Just wanted to do a little promoting of my fic
Memories of a Boy...
It has a pretty good following here and on FF.net and dA, but I'd still like to make more people aware of it, as I tend to get great ideas from everyone's comments, questions and reviews
Memories of a Boy... is the story of how, 8 years before Kagome is pulled into the past, an 8 year old version of Sesshomaru actually comes through the well into modern day Japan. The story follows their childhood experiences and growing friendship during the year Sesshomaru spends with Kagome. Throughout the story, different chapters revisit the canon time-line, where we see older Sesshomaru and Kagome interacting as memories of a forgotten childhood surfaces, and their old friendship becomes something more.
Currently there are 13 chapters up, with a
Halloween Speshful chapter posted as a one-shot. MoaB is outlined to completion at 50 chapters as of now, with plans for a spin-off story about Sesshomaru's experiences with modern-day schooling,and another spin-off story about what happened when Sesshomaru got back to the Feudal Era.
Aaaand.... that's my spiel!

I hope this gives more people a chance to fall in love with these two, and I hope everyone enjoys my silly little tale! If you want to participate in the polls for this story, you can find a link to my dA account on my profile page. The current ones are regarding the name for one of the spin-off stories and then what I should dress child-Sessho up as for Halloween to accompany the Halloween Speshful story.
Okay... I'll go now