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Art Supply Heaven or Hell....
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TOPIC: Art Supply Heaven or Hell....
sugar0o who lurks
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Art Supply Heaven or Hell.... 12 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 216
So, I'm going to tell you the story of the last 2 - 3 hours of my life, it's kinda a lesson and more then likely a tiny bit amusing but, in the end there's a moral!

SO. about 3 pm today i was on DA and looking over copic marker tutorials, seeing if there was anything new, anything i could learn, I've got a lot of copics and rarely get the time to use them so i got all in the mood to make copic arts!

I think as an artist i've grown, maybe not in style, but in my boldness with what i'm willing to try, vs what i'm scared of. I came to the conclusion a while ago, that with traditional art, i cant learn and grow unless i stumble and fail from time to time, so I'm game to try it a few times before i give up or keep going...

All that being said, i got out the first bit of smooth bristol i could find, and chopped that 9"x12" sheet into a half, then one of the halves into 1/4 that size, while i might be bold to try things, paper is expensive, (and at that moment i didn't think i had a lot considering it was the last sheet.... more on that LATAH...)

So i made my art, and thought (tis is where that bold comes in) Last time i did any copic stuff i was still lining the work with black liners. i was all D: at the idea this time, b/c i really REALLY wanted to use purples or sepia's SO i'm all... " I'm pretty sure i got a purple liner around here some`ere..." Thus started my 2 hour and 30 hunt into the world of r0o's vast art supplies.

@_@ HO-LEE FUDGE.....

okay so i have a 6 foot shelf that is stuffed with all my art stuff, it's really messy... well IT WAS really messy, i decided to find that darn liner, and in the process started to clean said shelf. about 20 minutes into it, i realized this wasn't going to be an easy task so i turned on some music, all MA and i wont link it, but some dancing and a few hours later, and i have only touched maybe half of all my art stuff...

i have (givertake):
    7 - 9 erasers
    4 different sized/shaped pencil sharpeners
    6 pencil cases (yanno those $1 ones you get at back to school time) FULL of pens, pencils, liners, markers (like bic's/sharpies)
    ~14 books of bristol or watercolor, or sketch pads
    2 reams of white computer paper (which i plan to use for various doujinshi that have smacked me in the head over the last year)
    1 unused set of 18 count watercolor in tubes
    2 prang water color sets
    somewhere around 30 red teachers checking pencils, all unused (love those btw)
    6 - 8 randomly sized jars that i use for inks and or paints
    4 bottles of random as can be paint, brown, green, teal, and white... NO IDEA.... O_O
    Various sheets of colored cardstock
    3 boxes of Xmas cards i bought last year for this year (doing that next weekend now that i know where it is!)
    7 - 9 bottles of random ink colors that i use mostly for detailed work once finished or lining before starting.
    4 small canvas' though i think i knew those were tucked in there...
    1 portable DVD player that belongs to my X... who i haven't seen in 3 years and lives in another state
    1 random bag FULL of used acrylic paints and brushes that was gifted to me by my X's dad who said a mural painter left them at a house he was painting, and the home owner was just going to toss them, he knew i arted so free stuff! @_@ WTF....
    and even though i DID know this was there, i didn't remember exactly what was in it, but same X's dad gave me randomly awesome oil paint briefcase... has 50+ oil paints, color pencils, other stuff.... i don't use oil though it's too expensive and clean up is a BI**H
so... now, most of the shelf is clean, i danced enough to work up a sweat, realized i had even MORE copics then i thought i did, as I'm now spilling into a 5th case that holds 36 count, STILL didnt find the purple liner...

*sad face*

the moral and my recommendation to all you artist out there:
as it is, i don't think i'll need to buy art supplies for like 18 months givertake my productivity @_@
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Last Edit: 2012/09/18 17:51 By sugar0o.
We all have our demons, I named mine r0o.
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Knight of Disorder
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Re:Art Supply Heaven or Hell.... 12 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 76
I didn't know what a Copic marker was until about five minutes ago. Turns out my cousin has one of the giant totes... you know those plastic bins with the latched lid, full of them. I knew I'd heard the name somewhere before.

At least you get to save a little money... that's good.
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Time Traveler
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Re:Art Supply Heaven or Hell.... 12 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 156
Well, at least you made me giggle, r0o! All of a sudden I'm so glad that I'm merely a humble writer and can happily survive with a single mechanical pencil and a couple of notebooks...

Good luck on your epic quest for the purple liner!
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sugar0o who lurks
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Re:Art Supply Heaven or Hell.... 12 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 216
Knight of Disorder wrote:
I didn't know what a Copic marker was until about five minutes ago. Turns out my cousin has one of the giant totes... you know those plastic bins with the latched lid, full of them. I knew I'd heard the name somewhere before.
At least you get to save a little money... that's good.

Copics are LOVE! i have... at last count 144, but i'm sure i'm grossly off by 12 - 20 atm on the + side!

Chie wrote:
Well, at least you made me giggle, r0o! All of a sudden I'm so glad that I'm merely a humble writer and can happily survive with a single mechanical pencil and a couple of notebooks...

Good luck on your epic quest for the purple liner!
Still havent found that lil bugger it's holding up the arts! I'm gunna end up breaking out the inkwell b/c it's the only other purple i have *pouts*
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Last Edit: 2012/09/18 19:09 By sugar0o.
We all have our demons, I named mine r0o.
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Re:Art Supply Heaven or Hell.... 12 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 56
That sounds like my scrapbooking/art room. I'm afraid to take a true inventory of what I have doubles and triples of. You think they make an 'anonymous' group for this?
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sugar0o who lurks
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Re:Art Supply Heaven or Hell.... 12 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 216
you SHOULD do it! I'm not even done! i just have about 60% of my art shelf done. I'll take a pic when i'm done maybe @_@ but it's put me in this... lets make arts! mood so i'm unwilling to go against it!

on a side note, i need more M&Ms
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We all have our demons, I named mine r0o.
On HHr Shipping
- Come to the DarkSide - We might be delusional but we have cookies. - apAidan
I claims Naraku`s pelt :3 KUKUKU!!
r0o`s Challenge`s: GenderBender~Always Open.....Completing your Holiday Fic Challenge.....GM Challenge: OPEN!.....
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Time Traveler
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Re:Art Supply Heaven or Hell.... 12 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 57
Hell, definitely hell, on the plus side I always know where I keep my erasers, and my pencils, in one nice convenient place, or rather, two places. Dedicated art-drawers crammed full of paints, paper, pastels, coloured pencils, pens, erasers, sharpeners, ink, brushes, a ceramic paint-palette, and just about everything that an average person needs to art. Yeah, I've used what less than 0.5 of a % of that stuff in the past five years? My empty sketchbooks are between 2 and 10 years old. Compulsive hoarder, but, atleast I capitalized when the prices were relatively cheap, and you wouldn't believe how hard it is to get an actual ceramic paint palette for acrylics! It's nearly impossible! Plastic ones stain!

Sure I've never used it before and the palette's close to four years old, but at least I have one.

~ Pyre
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sugar0o who lurks
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Re:Art Supply Heaven or Hell.... 12 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 216
well i ended up getting the ink well out, posted the art alreayd too. as for a ceramic palet, have you considered jsut going to a store and buying a plate? i used an old deviled egg dish for a LONG time when i was in my own apartment, i havent gotten that box out since i moved, cause i'm scared momma will freak out. but it's worth it if you like that.

Hobbylobby used to carry a small one, and so does dick blick, try looking in the Chinese ink area.
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We all have our demons, I named mine r0o.
On HHr Shipping
- Come to the DarkSide - We might be delusional but we have cookies. - apAidan
I claims Naraku`s pelt :3 KUKUKU!!
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Re:Art Supply Heaven or Hell.... 12 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 57
The ceramic palette was $2 so I bought it XD. You can't do better than that it may actually have been some kind of serving dish I dunno. It's just thick, heavy, and perfectly non-breakable.

Plates >.> I did consider but Pyre likes to drop things and plates are thin and breakable, plus I'd probably put a sandwich on it or think the paint was dipping sauce.

Yeah it's tough trying to break out of habitual patterns like that.

~ Pyre
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Shikon Miko
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Re:Art Supply Heaven or Hell.... 12 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 60
I do sketch as a hobby, but damn, I don't have nearly that much art supplies. I mostly go after art pencils and a sketch book. Sometimes black sharp point pens. I guess it's just because I don't make art as much as you do. I love to write as well! You show show me some of your art work sometime. I love to admire another's work!
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InuLuna of The Moon
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Re:Art Supply Heaven or Hell.... 11 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 2
Oh my gosh... I've done that before. -giggles- That's MY bedroom! I have,

-like 100 books (Educational, fiction, and nonfiction) on.... um I think 6 book shelf’s. 4 kinda small/regular sized ones 3, 31/2 to 4ft tall. (one is on top of my desk), and two large ones almost 4 1/2 to 5ft tall.
-a computer desk
-all sorts of computer games and programs. One of them is a house designer program! *it was a gift. (at least 2 small boxes worth or one medium.)
-of course my computer, monitor, mouse, and a mini dual set of speakers for sound.
-little tv to the left of my bed on a one of two big metal shelf’s (the other shelf has my clothes and spare blankets on it)
-a printer (pretty much the size of my computer)
-two or three medium sized boxes of art (water color, regular paint bottles, brushes, ect.)
-empty containers of colored pencils, non colored pencils, markers, erasers, a small portable pencil sharpener, ect.
(I also make beady buddies and/or fix necklaces or make them)
-so I have probably 4 to 5 smaller cases of beads, wire, or string. (Not including several large boxes in the garage. I can knit to and have at least another medium box or two of yarn, knitting needles, ect.)
-a box worth of tapes. The old kinds that you can only play on some of the older model portable cd players.
-at least two lamps
-camping and fishing gear
-tools to fix anything that can brake or if I need to hang picture frames. Even some wood repairing supplies.
-5 gallon fish tank by my door with three goldfish and some Endler’s livebearers.
-a bamboo plant, and one other. (did you know you would have to have at least 5 to 10 plants in every room just to have cleaner air?)
-my dog with her dish, water dish, and a small bag of dog food.
-coat wrack
-2 boards for clipping paper on to draw ect. Including the paper.
and a few other things.

It al fits and it feels like I'm in a cabin. Quite organized to. Very comfortable.

Though if I could I would easily put my books and book shelves in my own computer room. The fish tank in the living room and shuffle a few things around. Well I'm pressed into a 9 1/2 or 10 by 13ft room with a closet that’s 1 1/2 to 2ft deep/back. It's all in my room because... every time I leave something out I'm normally criticized or asked/yelled at to get it out. So frustrating if I own something. -shrugs- 21 year old who is living with her older sister and her older sisters boyfriend (that I don't get along with at all. He's like a bully.). Used to be just my mom and I which I couldn't even leave my shoes in the living room without being scolded or told off. All well, gotten used to it. Can't wait for my leg to be strong enough to get a job again! Then I can get my own place that I can consider home.

Sweet peace! -sighs-
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Re:Art Supply Heaven or Hell.... 11 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 0
So much art supplies *u* definitely heaven

I can barely even give an estimate of how many supplies I have since they're scattered between my dorm room and my room back home.

Though one day I was cleaning out my desk at home and found an entire unopened ream of 12 field pre-punched animation paper! I was so happy that day. It put my total up to about 3 1/2 reams of paper. I just need to make a capture station for after I graduate so all of it doesn't go to waste.
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Re:Art Supply Heaven or Hell.... 11 Years ago Karma: 23
Hah! This pales in comparison to my art cabinet, drafting table, and closet!
In my defense, I took a lot of art classes for my major.
Let's see, off the top of my head I have
Resin mixes
Sketch pads out the wazoo
Pencils both graphite and colored
Oil paint
Acrylic paint
Water colors
More brushes
Couple o canvases
Fancy printer paper. Like real fancy. Like sixty bucks for twenty sheets fancy. For my photography
Gator board
Cutting tools of various types
Printmaking tools of various types
Silicone ice molds
And god knows what else.

Oh, and enough yarn to open up my own store.
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DN Silence
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Re:Art Supply Heaven or Hell.... 11 Years ago Karma: 12
*Burst into tears*

Beside my cosplay stuff, all I have is my ......m... my.... my Wacom Bamboo

EDIT: .... continuing on a conversation started more than a year ago *sigh*
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Last Edit: 2014/02/27 03:38 By DN Silence.
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Time Traveler
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Re:Art Supply Heaven or Hell.... 11 Years ago Karma: 57
LOL Atleast you have cosplay stuff and a wacom tablet! XD! Pyre is so jealous! That's like cooler that multiplying tubes of acrylic paints and suspiciously unpainted canvases. I swear I have art-gremlins!

~ Pyre
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Re:Art Supply Heaven or Hell.... 11 Years ago Karma: 23
Well, all the topics here are from 2013, so don't feel bad.
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