Sensitive Topic - NO YIM's 11 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 11
Hey all,
I recently wrote a companion piece to my oneshot Into the Ocean, and even though I've gotten a fair amount of reads for it, I've only gotten two reviews.
I'm fairly positive it's because of the subject matter (the consensual causing and receiving of pain for sexual gratification, also known as S&M), which is totally understandable, but I would still love it if a few more people could give Dreams in Which I'm Dying a read and a review, if they wouldn't mind the kink - the S&M is a plot-carrying bunny that's trying to work itself into an idea for a chapter story, so the feedback would be very much appreciated.
As I said, it is a companion piece, so while you don't necessarily have to read Into the Ocean first, I would recommend it to prevent confusion.
Anyway, both Into the Ocean and Dreams in Which I'm Dying are rated MA, so no YIM's, and hopefully I can get a little more feedback so that I can better provide my readers with something that they want to read as opposed to something that I want to write.
At any rate, whether you read it or not, thanks for taking the time to click this post! Feel free to ask questions as well, if you have them!

p.s. - While I'm plugging, I may as well invite everyone who hasn't to read The Twelfth Concubine, which is also here if you don't want to read the threesome edition. I've been lacking in motivation recently, so maybe a few new readers/reviewers would help kick my muse back into gear. Thanks!
p.p.s - the above story is also rated MA, so no underage readers, okay? Okay!
\"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those that mind don\'t matter and those that matter don\'t mind.\" - Dr. Seuss
~Aubrey Simone~
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Re:Sensitive Topic - NO YIM's 11 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 56
I would take a look, but I have a question first. I don't mind the s&m talk, but I am not for the 'questionable consent' or rape fics. Are these included in your stories? I have a tendency to avoid those stories if it appears to be drifting in that direction.
Let me know, Thanks!
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Re:Sensitive Topic - NO YIM's 11 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 11
KEdakumi wrote:
I would take a look, but I have a question first. I don't mind the s&m talk, but I am not for the 'questionable consent' or rape fics. Are these included in your stories? I have a tendency to avoid those stories if it appears to be drifting in that direction.
Let me know, Thanks!
Well thank you for asking!
As for the answer to your question, everything that happens in my fics is fully consensual. There is no dubious consent, unless you wouldn't like for there to be a moment where Kagome says no but doesn't actually mean it (that particular scenario happens in Dreams in which I'm Dying, but Sesshomaru gives Kagome the option to safeword and she doesn't, so everything is consensual).
Hopefully that answered your question, and thanks for agreeing to read the fic! I really appreciate it!
\"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those that mind don\'t matter and those that matter don\'t mind.\" - Dr. Seuss
~Aubrey Simone~
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Re:Sensitive Topic - NO YIM's 11 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 6
First off, let me start by saying that I love your writing. You have a beautiful style that really communicates to the reader and I have really enjoyed your work.
My taste in reading material ranges from fluff, vanilla romance, to yaoi and a certain amount of BDSM hetero and some threesomes. I love a good, rough love-making, or just rough sex, as long as it isn't rape.
But for me, I draw the line at unfaithful spouses. I don't care how 'sick' mentally the characters are, or if they have an 'open' relationship, this is a turn off for me. Into The Ocean, correct me if I am wrong, led me to believe that Kagome was having an affair with Bankotsu while her husband knows. I just couldn't get past it.
It wont stop me from reading your fics, but there might be some subjects that people have difficulty reading and may turn them away before they choose to review.
Just a thought.
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Re:Sensitive Topic - NO YIM's 11 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 60
I have noticed something similar with my friends and my own lemony chapters that though readers ask and/or demand for lemony goodness we all know and love, readers don't hardly review on them. I at least take heart that I have many readers and I have yet to be told my lemons are no good or that their is an issue. Obviously you are doing great with yours since no one has claimed to be disappointed.
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Re:Sensitive Topic - NO YIM's 11 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 11
Aquarian1 wrote:
First off, let me start by saying that I love your writing. You have a beautiful style that really communicates to the reader and I have really enjoyed your work.
My taste in reading material ranges from fluff, vanilla romance, to yaoi and a certain amount of BDSM hetero and some threesomes. I love a good, rough love-making, or just rough sex, as long as it isn't rape.
But for me, I draw the line at unfaithful spouses. I don't care how 'sick' mentally the characters are, or if they have an 'open' relationship, this is a turn off for me. Into The Ocean, correct me if I am wrong, led me to believe that Kagome was having an affair with Bankotsu while her husband knows. I just couldn't get past it.
It wont stop me from reading your fics, but there might be some subjects that people have difficulty reading and may turn them away before they choose to review.
Just a thought.
Thank you for your honest response (and the compliment - you truly flatter me)!
As for the unfaithful spouse bit, I totally agree - sometimes it's a bit much to read things that have to do with real life problems instead of the fluffy romance stuff (not as an insult to your reading preferences, you understand). The whole reason I wrote Into the Ocean was because I'm sort of tired of Kagome being portrayed as the "perfect" female in regards to her relationship with Sesshomaru. I haven't seen much in the way of authors making Kagome "impure", so to speak, by cheating, but since I haven't gone around searching specifically for those types of fics, I can't say that they aren't out there.
In Into the Ocean, Sesshomaru doesn't actually find out - to Kagome's knowledge - that she's cheating until the night that the story takes place. Dreams in Which I'm Dying is in Sesshomaru's point-of-view, and readers find out a bit more in that piece, but in ItO, it's implied that he finds out that night.
Of course, as I said, it's perfectly understandable that you didn't want to read it because of the adultery, but sometimes life is hard, and relationships are hard, and I wanted to show that side of their marriage without sugarcoating anything. (shrug)
Anyway, thanks again for the honest response! I'll keep your suggestion in mind, and try to be a bit more selective in what I write about!
p.s. - if you like BDSM, and would like to read more of my work, may I suggest Bare (Rated MA, NO YIM's) if you haven't read it already? It was my first posting of BDSM ever, and I would love to know what you think of it, if it pleases you.
BelovedStranger wrote:
I have noticed something similar with my friends and my own lemony chapters that though readers ask and/or demand for lemony goodness we all know and love, readers don't hardly review on them. I at least take heart that I have many readers and I have yet to be told my lemons are no good or that their is an issue. Obviously you are doing great with yours since no one has claimed to be disappointed.
You make a very valid point! Lol I'm definitely glad that I'm not getting flames or anything (I've never gotten an outright flame, though I have been offended by a review before) and your optimistic view makes me feel much better!

\"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those that mind don\'t matter and those that matter don\'t mind.\" - Dr. Seuss
~Aubrey Simone~
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Re:Sensitive Topic - NO YIM's 11 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 60
You make a very valid point! Lol I'm definitely glad that I'm not getting flames or anything (I've never gotten an outright flame, though I have been offended by a review before) and your optimistic view makes me feel much better!
I'm glad you can take heart from my words. Keep up the lemony goodness!
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Re:Sensitive Topic - NO YIM's 11 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 279
Just so everyone knows, flames are NOT permitted on this site. If any author receives what they consider to be a flame, please, PLEASE bring it to an Administrator!!! We want constructive, well-considered reviews... flames do nothing to help.

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" - James Russell Lowell 1864
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