Looking for Kag/Sess/Inu crackfic 16 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 0
I hope this is still a valid fic since it has Kag/Sess.
I swear that somewhere I had read a crackfic in which everyone wished on the Shikon no Tama, and Inuyasha ended up as a female youkai, and I think Kagome was also turned Inu-youkai, and Sesshoumaru, needing female Inus to mate with, took them both and they had kids.
Anyone know where I might find this amusing piece of work? XD
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Re:Looking for Kag/Sess/Inu crackfic 16 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 51
I remember reading that on AFF.net, but I can't remember the title to save my life. Now that you've reminded me, I too wish to reread the story!
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Re:Looking for Kag/Sess/Inu crackfic 16 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 19
i remeber my cousin telling me about this fic...i'll ask her when i see her next to tell me if she remembers the title!!!
And my wonderful Icon was made by the equally wonderful Danyealle Myst
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Re:Looking for Kag/Sess/Inu crackfic 16 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 0
Miss Kagura wrote:
I remember reading that on AFF.net, but I can't remember the title to save my life. Now that you've reminded me, I too wish to reread the story!
Of course it's on AFF.net, where they have no favorites. Because I'm positive I would have faved it if I could have. -_-
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Last Edit: 2012/02/21 11:45 By MoxyMikki.
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Re:Looking for Kag/Sess/Inu crackfic 16 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 3
Ah, brotherly Love... Good times, good times.
Baka wa shinanakya naoranai.
Unless an idiot dies, he won\\\\\\\'t be cured.
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