Inuyasha fanart banned?! 13 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 27
Have you guys heard about this? It's all over DA!
more info
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Re:Inuyasha fanart banned?! 13 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 55
oh wow... that seems... drastic
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Re:Inuyasha fanart banned?! 13 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 10
That is quite drastic. But the real question is: How long will it last? And does it effects International Countries or just in Japan? It's a touchy subject, and I wonder what the mods will say to this 
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Re:Inuyasha fanart banned?! 13 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 27
Its hard to know how much of this is real or just some post that has whirlwind it's way threw the fanbase on the internets. I hope to all that I love that this will in NO WAY effect Dokuga. I would miss my lovely doujins, fanart, and fanfics. I spend every day here.
Of course this article was published in March and if they where really serious they would have already had fanfiction and DA take down the fanart by now. It would be sad because with over 98k stories Inuyasha is the biggest fandom on FFN.
Last Edit: 2011/04/10 13:49 By Avadrea.
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Re:Inuyasha fanart banned?! 13 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 10
I agree Drea love, I know some of the Japanese companies have bans against use of Anime for Fan parody bases on Youtube. But for fanart? I've never heard of unless the author, or company specifically asks for a website like fanfiction.net, or Mediaminer to not allow that fandom. But a large supply of popular anime bans against fanart? I have never seen. At least that I've never found any.
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Re:Inuyasha fanart banned?! 13 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 26
That stinks.. and I hope it's not true- or at least the rules are not so drastic.
Also, I find it hard to believe that it's actually true since I followed the top link on that journal to the 'repost' on the English site.. it's got mostly porn ads across the sides and well.. everywhere.
Please no YIMs go to that site, it's ridiculous. I barely could keep my eyes on the post because I was trying to keep my EYES closed to prevent mental scarring. I also have to wonder how many viruses are chilling on that page.
I am the Master Procrastinator of Dokuga, and I wield a mighty game controller!
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Re:Inuyasha fanart banned?! 13 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 2
Yeah that site was Kinda gross. any who they so cannot ban fanart it just sound redonkulous to do so. i mean how would ppl who have no imagination like my bro b able to wrap there minds around some stories without it?
the thin line between love and hate is called Passionate Obsession
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Re:Inuyasha fanart banned?! 13 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 7
I have to say I agree with Fox. I find it highly unlikely that they would suddenly put this sort of rule into effect. I also find it highly impractical and nearly impossible for them to actually be able to make everyone on the internet stop making and posting fan art. Even if it is true it's like when companies don't want copyrighted videos to be posted on Youtube. People will just find a way around it.
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Re:Inuyasha fanart banned?! 13 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 52
Timing's a little suspicious on this. I wonder if it's an April Fool's Day joke that came out too early?
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Re:Inuyasha fanart banned?! 13 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 10
Its plausible Walter 
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Re:Inuyasha fanart banned?! 13 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 18
This is directly from the Shogakukan website. www.shogakukan.co.jp/picture
Shogakukan is prohibiting using our publication for the following acts without permission on the Internet and Intranet.
* Publish the whole or parts of images such as the binding of the publication and opening wide.
* Publish the whole or parts of the content and contents etc. of the publication.
* Publish the novel etc. produced based on the summary and the publication of the publication.
* Publish the whole or parts of the image and the photograph etc. of the character.
* Publish the self-made picture of the character (illustration parody etc.).
* Process the publication and the character (The self-made picture is included) to free software, the icon, and the wallpaper, etc. and publish.
* Reprint the whole or a part of the content of the Shogakukan homepage (image and data source).
The above-mentioned act is not related to, [ni] depending on the purpose of the profit-pursuing non-profit-making and becomes the infringement of right of the copyright etc.
Please note that legal measures might be taken to.
* Please inquire of each editorial department when you reprint the publication and the net contents of the Shogakukan issue. Details are here.
There are pdf files after all this, they are in japanese like the rest of the site but if you would like to see them shoot me a pm and I will send them. They are too long to post in the forum.
Last Edit: 2011/04/10 15:24 By creature of shadow.
Made by the wonderful r0o
made by the fabulous Fox
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Re:Inuyasha fanart banned?! 13 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 27
the wording is hard to understand. Are they saying to noprofit is ok?
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Re:Inuyasha fanart banned?! 13 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 27
Sorry all I didn't notice the inappropriate content cuase I was just reading the DA blog I didn't click the link the provided. So yeah Yims don't link out of DA
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Re:Inuyasha fanart banned?! 13 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 18
I think its saying that none of it is ok, since self made art is under the prohibitions list. The translation came from an online program, so things like that sentence can get jumbled. But being as the self made stuff is against the new rules it seems that non profit is banned too. That's just my take though.
Last Edit: 2011/04/10 18:31 By creature of shadow.
Made by the wonderful r0o
made by the fabulous Fox
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Re:Inuyasha fanart banned?! 13 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 10
That sucks. I just hope it won't effect Dokuga in anyway. 
banner made by me! Art was commissioned by me and done by Electrikfeather on deviantart.
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Re:Inuyasha fanart banned?! 13 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 16
In cases like this, it is best to wait and see if they release companion statements. They usually do-- or release THEIR OWN English versions. Things are lost in translation A LOT.
On that note-- this shouldn't be a shock either. People are making money off the intellectual property of others and do not share royalties. Why do you think Disney is constantly shutting down people/ places that use their works in unauthorized ways?
To some of you this might seem extreme, but a company/ artist/ whatever has the legal right to protect their intellectual property. I know people who have more or less paid their way through college by drawing fan art and selling it. (Prints, commissions, etc) And before the argument comes up, NO. This DOES NOT fall under FAIR USE. If you make money selling pictures of Inuyasha, then technically you are violating copyright law. Even dA has a policy against it (although they don't enforce it.) The Doujinshi argument can be made-- but so can the "I changed my mind" argument on behalf of the studio/ artist.
And YES, I do fan art myself. This sucks, but I am willing to abide by what the studio/ artist wants. For now, I am waiting for an English statement to be released. If one is released BY said company, then I will be more than happy to remove all my fan art pertaining to their licenses.
I get the feeling that it'll become a "As long as you aren't making money off this" issue.
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Re:Inuyasha fanart banned?! 13 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 18
I agree some stuff is lost in the translation, but I don't know if it's enough missing to change all that much. Again this is just my opinion. Maybe they will put out an English version, maybe they won't. I saw maybe 3 English words on their website. I suppose we will just have to wait and see. Has anyone heard of real actions being taken against fan sites?
Last Edit: 2011/04/10 17:00 By creature of shadow.
Made by the wonderful r0o
made by the fabulous Fox
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Re:Inuyasha fanart banned?! 13 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 10
No this is the first time I've heard of this other than for youtube videos
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Re:Inuyasha fanart banned?! 13 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 216
okay, r0o's 2 cents.
1. i think at the moment this is just like that whole redbot scare on FFN where it was taking down fics. while it might be true, i dont know how far it could actually go.
2. before anyone starts hyperventilating, i think we should all just wait for the english version to come out and see where its going.
As Terri said, it's not really too shocking that they would want to do this, even if its not an April fools joke. Right now Japan is hurting with all thats going on there, money wise as well, I can imagine that they are trying to stop anyone else from taking any money that they should rightfully be getting b/c of all the stuff that's happening there. Economically, a large part of their country has pretty much shut down, and so any money being pinched from here and there they probably want to stop.
Thing is that, it'll be hard for them to force people to stop, even if they authors and lawyers get most of it pulled down, like Blue said, people will find a way around it.
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Re:Inuyasha fanart banned?! 13 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 10
I agree that people who are making fanart shouldn't sell it. Because that does go against copyright. After all it is fanart.
banner made by me! Art was commissioned by me and done by Electrikfeather on deviantart.
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Re:Inuyasha fanart banned?! 13 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 5
i believe this really is more of a money thing...
fanart and fanfiction in and of itself is supposed to be showing love for the original creation.. because obviously you have to enjoy it enough to want to write fanfiction or draw fanart.
what i think the problem is, is that there are people out there who are selling stuff like commishes based on Inuyasha characters.. which even if they disclaim ownership of the character, they are still making money from it... and if they make money from someone else's character, then the owner of said character deserves a cut.
in the end, if they are trying to ban all that stuff, it would take forever to really shut every place that has the fanart or fanfiction down... and would really be a waste of time, because we all know that when one place gets shut down or stops allowing the posting of those anime's... then all that is going to happen is another one is going to pop up in it's place.
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Re:Inuyasha fanart banned?! 13 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: -666
In all likelihood, nothing is going to happen any time soon. Dokuga is non-profit and credit to the intellectual property that's borrowed is always given. I think what they're trying to curb are sites and businesses that use their intellectual property for money.
So be patient and wait. Dokuga isn't going anywhere for a while.
I reject your reality and substitute it with my own.
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Re:Inuyasha fanart banned?! 13 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 18
From a different, probably more reliable translation, it's not saying no fan stuff, it's saying don't steal from their site, manga and sell what they made and things like that. Pretty much all stuff we already knew. Don't claim what is theirs, don't make money off what belongs to them.
To see for yourself, copy this link,
then go to yahoo.com, post the link in the search bar and hit enter. When the one link comes up, because there should only be one, click the translate button. That will bring you to the site, only it will be in English this time. From seeing this, to me it doesn't seem like we have anything to worry about.
Last Edit: 2011/04/10 18:05 By creature of shadow.
Made by the wonderful r0o
made by the fabulous Fox
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Re:Inuyasha fanart banned?! 13 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 27
I agree. Until we see places like DA or FFN getting cease and desist orders I don't think we have anything to worry about. Even than they are profit based companies who make money off of advertisements. I was just wondering if others had heard about this and/or had more information. I didn't mean to cause any panic.
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Re:Inuyasha fanart banned?! 13 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 6
I agree with Shivae. This isn't gonna work, and I also agree with Lady. If anything, the legal rights probrably won't go international, seeing as it would be too bug a bite to chew, but what gets me is the police taking action when there is no complaint. I think we had everything just fine before. Yeah, I hate tracers too, I always draw my own stuff, never steal from other peoples unless they tell me it's okay (like coloring shrii's linearts) I don't think Japan's trying to kill off the fandoms more than control them to a certain degree.Everyone is still panicking in Japan, from loosing so much stuff. I hope they recover soon so that this legal issue is resolved quickly and peacefully.
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