Single Use Only- Drabble Forum Game 10 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 55
Single-Use Only
Drabble Forum Game
Hey Shippers! So, I got this Forum Game idea and want to try it out.
Like to hear it? Here it go...
^^^i will bestow karma if you understand this reference^^^
Purpose of this game is to get you writing, even if you are not a writer.
Hear me out.
The person above you supplies the prompt. You respond with a stand alone drabble (100 words, no more no less) that includes the prompt in some way, just like any other DDN or related type thing.
As the game title suggests, prompts are single-use only. Once the prompt has been used, it's out. The drabbles you post in the games are single-use as well. That's the challenge. If more than one person posts, because sometimes things gets screwy, the FIRST ONE is the prompt to continue with.
disclaimer: game maker is not responsible for any plunnies that ensue from participating in above mentioned challenge; through reading, writing, or stalking forum game. fangirl feels and plot bunnies are considered dangerous and only are to be approached with extreme caution and good wifi signal.
Please keep Dokuga's rules in mind when posting drabbles and prompts, i.e. ratings and general niceties.
I thought it would be fun to keep those writing minds fresh and active, as well as give some people who might be blocked a small outlet. Getting your minds off a project for a smaller one sometimes clears the blockage.
Sound like fun? Okay? Tolerable, even?
If you agree, let's begin!
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Re:Single Use Only- Drabble Forum Game 10 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 60
Although I have never participated in DDN, I think this sounds fun and would like to participate  Tell me if I did anything wrong, but I am confident I at least got a perfect 100 word drabble for the prompt :3
Prompt: Candle
Rated: T
The soothing scent of an ocean breeze hung in the air around the couple who sat close to each other, but not so close that they were touching. Kagome lifted her gaze from the light blue candle she’d lit just minutes ago, glancing away from the flickering flame and burning candle wax inside the cylindrical, glass container, to stare into the amber fire of her companion’s eyes.
“Do you like the scent, Sesshomaru-sama?”
The Western Lord shifted his gaze from the strange colored and even stranger scented candle to meet chocolate brown pools.
“It is pleasing.”
“Wanna try another?”
And here is my prompt!
Last Edit: 2014/05/30 01:33 By belovedstranger.
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Re:Single Use Only- Drabble Forum Game 10 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 109
Well, if I'm doing this right: here goes.
Kagome cringed at the sound of thunder, cuddling her daughter closer to soothe her. The thunderstorms were heavy and severe and she was worried for Sesshomaru on his drive home.
A flash of lighting, another boom, this one more pronounced. Following that, she heard the garage door open and she made her way to the connecting door by the kitchen; eager to meet him. He was home, he was safe.
“Welcome home.” She murmured softly. He approached her, divesting himself of his wet shoes and noting her distress. His answer was confident and full of love.
“I’ll always come home.”
And I guess my prompt is: hike
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Re:Single Use Only- Drabble Forum Game 10 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 60
I believe I like this little game
Prompt: Hike
Rated: T
After a long day of hiking through the woods, Inuyasha had finally called a halt to his grueling pace, to which his human companions breathed a sigh of relief. It had been a hot summer’s day, and they all where dehydrated and hungry. While Sango and Shippo set up camp, Miroku collected firewood, and Kagome gathered up the water bottles to fill up at the stream a short walk away, though out of view of the others. Inuyasha was as lazy as ever and didn’t help.
Approaching the stream, she was not alone.
“You should be more careful, miko.”
New Prompt:
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Re:Single Use Only- Drabble Forum Game 10 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 55
Going great so far! Awesome!
Prompt: Stars
Kagome grunted against the strain of over-using her powers, but she had little choice.
Because of her deceased mate, she had no choice.
Stars danced in her vision when her head bounced off the frozen ground and the priestess struggled against the will of her muscles to get up. Her breaths were ragged, but the venom in her voice potent.
"I don't care what Inuyasha promised you."
Sesshoumaru scoffed at the protective mother. "The bargain was made. His life for his first born's servitude."
"He's not going anywhere!
"Yes, he is." Then he grinned wickedly. Pointedly. "But not alone."
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Re:Single Use Only- Drabble Forum Game 10 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 33
Hmm... Please tell me if I do it wrong
Prompt: CUP
Kagome found one thing she liked as she and her friends, along with Sesshoumaru's pack journeyed through their quest to find the shards and defeat Naraku and his minions: Tea.
After hours of walking, sometimes riding on the stiff back of an inuhanyou, and dealing with the brothers' attitude at each other, the hot, bitter liquid soothed her nerves. She then also made for all of the pack except Ah-Un and Jaken--who had his tongue burnt afterwards--and discovered that Sesshoumaru liked it.
Kagome smiled secretly to herself. While she did like to serve the daiyoukai her tea, there was also one thing she loved.
"Here's your tea, Sesshoumaru-sama," she said as she handed the cup to him.
He reached out his deadly clawed hand, and barely raked his claws to the back of her hand as he took the steaming tea.
Yes, she mused, I'm going to make tea forever for him.
Next prompt: Pillow
Last Edit: 2014/05/31 06:25 By wordshifter.
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Re:Single Use Only- Drabble Forum Game 10 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 55
I really liked that one!!!
Prompt: Pillow
The haze of early morning clouded Kagome's perspicacity. The bed was warm, her sheets were cool, and the empty space she reached out towards turned the corners of her lips downwards. He always woke early and quietly, careful not to rouse his grumpy bed partner.
Instead of her mate, she grabbed his ruffled pillow and clutched it close to her drowsy senses. The fabric clung onto his scent in a way that made her irrationally jealous and she breathed it in greedily. Unable to help herself, she smiled into the down stuffing and nuzzled into the reminder of her love.
Prompt: BOOK
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Re:Single Use Only- Drabble Forum Game 10 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 60
“Miko, what are you reading?”
Kagome looked up and up and up until she could meet the Western Lord’s inquiring gaze, amber eyes staring intently into her own. She flushed. She couldn’t help it. She was reading one of the books one of her classmates in her own time had all but forced upon her, claiming it would ‘knock her socks off’. Curious, she’d taken the book and was now reading it after Inuyasha had called a halt to their travels for the day.
“Uh…just a book,” she muttered, looking away from Sesshomaru’s piercing gaze, attempting to hide the cover.
New Prompt:
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Re:Single Use Only- Drabble Forum Game 10 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 109
A bit sad.
Running a hand over the scars on her abdomen, she sighed. A hysterectomy to take care of the fibroids in her uterus; an operation making her unable to conceive. She brought up a hand to her mouth and stifled her sobs. How could he want her now when she would never sire children of her own for him? He deserved someone better, someone who could give him children.
She collapsed onto her knees on the floor, crying over her loss, not noticing another watching her.
Amber eyes could do nothing but watch and wait for her to come to him.
Prompt: Leaves
Last Edit: 2014/06/03 19:09 By kaoruhana.
Reason: Forgot to Post something
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Re:Single Use Only- Drabble Forum Game 10 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 33
That's a sad one, Kaoru.
Prompt: Leaves
Sesshoumaru wanders through the halls, looking for his mate. He was sparring with one of his generals when a servant came to him, face pale, informing that he had lost his Lady--his pregnant Lady, nonetheless!
He shakes his head, then focuses on the places Kagome prefers to stay in solitude. With her pregnancy, he is certain that she will not go away too far. She will likely stay in a place where--Oh.
He pivotes on his heel and heads to the garden. Knowing her, she deliberately pulled her aura tightly to herself along with her scent. He stops as he arrives under the Sakura tree before sending out his senses. He smirks when he recognizes her signature barrier around the more secluded area.
After a few minutes of walking, he walks confidently through the pink barrier. A smile tugging at the corner of his lips when he sees Kagome dozing off under a tree, brown leaves covering her lower body like a blanket.
Next Prompt: Light
Last Edit: 2014/08/05 23:51 By wordshifter.
Reason: Forget to add the prompt, ehe :)
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Re:Single Use Only- Drabble Forum Game 10 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 95
** Had fun writing this!
Prompt: Light
Amber eyes glowed in the pitch dark, wandering in the maze the forest had created during the night. The silent figure glanced around to only see darkness and grimaced. Suddenly halting, his eyes narrowed.
Since when did the dark bother him?
Demons lived in darkness.
So why?
“Sesshomaru!” her faint voice resounded. Following her scent, he saw Kagome squinting to see through the dark. He grasped onto her hand.
“Oh! Sesshomaru! I want to help you find some wood, but then got lost cause it’s too dark,” she said with a sheepish grin.
His grasp tightened around her slender hand as his eyes softened.
The dark bothered him…because she was his light.
Next Prompt: Wine
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Re:Single Use Only- Drabble Forum Game 10 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 109
The bottle of wine sitting on the counter seemed to mock Sesshomaru. It was for a celebration; she'd gotten her PHd. But she wasn't here to celebrate with him. She was with her grad student colleauges, enjoying her time with people who shared her interests. How could she be with him: an old man, a high school teacher with a teenage daughter only ten tears her junior?
The front door opened and he heard footsteps. She was there moments later, a smile on her face as she noticed the bottle.
She wanted to celebrate with him.
"Congratulations Kagome."
I hope it's the right word count. Wrote this in the car.
Next Prompt: groceries
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Re:Single Use Only- Drabble Forum Game 10 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 60
Kagome picked up her grocery bag and walked out of the store towards her car… only to hear a horrendous ripping sound before a splat! Without even looking, she knew what had happened by the lighter weight in her hand. Looking down at her broken bag and scattered groceries, she groaned. This just wasn’t her day.
Great. Just great, she growled internally.
As she bent down to retrieve her things, a male voice said, “Let me help you.”
Looking at the man before her, she was stunned at his good looks.
With a sexy grin, he murmured, “I am Sesshomaru.”
Last Edit: 2014/11/15 20:25 By belovedstranger.
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Re:Single Use Only- Drabble Forum Game 10 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 55
I am glad this is still alive!
Prompt: Savior
Dirt coated her sweat-filmed skin. Every blow forced her back to the harsh ground. Each raw cut throbbed. Each time Kagome pushed off the ground, and gritted her teeth, she charged again.
The demon snickered, but was falsely secured in its own power. If she had been with her group, the youkai would not have lasted a minute. If Inuyasha was with her, she would have not been involved.
If she kept depending on others, she would never become strong.
She summoned her powers, screamed as she attacked, and swore that she would be her own savior from now on.
Next prompt: Time
Last Edit: 2015/04/22 00:51 By cakeiton.
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Re:Single Use Only- Drabble Forum Game 9 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 55
*cough* tries to revive thread *cough*
She once believed that time healed all wounds. Embarrassment faded. Injuries scarred over. But 'loss' never seemed to get easier. The death of her father still stung, but Kagome had remained optimistic, looking forward to the day when the hole he left didn't stab her in the gut.
Surely, no pain could last a lifetime.
... Then she met Sesshoumaru.
He was petulant and dangerous. It took her a while to understand it was out of remorse.
Centuries after his father had died, Sesshoumaru still lashed out from the pain of it.
That night, Kagone did not stop herself from crying.
Prompt: Bounce
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Re:Single Use Only- Drabble Forum Game 9 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 60
Prompt: Bounce
Feeling happy and carefree, as the day was gorgeous, no clouds in the sky, a perfect summer morning. Nor was the humidity excruciating or the temperature uncomfortable as of yet, Kagome twirled around in small circles, alone in a small meadow not far from Kaede’s village, just enjoying the nice weather. Suddenly, a voice intruded on her supposed solitude.
“What are you doing, miko?”
Turning, stopping her circling momentum, Kagome stared at the tall, Western Lord, and smiled sheepishly at being caught acting like a child—much like Rin, actually.
With a bounce-like motion she sat.
“Uh… nothing?” she laughed.
New prompt: Flourish
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Re:Single Use Only- Drabble Forum Game 9 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 38
Prompt: Flourish
She truly flourished under his tutelage, learning what needed to be known in order to become a warrior.
She was still a little clumsy and easily distracted but she held her own against several of the mid-strength youkai he had in his legion, proving to be an asset.
He gazed at her from the doorway of the training-room as she tended to several of scrapes and cuts she obtained during the spar.
He cleared his throat and the miko turned her startling cerulean hues to him, a smile curing her lips.
“Sesshoumaru-sama!” she called, joyously as she jogged and came to a stop in front of him. “How long were you there?” she queried with a pant.
“Long enough.” He intoned with an incline of his head. “You did well.”
The miko could only preen at his compliment.
New Prompt: Flirty
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Re:Single Use Only- Drabble Forum Game 9 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 109
Sesshomaru stared across the room at his classmate. She was winking at him and giving him smiles, but knowing that Kagome Higurashi was a bookworm made him wonder if something was bothering her that day.
He turned around to glance at the other tables in the library. No one was there in this corner but the two of them. Surely, she wasn’t winking at him then?
Standing, he approached her table and cleared his throat.
“Higurashi- are you winking at me?” Mortified, the female’s eyes widened and she ducked her head.
“Flirting,” she hissed finally, “I was flirting with you!”
Next Prompt: Script
Last Edit: 2015/04/22 16:57 By kaoruhana.
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Re:Single Use Only- Drabble Forum Game 7 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 7
Kagome's eyes followed along the words written on the parchment. His elegant script seemed to caress the words. Pulling her bottom lip between her teeth she chewed gently, as she attempted to process the words she was reading.
He was... proposing...?
Mating her? Wasn't that like, getting married? It was, right? Why was he proposing this to her? None of this was making sense to her and her thoughts swirled.
"WENCH," came the brash voice of Inuyasha and a chill ran down her spine.
She had to get away. She just had to. her life depending on it.
Prompt: Fireworks
BETA FOR HIRE: will read anything, but loves slowburn, fluff and naughty.  HIRE MEEE!!
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Re:Single Use Only- Drabble Forum Game 7 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 1
I'm so sad that this doesn't continue. I'm very willing to play if anyone wants to play too! <3
She easily spotted him.
He easily spotted her.
In response, she laughed louder with her friends, clutching their shoulders, pushing them along.
In response, he flashed a rare smile at his companion, ushering the nameless female forward, touching her forearm.
It was one second, maybe two, before they crossed paths. They strode past each other like strangers, donning a mask to hide the pain, the agony. Eagerly, everyone stared at the sky in awe; bursts of colour and noise illuminated the cloudless sky.
The fireworks signalled the New Year.
But neither of them saw it.
They only saw each other.
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Re:Single Use Only- Drabble Forum Game 7 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 7
She hated the rain. The rain made her cold. Wet. Depressed.
The rain also dampened her mood.
But he always seemed to come in the rain. Rain made him look lonely, regal. Made her want to go to him.
The rain was calming to him. He could collect his thoughts in the rain. Rain washed away smells, dampened them.
But they did not dampen one smell of one person.
...the Miko.
She was approaching him. Slowly, but surely. He wondered what she would do.
But she merely just stood next to him. Blue eyes dark and pointed at the sky.
Prompt: Snow
let's get this shimmining again, yea?
BETA FOR HIRE: will read anything, but loves slowburn, fluff and naughty.  HIRE MEEE!!
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Re:Single Use Only- Drabble Forum Game 7 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 1
Yessssssss. This is what I rather do instead of updating.
They stood in silence for a long time, staring at the vast land of pale, cold white.
A low voice spoke but she didn’t hear him, “What?”
There was a soft sigh. “Like snow. When I think I have you in my grasp...” Sharp claws touched her hair as it fluttered in the wind. Golden pupils matched curious blue eyes, “...You melt away and disappear.”
She laughed, a bitter twinkle that faded with the falling snow, “Are you sure you’re not talking about yourself?”
The male turned, sensing others nearing, “Perhaps.”
“Maybe we’re similar.” She jested.
Then he disappeared.
PROMPT: Spades
Last Edit: 2018/01/24 00:02 By Alon.
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Re:Single Use Only- Drabble Forum Game 7 Years ago
Karma: 3
I hope this is still a thing! This is my first one
Prompt : Spades
'Confidence, Higurashi! This is it!' she thought to herself as she tried to work up her nerve. The
object of her obsession was just behind the door. A few more inches and she could... retreat again like a coward. She began to deflate as her resolve faltered.
Confidence was something HE had in spades.
Distracted by self-doubt, she didn't notice the silver-haired, amber-eyed godlike figure approaching.
"Higurashi? Higurashi!"
She blinked up at him owlishly, mouth agape.
He spoke to her! Wait, why was he touching her face?!
"Hmph. Catching flies. Most unbecoming." He smirked and gently pushed her jaw closed.
PROMPT : Roots
~The Syren Sage~
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Re:Single Use Only- Drabble Forum Game 4 Years ago
Karma: 1
Omg, no one plays anymore!?
A dim glow was fading from her fingertips, electric current still chorusing through her veins; down her wrist and arm. She was breathing heavily, short intakes of air as electric blue eyes stared down her opponent.
He was in a similar stance, but his arm was marred; blackened from purification. Molten eyes narrowed as the same arm dripped green liquid.
Suddenly the woman winced, her shoulder burning; acid melted the cloth of her clothes; seeping through her flesh.
They were born as natural enemies—
But it only made the attraction stronger.
Neither of them could escape their roots.
PROMPT: Darkness
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