Nice pic. As a side note, a lot of people will sometimes wear their rings on their right hand if they are left-handed, at least most people I know who are left-handed do.
Here in the US I was told wedding rings on the right hand mean your spouse is dead, but I don't think it's a custom everyone follows these days. I know my grandmother did. So this actually made me crack up completely.
Wedding rings can be worn like that in country's other then the states. It just depends on where you're at. My parents wear it on their right hands so don't worry about something like that. (My parents got married in Germany by the way.
the wedding rings are on the wrong fingers, other than that nice creativity skills
i think thats the thumb on the top, not the index finger. :3 might be the wrong hand though? depending on how it was scanned originally... cute though i hafta wonder why would sess get banned for bopping inu over the head? he probably deserved it =x
Anyway, the drawing is adorable and so favorited!
Well each country differs. I know in America it's the left hand. But anyway, picture is great and I love Inu and Sessho's expressions xD!