1. If Sesshomaru was alive in Kagome time. What would he be doing?
Running a very expensive company and looking down on his workers and other people because they aren't him!
2. What would you like to see Sesshomaru wear in the past.
A tudors outfit

or nothing at all
3. What would you like to see Sesshomaru wear if he made it to Kagome time?
In all honesty I can really picture him in a suit but that being said I would love to see him in probably some tight ass jeans.
4. What female would you like to see Sesshomaru end up with and why? Even if they had died in the manga and anime. (I know it is over but just go along with me)
Yura the hair demon...She'll be even more obsessed over his hair than Inuyasha's even though they never met
5. Sesshomaru underwear? Boxer, boxerbriefs, briefs or comando?
I vote comando!!!!
6. Why do you think you might make a good friend to Sesshomaru?
IDK, he will probably end up being a friend to my brother than me
7. Why do you think you might make a good mate to Sesshomaru?
I will take good care of Rin and reprimand Jaken for him...Now where did I put my bat that has Jaken's name all over it. Hmmmm
8. If Inu No Tashio had lived do you think Sesshomaru would have come to tolerate Inuyasha?
Hell, yes, I think there is some resentment issues that Sesshomaru has from his fathers death trying to protect Inuyasha as a baby and his mother.
9. Do you think Sesshomaru enjoys hitting Jaken? ( I know I do. I just wish we could see him doing it)
H to the E to the double L to the Yes
10. Sesshomaru MokoMoko. What do you think it is? And what do you wish it really is?
I think it is some very long fur like a main type of things like Lions get or some domestic dogs like rough collies or shelties. I wish it was a really long tail though.
11. Do you wish Sesshomaru had a tail?
I just said that in 10 ^^^^
12. If you could. Would you change Sesshomaru looks (ex. hair style, color, length, markings and their color)? Or would you keep him the way he is?
The only thing I would remove is the eyeshadow type thing on his eye lids. Sorry, eyeshadow is for girls or transvestites and he is very manly and manly types don't wear makeup other than that I wouldn't change anything else
13. Would you be okay if Sesshomaru somehow turned human?
Yes, he'd be a hot human
14. We can see that he has magenta strips on his cheeks and wrists. Do you think he has them anywhere else?
Most likely, I wonder if he has them on his hip????
15. If Sesshomaru had pups of his own. Do you think he would make a good father?
He would be rather harsh to his pups, but he does care for Rin, so I think he might be if he softens up a bit more and not pushing his pups to do something that they cannot do.
16. Does Sesshomaru see Rin as his ward? Daughter? Or something else?
I think it is a ward for now considering she is an orphan and cared for him when he was injured. It might change when she gets older though.
17. Do you think Jaken is gay or straight?
Bi-sexual with preferences towards men
18. Do you think Rin will see Sesshomaru other than a father figure when she gets older?
Probably but I'm not positive on that
19. Do you think Jaken could see Rin as a daughter one day?
If he ever got over his prejudice against humans
20. How do you think Sesshomaru got Ah Un?
He won him in some kind of gambling game like Han Solo got the Millennium Falcon playing a Sabaac Tournament from Orlando Calrissian (
starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Millennium_Falcon) but some other game
21. Do you think Sesshomaru has a huge castle hiding somewhere?
Yeah, he can't always be traveling every day so he needs some place to stay and I don't see him staying with humans for a very long time other than with Rin
22. Do you think we authors put to many hot springs in our fics?
IDK, so far I've only seen two (I think) hot springs in fics which doesn't seem that much to me