Earning Her Stripes WIP
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~~Sooooo I'm a HUGE Norman Rockwell fan, and I decided to undergo a study of sorts...I'm planning on using some of his work as reference but doing all of my own sketching and twisting it to suit Sess/Kag! It's always good to look to the masters to learn and sometimes the way to try to figure them out is to try to emulate them. I'm not saying copy! No sir! But to kind of try to make it your own! Ya' know? ^__^ Here's a WIP of my first one, based on Rockwell's 'Tattoo Artist'...Hope you all like it so far, tell me what you think! And no, Sesshy's not doing anything naughty or anything, just using his own youki to give her 'tattoos' lol...
20.08.2012 05:07:51
I love this! Tho.. I have to admit that the first thing that drew my eye was his ass >.>
I cant wait to see it complete!
Also, SO AMAZING. I love all of your work, your style is so unique and inspiring!
And I love how she's holding his braid XD