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You're favorite...
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TOPIC: You're favorite...
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You're favorite... 9 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 0
I do not commonly write Kagome as a human in my fan fictions, opting for her being demon. But, I am currently writing a story about Kagome as a human and I became curious about what others think about her baring full blooded demon children. I have already written my reasoning for my story, but I still remain intrigued as to what others think.

I guess what my question is, what is the most interesting explanation you have found as to why a human Kagome could bare full blooded demon children/pups?
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Re:You're favorite... 9 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 4
I've read a few different stories about that Love to read yours when its done

So far Kagome had full blood demon pups for a few reasons:

- She has a high amount of power or miko's of high strength can have demon pups
- Kagome was able to carry demon pups because she carried the shikon no tama
- Kagome goes into heat like a demoness would
- Youkai find out some humans can have full demon pup's
- Kagome is mated at a certain time
- There is a witch or dark miko involved somehow

There are some more reasons too, but in all the best ones there is a good explanation which links in to either Kagome's past or events.

Hope this helps I'll keep an eye out for the story
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Time Traveler
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Re:You're favorite... 9 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 57
Probably the most direct route I've seen is Shippo wishing on the Shikon that she was a demon, or Inuyasha wishing her a hanyou, thus the demonic-thing magical change.

I can't really see it any other way, since for example, if Kagome bears the Shikon inside of her body, it's probably her holy powers, innocence, and humanity that kept it from being corrupted in the first place before it was torn out by Mistress Centipede.

I see her humanity and being a Miko, or rather a Miko in training to be an issue with all sorts of difficulties.

I'm not always satisfied when the Yin and Yang theme of Purity and Corruption in the Inuyasha-verse is ignored by authors, especially when Kagome is bearing youkai pups.

It just makes it too damned easy, without her suffering somehow.

Also I remember someone, maybe Walter, not sure suggesting that Kagome bearing full human kids, on the reverse instead of full youkai.

Now that'd be interesting, especially if Sesshy went through the crazy scenario of helping make Kagome able to gave youkai pups, but maybe they came out human and immortal with like fuzzy shape-change lycanthropy.


That'd serve him right for messing with magic!


I think I'll take a leaf out of this book and just write a version of Kagome being turned into a youkai myself.

Wait... done.

Now for a continuance.

Maybe later XD.

Now that's a twist on this idea. XD

~ Pyre
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Last Edit: 2015/08/11 02:26 By Pyre.
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