Mz. M.J.
I'm just a fourteen year old pinay with a passion for writing. I've been writing fan fics. for a little less then a year now, and I must say its fun, but it still doesn't provide the satisfaction that I wrote everything about the story. But I don't mind because this helps me get better.
I'm an aspiring author and to many people who personally know me I'm great with a camera. Aside from writing, I'm very into filming. I've just recently started filming (slowly) a movie with my friends called " Stupidimy. " Its very funny. It consist of the random and stupid things we do. This summer we will also start the filming of our version of Romeo and Juliet. I'm writing/ directing/ co-staring/ co-Choreographer/ camera.
I apologize in advance if I don't update my stories for a long period of time. I have a life outside all of this. And besides the movies, I'm starting a Zine so my schedule is packed. All right then. Enjoy.
If you would like to know more just check out my web-log. Link is provided above.