Re:The Claim Game [Updated Rules! Read-uhm!] 15 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 15
Fuyu is approved!
Jess is approved!
Kira is approved!
Lysidia is approved!
Please keep a note of your claims in your signature!
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Re:The Claim Game [Updated Rules! Read-uhm!] 15 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 3
I would like to claim Kagome's "Osuwari!"
If it's not too much trouble, could I get the color #0040FF? 
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Re:The Claim Game [Updated Rules! Read-uhm!] 15 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 4
Umm...since my last claim wasn't approved. I suppose I'll change it.
I'd like to claim Inuyasha's ball, from when he was ostracized as a child.
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Re:The Claim Game [Updated Rules! Read-uhm!] 15 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 3
can i participate in this?
I claimed Sesshou-mama's Meidou-Seki in the Dokuga claiming game!
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Re:The Claim Game [Updated Rules! Read-uhm!] 15 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 13
Go to page one of the thread, and read through the rules. If you meet all of the qualifications and ask Amethyst for a claim. Amethyst will then get back to you on whether its yours. She started the thread (I think) so its her game 
Last Edit: 2010/01/05 20:05 By lady orrin.
When all else fails...read the directions.
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Re:The Claim Game [Updated Rules! Read-uhm!] 15 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 3
aww how sad.. I'm a newbie.. 
I claimed Sesshou-mama's Meidou-Seki in the Dokuga claiming game!
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Re:The Claim Game [Updated Rules! Read-uhm!] 15 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 3
...I don't seem to know how to delete posts. I tried because I accidentally posted here (or more like I wanted to change my claim but changed my mind) and it won't go away...so sorry for the random post 
Last Edit: 2010/01/06 07:10 By Ruriame.
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Re:The Claim Game [Updated Rules! Read-uhm!] 15 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 15
Lysidia wrote:
...I don't seem to know how to delete posts. I tried because I accidentally posted here (or more like I wanted to change my claim but changed my mind) and it won't go away...so sorry for the random post
You can always edit your post, but I would really prefer if you post that you change a claim rather than edit your old claim post because then I would have to shift through all the posts to find yours. X_X;
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Re:The Claim Game [Updated Rules! Read-uhm!] 15 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 3
Actually, I meant I made a new post because I was going to change the claim, but then I changed my mind, but since I couldn't delete the post, I changed the text to say I couldn't delete it...
...I totally sound confusing to myself so I understand if you didn't get what I meant. But thanks for trying to clear things up! I appreciate it 
Last Edit: 2010/01/07 08:52 By Ruriame.
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Re:The Claim Game [Updated Rules! Read-uhm!] 15 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 2
I claim Inuyasha's Subjugation Beads color #8040BF
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Re:The Claim Game [Updated Rules! Read-uhm!] 15 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 3
haha I just read the beginning posts on this thread and would like to say that claiming Sess's eyes is NOT creepy! Its not like I'm going to rip them out of his head or anything (I agree that THAT would be creepy). It just means I get to follow him around and stal.... I mean.... uhh... protect my claim! Eh-heh ^.^' I am toootally not stalking him 
* \"Oh, Lord! Why have you forsaken me?\" \"CAN IT! When God gives you lemons you FIND A NEW GOD!!!\" *
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Re:The Claim Game [Updated Rules! Read-uhm!] 15 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 2
Last Edit: 2010/01/07 22:46 By Kira Kilala.
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Re:The Claim Game [Updated Rules! Read-uhm!] 15 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 3
I don't know what instructions people gave you, but this is what I did.
I uploaded a picture to my own site, much like you did with your myspace. To make a picture work, you put a URL in between [IMG][/IMG] brackets, so it would be something like this: .
To post it in on my signature, I went to Profile-->Edit-->Update Your Profile-->Forum-->and pasted the link into Your Board Signature.
I hope it helps. Good luck!
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Re:The Claim Game [Updated Rules! Read-uhm!] 15 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 2
Thanks Lysidia!!! At first it hadn't worked, thats why im editing this, i WAS asking for more help. But i saw that most of you have your pics on photobucket, and i felt like an idiot for not thinking of that! Myspace wasn't the best, the image was around the size of one of the small images ontop of the larger one... Photobucket, however, was great! Thank you so much! I'm giving you karma for that!
Thanks again! Your awesome!!!!!!
Last Edit: 2010/01/08 00:58 By Kira Kilala.
Reason: fixed it after looking around!
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Re:The Claim Game [Updated Rules! Read-uhm!] 15 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 27
I claim Goshinboku in the claim game... i hope...
Question: must i have a picture or can it just be words??
I claimed Goshinboku in the Claim Game~!  trees rule.
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Re:The Claim Game [Updated Rules! Read-uhm!] 15 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 6
can I claim Sesshomaru's face markings?
Last Edit: 2010/02/05 22:00 By Jappa.
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Re:The Claim Game [Updated Rules! Read-uhm!] 15 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 29
Could I change my claim to Kagome's eyes? Manga's eyes? O.o
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Re:The Claim Game [Updated Rules! Read-uhm!] 15 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 6
actually can I claim Kagome's big yellow bag?
Last Edit: 2010/02/11 04:19 By Jappa.
Reason: changed my mind
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Re:The Claim Game [Updated Rules! Read-uhm!] 15 Years ago
Karma: 5
can i claim the shikon jewel?
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Re:The Claim Game [Updated Rules! Read-uhm!] 15 Years ago
Karma: 54
Can I claim Tenseiga's resurrection power?
And been having fun making banners lately so if anyone who doesn't currently have one and has been approved, if ya want me to make ya one just let me know  .
I claimed Tenseiga`s resurrection power!
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Re:The Claim Game [Updated Rules! Read-uhm!] 15 Years ago
Karma: 13
I would like to claim Bankostu's Banryu if at all possible... I'll put it in my sig for now and if needed i can delete it >.<
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Re:The Claim Game [Updated Rules! Read-uhm!] 15 Years ago
Karma: 5
umm..well can I assume that the shikon jewel isnt taken..?
I guess Ill just put it up for now, but if I have to take it down I will!
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Re:The Claim Game [Updated Rules! Read-uhm!] 15 Years ago
Karma: 26
I'd like to claim Sesshoumaru's Aristocratic/Noble blood/heritage, if I could.
I am the Master Procrastinator of Dokuga, and I wield a mighty game controller!
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Re:The Claim Game [Updated Rules! Read-uhm!] 15 Years ago
Karma: 12
I would like to claim Miroku's wind tunnel.
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Re:The Claim Game [Updated Rules! Read-uhm!] 14 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: -1
How do i become a non newbie? I want to claimmmm somethinnnggg
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