hi again! need help finding another story. For the life of me I cannot remember the title but I definitely know the description. Sesshomaru finds kagome broken and learns that she destroyed naraku after her friends were are all killed. she blames herself and deems herself worthless. sesshomaru kind of torturers her for answers but she doesn't respond in pain just numbness which annoys him. (that's sesshomaru) The story gets fuzzy there but I do know where ever kagome's blood falls flowers grow from the purity and that sesshomaru revives the group. Other than that I can't remember and I also would like to thank the large group of people who helped me on my last search. I didn't see the answer until a year later when I found out how to post something on the form again so I never replied but I did find the story so thank you all. Now I got to try to fight myself to write my first story. Really want to but too scared.