Ok, I know cheesy but oh well. Here’s my next attempt at a challenge. Obviously it is going to be a Sess/Kag story but crossed over into the Twilight world. It can be anything you like, action, romance both, whatever. I know I leave it pretty open ended but hey, I just have the ideas, you guys do the work…
Rating: M (preferable but not mandatory)
2 Karma to first response
1 Karma for all participants
1 extra Karma for incorporating Koga (come on, this is easy)
Ok, as I’ve stated before these challenges arise from ideas I get for stories, just lack the ability to actually write them. And since I get little response to my challenges I guess its cuz they only make sense to me so I figured I’d give you guys some jump off points (you don’t have to use these, just trying to help get the creative juices flowing).
1. Kags and Bella are pen pals from way back when and one goes to visit the other and find that they have a similar situation.
2. The Cullens know the Taishos and go to visit with the new extended family and find that sess is going thru something similar to what Edward went thru with bells.
Well that’s it. Good luck and Happy Writing.