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A Debt to be Paid
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TOPIC: A Debt to be Paid
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A Debt to be Paid 13 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 9
So I'm sitting here looking at my story and feeling a bit... insecure. I really want to thank everyone who has supported me and my fanfiction, I'm truly honored and humbled by your generosity and support. However, I am a bit confused over my story and its acceptance from the community. I know a lot of people are sending me messages/reviews demanding/asking to know the outcome of the triangle between InuYashaxKagomexSesshoumaru and a few have hinted (or blatantly said) they are going to leave the story unless I clarify this.

I will not be making this a threesome. I will not let InuYasha win Kagome. It IS going to be a SesshoumaruxKagome story but it is, gosh-darnit, going to be as believable and well-thought out when it comes to the reality of their feelings as I can make it. I want to make something different. Kagome always falls for Sesshoumaru so easily and I don't want that. I hope those who read this agree with me.

I feel pressured to hurry the relationship/plot almost XD! Please bare with me everyone. I'm trying very hard and please be kind and remember this is my first fan fiction ;n;. If any one has any suggestions or issues reply here or review/pm me. I was VERY honored to be nominated for Best Sesshoumaru Portayal and won third place thanks to everyone.

If any one sees something not meshing (a characterization, a story twist etc etc..) please let me know. This story is for YOU. I write it and agonize over it for your enjoyment . I'm feeling insecure about Chapter 12 because it is now the chapter that has set the trail for the entire story and I don't know how people feel about it since not many people have responded and a few ppl are close to leaving because Kagome is so focused on InuYasha and think she's stupid XD. So pity me and let me know if you think this story is heading in the right direction!

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Last Edit: 2011/12/06 15:29 By ForgottenHero-Rinku.
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Re:A Debt to be Paid 13 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 3
You are a great writer and I for one enjoy your stories. Please don't let anyone get you down. You write your story the way you want to. I know how hard it is to write for fun and sometimes face harsh criticism. Do what you want with your story.

I can not wait for the next chapter.

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Last Edit: 2011/12/06 15:24 By Inuashley.
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Re:A Debt to be Paid 13 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 9
Don't listen to the people who are saying they're going to stop reading your fic if you don't write this, or this. It's your story. If they want to leave let them-it would be their loose not yours. I love your story like you said for being so real. If Kagome fell for Sesshouamru in lets say chapter 4 it would show her as a shallow person (at least it's mine opinion). I think with the slowly deveeloping feelings on both sides you're showing the true character's personality.
So continue working, and rest assured there are people out there who are both enjoying your skills and story without 'but'. I'm awaiting another chapter of this and your other stories
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Re:A Debt to be Paid 13 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 10
I really loved "A Debt to be Paid" when I started reading it and I love it now that you've taken it over. You are a really good writer and I've remained extremely interested in what happens in the story. My only complaint is that you don't update fast enough, but that's on me.

You shouldn't let anyone dictate to you how you want your story to go. It's your story and you're doing a really good job with it. If they stop reading, they stop reading. As was previously mentioned, it's their loss.

Keep up the good work!
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Time on my hands
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Re:A Debt to be Paid 13 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 3
Would you let someone tell you that you are doing a horrible job raising your children, then let them tell you how to do it? Of course you wouldn't. Who would? Your story is your baby. Raise it the way you want to. Personally, I think you are doing a great job. You don't love someone for three years and then just stop. No matter the circumstances. Feelings and loyalties linger long afterward. Accepting a new love takes time. You need to remember that you can't please everyone. So concentrate on pleasing yourself. If you lose a reader or two... oh well. If they have such a rigid image of what a story should be, then perhaps they should write their own.
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Beat Cop
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Re:A Debt to be Paid 13 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 29
Rinku, I'm a site admin and am currently the one modding the stories. (With the amazing help of Danyealle-sama, without whom I'd not be able to do HALF of what I do!)

If you have issues with any reviews please come to me ASAP. We want our writers to feel welcomed, wanted and secure here. Please let me know what I can do as an admin, to help.

Now to address the issue at hand: hunny, NEVER let anyone other than yourself deminish you. You are doing an AMAZING job with this story and its BECAUSE you have taken the time to carefully evolve the characters and the plot, that you are so good. Try to think of members urgings as their way of expressing their rapt attention and interest in your story. Ever watch a movie and get REALLY angry about how the plot is playing out, but find yourself rivited to the screen, none-the-less? Even if you HATE how a movie ends, its left you with a strong emotion. You goal as a writer shouldn't be to make your readers HAPPY but to inspire and provoke reactions, responces and emotion from them.

You're doing it right, so just stick with your guns.
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Freya Ishtar
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Re:A Debt to be Paid 13 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 39
I'm in agreement with Mikki. Usually, unless the reviewer in question is being ruthlessly mean and downright trying to verbally bully you into updating or making 'said plot outcome' clear (and, trust me on this one, I've had people threaten me with pointy objects to try to get updates or a hint of what's coming next) then it's more than likely that they're just venting their frustrations about not knowing what's going to happen in the story. But isn't that why they're reading the story in the first place? We read stories to see how they play out, to find out if our favorite characters get a happy ending, or if the characters we love to hate get their just desserts.

I understand the feeling of wanting to write something that is loved by its readers- I do, whenever I post a chapter I sit on pins and needles waiting for response because no matter how I felt about the writing I'm always thinking 'they're going to tell me this chapter was terrible'- but I've also come to accept that if I am not enjoying writing, then that will come through in the work and a reader can tell if your heart isn't in your writing. Ever read a book where you felt like it had no point? Like the author was writing it simply because they felt they had to? I have, and rather than being happy, or even understanding of the fact that the author was trying to please 'me' (as one of her readers) I felt seriously disappointed and ripped off.

Your story, your plot, your work are you own. I have always felt that a writer's (or any artist-type's) creative products are bits and pieces of their heart and soul, and that's true in this case as well. You may feel that you're writing and toiling to give the readers a great story- which is true, I don't think any of us that are serious about our stories on any level are really going 'Eh, everyone's going to hate this, but I'm throwing it up there anyway' or 'This is really a mediocre effort on my part, hope no one notices, let the positive feedback commence!'- but at the same time, you started writing because you had a story you wanted to share, didn't you? You had a tale that only you can tell.

So tell it your way and don't let anyone tell you it's not right just 'cause it's not going the way they want, or it's not getting 'there' fast enough. Let them vent, let them kvetch, but don't let them make you force your story points out faster than you feel is right for the tale you're crafting.
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Beat Cop
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Re:A Debt to be Paid 13 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 29
I couldn't have said it better myself Freya!
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Discontent Winter
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Re:A Debt to be Paid 13 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 23
I have a suggestion... To thine own self be true. It's my personal opinion that if you start pandering to the wants of every reader out there, the foundation you created for your story will be compromised and you'll be rewriting your entire plot every other chapter just to keep up.

Another thing to consider, a lot of people want instant gratification, myself often included. We want to get to the GOOD PARTS and we want to get to them NOW... Take the previous statement with a grain of salt, however. Instant gratification while great for the moment, is less satisfying in the long run. Build your story up, frustrate your readers just as the characters are getting frustrated. Build the relationship at a pace you envision as realistic for the scenario. Send your readers through a roller-coaster of emotions before you finally give them the prize. Throw some angst in for good measure. It will be more rewarding journey for both you and and your readers in the end.

As for the story itself... I don't think it's unreasonable for Kagome to be hung up on Inuyasha. If I was told my best friend/crush had to be killed for the greater good, I think I'd be be waffling between denial and devastation myself. I think if you had her forsake Inuyasha too easily, it would portray her character as shallow. Sesshoumaru's callous attitude towards Inuyasha's fate and Kagome's feelings hardly wins brownie points towards a lovey-dovey relationship either.

Now, some people may stop following your story, try not to worry about that too much. Others will still be reading it. You can't please everyone -- we're too diverse. Just focus on pleasing the people who like your story the way it is... the rest can find something better suited to them elsewhere (I'm betting they'll be right back with you reading your next chapter though).
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