winds of Change. I have read it about 20 times - and that's no exaggeration. But it doesn't look like she has posted it on here yet.
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Re:Author Interview: KogasAngel 15 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 13
I shall read Kogasangel's stories... when I have time.

(Nods) That I should!
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Re:Author Interview: KogasAngel 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 32
That was a great idea! I really enjoyed that little bit of insight!
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Inu Guardian
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Re:Author Interview: KogasAngel 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 10
I will have to check out some of KogasAngel's works now. I'm always trying to find interesting stories while I'm waiting for my muse to kick in or waiting for other author's to update on their stories. Thank you for introducing me to some new stories, r0o-sama!
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Miss Kagura
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Re:Author Interview: KogasAngel 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 51
This was awesome!
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Special thanks to the Dokuga Reviewer's Guild for this signature!
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sugar0o who lurks
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Re:Author Interview: KogasAngel 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 216
I just wanted to let you know KA that i'm in the middle of making fanart for this interview :3 keep on the look out for it!
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We all have our demons, I named mine r0o.
On HHr Shipping
- Come to the DarkSide - We might be delusional but we have cookies. - apAidan
I claims Naraku`s pelt :3 KUKUKU!!
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