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A Quick Note from Mistress Sianna
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TOPIC: A Quick Note from Mistress Sianna
Mistress Sianna
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Re:A Quick Note from Mistress Sianna 14 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 26
MoxyMikki wrote:
... But none-the-less I get the struggle to stay motivated to one particular story. So I deffiantely dont think less or harshly for you feeling this way. I hope that you knew that from my other post, but I wanted to make that extra clear in case I wasn't clear on it earlier.

No, I completely got what you were saying! I think that it can sometimes be a mistake to start on a new story when you are still working on an existing one. My experience has been that I will often get more excited about the newer work and then have to push myself to finish the older one!

MoxyMikki wrote: Well I know it wasn't directed at me, but I just had to put my 2 cents in (because I'm nosey ) I love Naraku/Kagome pairings maybe you could do something thats a N/K/S pairing, and we wont get to find out until the end who she ends up with. It could be AU or Cannon. I also like Bank/K and Miroku/K.... so how weird am I that I like almost any pairing other than the cannon pairing? (I/K) hmmmm I'm a weirdo.

Anyhoo, where else do you write other than here and

I actually wrote one Naraku/Kag story (a really short one) and I have an older (not so well-written) Miroku/Kagome story too. I think the Nar/Kag one is pretty good though! If I come up with some inspiring ideas (plots) I'd probably do a one or two-shot of either of those parings. I really lack the motivation to write cannon parings. I'll read them from time to time, but writing them is probably out of the question.

As far as where else I post, I post on AFF, MediaMiner, FFN and here. Whatever you can't find here, will be on FFN, so the other sites I mentioned won't have anything more than that. I don't have a hidden stash of writings anywhere!
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Last Edit: 2010/09/07 20:32 By Lady Sianna.

Pfft! I was gonna stop procrastinating, but I never got around to it.
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Beat Cop
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Re:A Quick Note from Mistress Sianna 14 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 29
Mistress Sianna wrote:
I didn't say for sure that I wouldn't finish out RoS, I was just sharing with you all the fact that I've been less than enthused about working on it as of late. I'm thinking that I'll try to find the motivation to keep working on it, but if I decide that I just can't do it anymore, I'll probably go ahead and do the summary thing and then the final chapter.

I completely understand how you are feeling. I would have said more about that before, but I was trying to use my iPhone to reply and that was just miserable. But I get that way too, and I'm only writing one story at a time. Its sometimes hard to stay motivated especially if you are as avid a reader as I am... I read all these amazing fanfics and kinda feel like "why do i bother? nothing i write could EVER be THIS good!" and then I just absorb myself in other peoples fics. Maybe its just me that feels that way.... But none-the-less I get the struggle to stay motivated to one particular story. So I deffiantely dont think less or harshly for you feeling this way. I hope that you knew that from my other post, but I wanted to make that extra clear in case I wasn't clear on it earlier.

Feel free to toss a couple of ideas my way!

Well I know it wasn't directed at me, but I just had to put my 2 cents in (because I'm nosey ) I love Naraku/Kagome pairings maybe you could do something thats a N/K/S pairing, and we wont get to find out until the end who she ends up with. It could be AU or Cannon. I also like Bank/K and Miroku/K.... so how weird am I that I like almost any pairing other than the cannon pairing? (I/K) hmmmm I'm a weirdo.

Anyhoo, where else do you write other than here and
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Mistress Sianna
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Re:A Quick Note from Mistress Sianna 14 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 26
MoxyMikki wrote:
Please do not take offense because i'm a long time fan of ALL of your work. ROTS is by far the more interesting story in my opinion. I'm absolutely hooked on it! So naturally I'm heart broken to hear it won't be seen to it's planned completion.

No I'm not offended. I suspect a lot of people feel this way, especially if the hits and reviews are anything to go by. It's funny too, cause when I first started writing RoS, I was thinking that it would be a lot more popular than it turned out to be. Then when I started AP, thought it would do better than RoS, but it hasn't turned out to be all that popular either!

Oh well! I really like both stories so I guess that's all that matters!

ETA: I didn't say for sure that I wouldn't finish out RoS, I was just sharing with you all the fact that I've been less than enthused about working on it as of late. I'm thinking that I'll try to find the motivation to keep working on it, but if I decide that I just can't do it anymore, I'll probably go ahead and do the summary thing and then the final chapter.

sugar0o wrote:Silly Onna! of course we remember you! *pounces you* You'll come back to us when your ready! in the mean time maybe you should when you have time, try writing for another pairing, or perhaps an Xover. r0o would read your stuff. *especially liked your miro/kags on FF*

YUSH!! I gots pounced by da r0o!!*huggles* This Sianna lubs da r0o!!

And you're right! Maybe I should try writing another paring. It could very well rekindle my love of writing and give me a nice change of pace. Maybe pull me out of the rut!

Feel free to toss a couple of ideas my way!
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Last Edit: 2010/09/06 22:44 By Lady Sianna.

Pfft! I was gonna stop procrastinating, but I never got around to it.
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sugar0o who lurks
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Re:A Quick Note from Mistress Sianna 14 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 216
Mistress Sianna wrote:
Hello all! For those of you who know and or remember me, no I haven't fallen off the face of the planet! Silly Onna! of course we remember you! *pounces you* You'll come back to us when your ready! in the mean time maybe you should when you have time, try writing for another pairing, or perhaps an Xover. r0o would read your stuff. *especially liked your miro/kags on FF*
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We all have our demons, I named mine r0o.
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Beat Cop
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Re:A Quick Note from Mistress Sianna 14 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 29
Please do not take offense because i'm a long time fan of ALL of your work. ROTS is by far the more interesting story in my opinion. I'm absolutely hooked on it! So naturally I'm heart broken to hear it won't be seen to it's planned completion. That said, I'd prefer Any offered type of ending than no ending at all. I'm appreciative that u wouldn't just abandon it without some sort of conclusion being offered to your readers. (I wish more authors thouts to do this option) as for AP I'm more curious about where it will lead rather than hooked on it like ROTS but that may be because there hasn't been much going on with the evolution of the plot yet (it's still a young story even thouh it was started a while ago so that's why) but I'd like to see where that goes too. Just my 2 cents! Glad u are still around cuz I adore your stories!
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Mistress Sianna
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A Quick Note from Mistress Sianna 14 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 26
Hello all! For those of you who know and or remember me, no I haven't fallen off the face of the planet! And yes, I still love this fanfiction community! I have just been finding myself distracted with other things as of late.

Anyway, for those who care, I just wanted to give you a bit of an update as to what's going on with my stories. As of right now, I DEFINITELY plan on finishing "Absolution's Pursuit!" I've already written the epilogue for that one and really want to see it through.

On the other hand, I am finding myself increasingly less interested in working on "Remnants of the Spider." Really, I don't want to just abandon it or leave it incomplete, I simply have not been finding myself very motivated to work on it.

So, with that in mind, would you, (the people who had been reading it) want me to do like a summary of what was going to happen? If, IF I decide I really don't want to finish writing the whole thing, I would finish next chapter that I already started on, then do a detailed summary of what was going to happen next and then after that, I would do the last chapter by itself. So basically, I would finish the story in just three more chapters instead of the thirty or so I would write normally.

What do you guys think?
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Last Edit: 2010/09/06 11:02 By Lady Sianna.

Pfft! I was gonna stop procrastinating, but I never got around to it.
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