
Replacement by Tinytot


Ok... this is my first time to be putting any of my stories on SS so be nice ;) No seriously... I do hope you enjoy this story!!

oh and I own nothing!

"Nazuna! Come back here you silly little thing!" hearing her nanny's cries only made the little vampire run quicker.

Looking over her shoulder the child watched as the older care taker tried to catch up. Giggling to herself Nazuna pushed her legs to run as fast as they could, she rarely got to wonder out at night lately and was not about to pass up a chance to release the pent up energy that had been building.

As of late the humans had become more daring and started to enter deeper and deeper into the forests depths; showing less fear of Nazunas kind. Because of this sudden and surprising event the Elders decided it would be best to keep out goings to a minimum -

And set a curfew.

Nazuna was a very free spirited child for a vampire; loving the out doors and nature. Very unusual but it seemed to suit her personality. Keade was her families long time nanny; having watched over her brother as well.

"Nazuna please child, you are going too far! Let us return to the manor before we are spotted!"

Not at all fazed by the worry in the older vampires' voice the child glanced over her shoulder giggling as she ran forward not aware of what lay on the other side of the tree line.

She didn't tell anyone the real reason for wanting to be out this night, she had made a friend; a human friend; despite what her parents had told her about humans that had yet 'to be turned' her new friend was kind and very much like her. They usually met right outside the forests edge; the line between their worlds.

Reminding herself of the fun they had had before Nazuna smiled to herself and pushed herself to run even faster. Not even bothering to look before she revealed herself from the safety of the forests embrace; she emerged from the tree line; barely having time to scream before she felt her body hit the earths floor.

Keade knew she couldn't risk transforming into her flying form not with the moon shinning so brightly tonight, but once she heard the child's screams, she had no choice.

A loud pop echoed through the forest as Keade unleashed her wings, taking to the skies above the tree tops – heading toward the blood curt ling screams. Pushing her old wings harder than she had in centuries, she prayed she made it in time.

'Nanny Keade.....' It was nothing more than a faint plea by the time the tiny voice reached Keades mind.

'Nazuna child hold on. I'm almost there.'

Before she landed she knew she was too late, in her old age she no longer had the reactions she used too and tonight it had cost her and the coven dearly.

Her eyes began to bleed as she watched the scene before her. There were at least 4 humans surrounding the now motionless body of a small vampire child. Upon seeing the older vampire swooping towards them they retreated back away from the body.

"Cowards!!! You dare slay an innocent child whom as done you no harm? But shy away from an elder whom now wishes nothing more than to see your blood coat her claws!" Not taking her eyes off of the humans before her, she cradled the lifeless body of Nazuna against her chest.

Defiantly the younger woman of the lynch mob stepped forward; head held high as she gazed down her nose at the scene before her. She felt no pity for the older woman now in mourning for the loss of the demon child. This was how it was supposed to be, this is what her job on this earth required her to do.

She was a miko, a holy priestess as was her mother and father and theirs as far back as the line could be traced on both sides. She felt no regret for sending that child back to hell from which it came. Vampires, child or elder had no right to roam this land.

The child had willingly trespassed unto their sacred lands, dared to taint the dirt with her wickedness! The old woman's words did hold some truth, this one child had not done anything to them, but it would only be a matter of time before she too came sneaking into the village windows or barns seeking fresh blood.

Pulling out a holy arrow intending on killing the elder vampire as she clung the child's body close to her own; something in white moved quickly, catching her attention from the corner of her eye.

Feeling the holy auras moving in around her Keade forced herself to look up. Blood colored tears ran down from her red tinted eyes. She had failed her young mistress; she had failed her lord and lady by not reaching Nanuza in time. How was she to tell them their pride and joy, their only daughter had been purified, hunted down by these disgusting beings in front of her.

Shock flashed in her eyes quickly before glazing back over with hate. There in front of her stood a small human child, no older than her little Nazuna, staring at her with soul piercing blue eyes.

Try as she might she could not turn away from those eyes; those eyes which were shifting between her and the child in her arms; those eyes which were now swelling up with tears of their own.

She saw the child's lips move but barely caught what she had said. Nazuna...? Shock once again appeared on the old woman's face. She spoke before she could stop herself. "You knew my mistress child?"

Tears still streaming down her cheeks the small human child nodded her head slowly before she was jerked backwards into her grandmothers' chest.

Shio watched in horror as her young daughter made her way toward the elder demon woman; it had been her mother's idea for the young child to tag along while making their nightly rounds.

For a few weeks they had noticed the small child had taken a sudden interest in this part of the forest edge, when questioned about what she did her, the only reply they got was 'It was calming.' It was an unusual response from a 10 year old, but Shio knew her daughter was anything but normal.

Not wanting any harm to come to her only daughter Shio decided to start making nightly rounds to insure the safety of her daughter when she decided to visit this spot.

Keade had failed to notice the small human before due too all the commotion; she now noticed - how ever the tension that was etched on the adults faces.

Before the thought even entered her mind about harming the child before her for payment for what her elders had done; the child was pulled back by the oldest Priestess of the group.

"Leave these lands demon before I decide to do the right thing and send you too hell as well." Shio pulled back on the string of her bow as if to show she was serious. Truth was she was scared at this moment, she for a second, caught up in the moment between herself and the elder vamp; forgot her young daughter was amongst them.

"Such a beautiful child...enjoy her while you can." It was nothing more than a whisper but the older miko heard it loudly.

They would be back, be back to receive payment for the life they had taken this night. Watching the elder vampire take flight with the lifeless child, Shio turned too her own daughter and pulled her flush against her in a fierce hug.

"Mommy.... why did you hurt my friend?" Shios blood ran cold as she gazed into the watery eyes of her 10 year old daughter. Friend? FRIEND? Her sweet little one had known that demon! How can she explain to her little one about the duty of a priestess? About how it had been the right thing to end that child's life, to bring death to her. After all... it was the right thing to do... wasn't it?


A scream was heard through out the Western manor followed by wailing cries. Both northern and western covens had gathered in the main entrance hall when the cries had reached their ears.

The defining scream had come from the Northern Lady, Saya. Sprawled out on the floor, rocking the body of her little girl pleading for this to be a cruel sick joke. Her baby could not be gone.

Takuya, the Northern Lord, felt his eyes begin to bleed with rage. "Keade, tell me again where this took place."

Head down the old woman spoke softly, answering her Lords order. "Out side the forest toward the south milord. Nazuna had said she'd been there many a time before the curfew was issued, she requested to visit it once more. She fled from my side before I could stop her..."

As much as Saya and Takuya wanted to blame the old fool for their daughters murder; oh and how they wanted too; they knew it wasn't her fault, she was old and their daughter was much quicker than the hag.

No, she was not to blame, those disgusting humans were. They were not ordinary humans... for if they were they knew their beloved would still be alive. Those damned holy ones... the ones who thought they had the right to kill without cause.

They had over done themselves with this kill though; they had attacked the Northern Covens princess.

Takuya felt his lips curl into a frightful grin. Yes... they would be pleading for death before he was done punishing them for their wrong doing.

Looking out of the corner of his left eye he caught the attention of the house lord. "Touga, may I make a request?"

Placing a hand on his life long friends' shoulder he merely nodded. "Anything you need, the Western Coven will provide."

"Will you along with your sons assist me... in a most urgent matter...?"

Smirking Touga nodded before sending for this two sons. He knew his sons were the right ones to bring along, he had trained them well. He also felt a pang of guilt for what had happened here tonight... on his lands of all places for a child to meet such a fate.

The four covens offend visited each other for long periods of times to keep their loyalties to each other strong. He knew it was his responsibility to see to the deaths of those holy humans... to insure that the Northern coven see revenge with their blood spilled before them... and revenge is what they shall receive.

Feeling a familiar aura behind him, Touga didn't bother to turn around. "Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha. Ready yourselves; we leave within the hour." He need'nt say anything else, they should know what was ahead of them.

Crying once again reached his aged hears; turning back to his friends Touga knelt down beside Saya; offering his condolences. Nazuna had been the daughter he never had; his adopted niece; he would miss her sorely.

Not taking her eyes off her daughters lifeless form Saya took Touga's hand in her own before giving it a tight squeeze; gaining his attention.

"I want their heads Touga-Kun... but bring me the one who did this to my baby alive."

A shiver somehow found its way down Touga spine; he was the only one in ear shot of the Lady's request... no, more like demand. She demanded them bring her the miko alive so she and she alone could deal with her in the way she saw fit.

Suddenly, Touga decided it best not to ask what she had planned, but merely gave a slight nod showing it would be done her way.

Takuya had returned to his mate's side along with their first born Souta. Souta was by no means as ruthless as Sesshoumaru for a first born, but if looks could kill; who ever the young lords' eyes fell on would surely fall instantaneous.

"I take it all is ready?" Pulling himself from Sayas side Touga made his way toward the manor doors; followed closely by the other males. Taking to the skies they made their way toward the humans that had taken a way their beloved Nazuna.


"Inuyasha and I will stake out the house before we make our move. Sesshoumaru will go to the barn out back to insure no one gets a jump on us." Touga spoke to the lord on his left.

"Hn. Take Souta along with you and your youngest. I will accompany your oldest incase anything happens."

With a glance at his oldest Touga received a nod in agreement; showing that he approved of said tactic. Without waiting for a signal to precede Sesshoumaru blended into the shadows of the night making his way toward the barn.

His supernatural hearing picked up on small whimpers the closer he came to the barn; peering carefully through a dirtied window he hoped to catch a glimpse of what was making the noise.

He wasn't expecting the scene before him; without thinking he crept around to a door farthest away from the houses view and entered.

There before him was a female with both wrists shackled to the wall; head hanging down in what he was sure to be exhaustion; slashes bled still from the whipping she had gotten not long ago.

He snarled out loud before he could stop himself. This was not just a female; it was child! Humans really had no shame he was sure of it.

Slowly he approached the barely conscience child; glancing around the room for a way to undo her bounds. Above her just out of reach on a small shelf was the key to the cuffs which held her to the wall.

Not understanding why he was compelled to help this being; he deiced to ask questions later. A loud click echoed through out the quiet room as Sesshoumaru unlocked each cuff; moving with supernatural speed, he caught her frail form before it hit the wooden floor.

Reality hit him full force once his flesh came in contact with hers; her miko powers flared up; burning his hands slightly almost causing him to drop her. He resisted all urges to kill the child then.

"Damnit, why did she have to be one of them!" He cursed under his breath.

Feeling her start to stir in his arms he glanced down at small miko. With a quick intake of breath he felt his throat tighten for a second. Crystal blue eyes were lazily gazing up at him; not out of fear more of curiosity.

"You're one of them aren't you?" her voice cracked as she struggled to talk.

Eyebrow cocked he answered "One... of them?"

She gave a small nod followed by a tiny smile "One... like Nazuna....she told me much of her kind."

He wanted to snarl at the child, that old fool of a hag hadn't mentioned Nazuna knew of the humans that had done this!

Reaching up the young female traced the strips along Sesshoumarus cheek bones bring him out of his musings.

"You dare touch my person human. You're either ignorantly brave or in search of a death wish." Even though he was still young for a vampire; he could easily out power most elders. He was use to people cowering before him with a mere glance their way. But this child here before him simply smiled as if he were a life long friend.

"You won't hurt me...." Before he could question her, he felt a familiar aura approaching his way quickly.

'Sesshoumaru my boy where are you?'

Sighing Sesshoumaru shifted the girl in his arms before standing. 'In side the barn Lord Takuya.'

'You've been gone awhile are you faring off well?'

'I have... found something of interest per say.'

Not bothering to explain he knew the older lord would just come investigate for himself. As if on cue said lord made his way through the same door Sesshouamru had used earlier. Turning toward Takuya, Sesshoumaru relieved his find too the Northern Lord.

Raising his eyebrows in confusion Taukuya waited for an explanation; he found himself to stunned to voice the question. It was not everyday you walked into a room to see the first born of the West holding a small child close to his person; and a small miko child to boot.

"I found her chained to the wall barely conscience." he gestured to the chains behind him.

Frowning slightly Takuya approached the child to get a better look at her. The smell of blood was think in the air; the smell of salt clung to her from the tears she had cried earlier.

The Northern lord suddenly felt sick at his stomach. "Why?" was all he could seem to ask.

Averting her eyes from Sesshoumaru toward the new voice; locking unto the bright purple orbs; pinning them down with her crystal blue.

"Daddy was mad at me..." not fully understanding Sesshoumaru shifted her to encourage her to continue.

"He was mad at me for playing near the forest...for yelling at mommy for hurting my friend." She paused before smiling at Takuya.

"She had your eyes, I always liked her eyes." It was a whisper; but loud enough to send chills down the elder vampires' spine. Before she could explain further the child passed out once more.

"She knew Nazuna? So they were mad at a child for befriending one not of their kind..." Anger once again seeped into his eyes; but disappeared as quick as it had appeared.

He had come here to avenge his daughters' death by gutting each of those pigs who had harmed her. Only to find they treated their own flesh and blood no better. Feeling his lips curl upward; the Northern lord quickly formed a new plan; one that would kill two birds with one stone.

"Hand her to me Sesshoumaru and summon the others to meet us outside." Not questioning his orders Sesshoumaru did as he was told; exiting the barn he didn't glance back.

Without a second thought Takuya followed shortly after Sesshoumaru; summoning his wings to form behind him he took flight to join the others. They were not hard to find; he could hear Touga's' youngest clearly; damn whelps! It was a miracle they hadn't awaken the country side by now.


"No I want to do it damnit!"

"She was my little sister you baka! I will do it!"

Touga pushed his way in-between the two auguring teenagers. "Inuyasha that's enough! With the way you two are caring on you won't have to ignite the shrine ablaze; your bickering will awaken the humans far before you get a chance!"

Letting out 'feh' Inuyasha folded his arms immaturely before turning his back on Souta. Sticking his tongue out at the younger boys back; Souta merely shrugged his shoulders once he saw his Father approach them.

Eyebrows raised once the others noticed that Takuya was not alone; he shook his head with a 'no' indicating now was not the time to question what he was doing with a human child.

"Souta, go light the barn; Inuyasha tag along to scare the livestock before he does so. We want them to make as much noise as possible to gain the humans attention."

"Yes father." Grinning wickedly Souta and Inuyasha took flight to follow out their orders.

"Care to explain?" Touga lazily gestured toward his arms.

Takuya snorted out of annoyance; turning toward the cries of the animals he waited for their prey to awaken from their slumber.

They didn't have to wait long before several humans came running out of the farm house; still in their night gowns; but armed nonetheless. 'Heh. So they expected an attack? Probably slept with their arrows and riles beside them. Not that they will be much help to them...'

Sesshoumaru sneered at the beings before him. He wanted nothing more than too gut them where they stood! He was surprised Souta hadn't done said act yet; Inuyasha wasn't his full blooded brother; but he was blood. He knew he wouldn't be able to just stand idly by if anything happened to his little brother.

Souta was handling it better than he would be by now; what were they waiting for? Glancing out of the corner of his eye at Takuya; Sesshoumaru noticed the others were doing the same; waiting for him to give a signal.

But it never came.

Takuya hovered in the air; his arms shielding the bundle in his arms from the humans view. He waited for one of them to speak; to act; to make a move! Anything!

"Demons you have trespassed unto sacred grounds! By gone now before you find yourselves purified back to the deeps of hell from which you came!" threatened an elderly priest.

Takuya threw his head back and laughed a bone chilling laugh. "You old fool, I'd like to see you purify any one of us here tonight. Unlike the child you killed earlier we are more than ready for your attempts on our lives."

"So that's why you are here? To seek revenge for that disgrace of a child?"

The vampire's heads jerked toward the strong voice that was laced with fear; she was putting on a front for her comrades; but fear radiated off of the woman's being.

"You are the one who shot her are you not wench?" Takuya spat.

Summoning up all the courage she could Shio stepped forward; Arrow drawn much like it had been earlier that evening. "Yes, it was I that exterminated that vermin."

"You bitch! You dare call my little sister such names! I'll kill you I swear I will!" Souta started to dive toward Shio. Swallowing hard Shio released her arrow without a second thought; arming for the young vampire's left wing.

A scream echoed through out the land; it just wasn't from the intended target. In a split second decision to save the boy from getting himself killed, Sesshoumaru dove after Soutas retreating form.

He reached him in time, but at the price of having his left arm hit with the purifying arrow. Unable to stop himself from screaming; how had he missed that wench firing this damned thing?

Regaining his composure he locked eyes with his assailant before ripping the arrow out of his ever numbing limb.

"Touga, you and the others head back to the Manor; tend to Sesshoumarus wound before its too late."

"Takuya... I don't thin--" He was cut off with a quick hand jester.

"I'll follow soon enough. Now go!"

Knowing his son needed tending too quickly Touga nodded in agreement. He was not one to be ordered around; but given the circumstances he would let it pass.

Gulping Shio turned her attention back towards the older vampire that appeared to be slowly descending back towards the ground.

"What is your name." Shaking her head to make sure she had heard him right; Shio hesitated to answer.

She didn't have to voice her answer; her husband did it for her. "She is Shio Higurashi; daughter of Priest Miastu and Priestess Midoriko."

Smirking at the humans before him Takuya took the opportunity to reveal what he had been hiding in his arms from their eyes.

Several intakes of air were heard as they realized what the vampire lord was holding within his grasp. "W-what are you doing with our granddaughter! I demand you release her this instance!" Midoriko said with a crackling voice.

A dark chuckle emerged from within Takuyas chest "And allow her to come to harm by the likes of those whom claim her as theirs? You treat this child no better than a dog; you give her lashings because she befriended my daughter. That act cost me dearly; give her back too you – you say?"

A sharp snort was heard as Takuya nested the child back into his arms carefully before slowly rising upward once more. "You will now know what its like to loose a child."

"NO! For all that is holy don't kill my baby please I beg of you!" Trying to purify the vampire in front of them never even entered their minds; it was much to risky to try while he was holding the child. The fall alone now would surely kill her.

"Kill her? No. By the time you meet her again, if ever, she will no longer know who you are. The burden of knowing your daughter is still alive somewhere; not evening knowing you exists is the punishment I am delivering; the revenge that I was seeking toward you. Consider the life you took away from my daughter repaid with the life of your own flesh and blood."

Not waiting to see their reaction; not really caring what they had to say too him; Takuya soared upward out of their eyesight but not of hearing range.

Reality hit Shio full force; staring after the demon that had just taken her baby from her, she let the tears fall before screaming at her daughters retreating form "KAGOME!!!!"

Looking down at the girl in his arms Takuya smiled a rare smile 'Kagome huh? So that's your name little one. It suits you.'

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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