So! I've been trolling around Dokuga for the last like six months after discovering it. I love this site it makes me squee! Sesshomaru and Kagome were always my favorite couple. I even have a Sesshomaru fuzzy blanket that often gets cuddled.
ANYWAY! I started writing fanfiction before I really should have, I was in middleschool and since then I've gone back to update stories to a more adult writing style but I never got any feedback so lost motivation to write them. D: My old stories are on media miner I haven't gotten around to really updating them and I started posting new ones here.
I started writing
Exception and I really like it so far so I'm really motivated to write it which is wonderful! Even after 1000 or so reads though I'm like well maybe people don't really like this story and I'm having doubts, I know I'm guilty of it too, reading and not reviewing, but it would make my heart do a joyflip if I could get some feedback on this story. Good or bad.
It is rated MA.