The Seasons Challenge
Members who wish to meet this challenge will complete four fics/pics, based on these themes: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. This is
for both authors and artists. Authors: You can tell a multi-chaptered story or simply do a series of unrelated drabbles and oneshots. Artists: pieces can range from sketches to fully-rendered masterpieces. Just don't forget... titles help the bannermaker. ::wink:: Here is a preview of what the four banners look like when put together:
fanart by Youkai Yume - banners by Priestess Skye
Here are a few quick details:
- fanfiction must be at least 100 words in length.
- you can complete the prompts in any order.
- the prompts are subject to interpretation. Be creative.
- you'll need to post your installments to
dokuga_contest in order to play along. Join us!
- For all the challenge details,
follow this link to dokuga_contest.
These ongoing challenges have no deadlines. Complete them at your leisure.