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His Lady (Chapter 54) - Sat 28 Nov 2009

OMG the aniticipation of the next chapter has me at the edge of my seat i cant wait to read it and see what the, please excuse my language but i am only reapeating, "Oh Shit" was about in this chapter....well here it goes =D

stars (Chapter 56) - Sat 28 Nov 2009

please updata

joyouki (Chapter 5) - Fri 27 Nov 2009

i loved it!  I really enjoyed the swimming part that was great!

joyouki (Chapter 3) - Thu 26 Nov 2009

finally he spits it out! OH BOY!!!Great chapter

joyouki (Chapter 2) - Thu 26 Nov 2009

Yes Sess was a complete JERK and deserves Kagome's cold shoulder, but I like how this is starting off.  I like how devoted he is to winning her back and pushing her buttons!  I like the "you'll go naked" that had me laughing!!

joyouki (Chapter 1) - Wed 25 Nov 2009

GASP! This is complete juice! It is very dramatic and strong! I am going to love reading every word!

Chaos_Queen77 (Chapter 56) - Wed 25 Nov 2009

This fic just gets better and better! I love it. Just as i have from the start. i do so hope to see another chapter soon! Keep up the good work!

Kanna37 (Chapter 56) - Wed 25 Nov 2009

Oooo... now its getting REALLY interesting. Can't wait for more.


autumngold (Chapter 56) - Wed 25 Nov 2009

Why do I have the feeling that this isn't going to go as well as Sesshoumaru thinks?  I really hope that I am wrong.  Will Kagome have to fight Kouro?  Or is she just going to have to face him in demon court?  Thank you for the new chapter.  I can't wait for more!

WhiteRose-Kurama (Chapter 55) - Mon 23 Nov 2009

And the plot thickens... I wonder what Kagome will think of these new arrangements? And I hope Kouro gets what's coming to him. Also, when is the baby due? Keep up the good work and update soon :P

autumngold (Chapter 55) - Mon 23 Nov 2009

I think that Inuyasha needs to back off.  Can't he understand why Kagome didn't want to tell them the truth about her schooling?    Shippo was cruel to her face about it, but Inuyasha never supported her in the past when she wanted to learn.  Why would he know?  Great update!  I'm glad that Sesshoumaru was able to save the plane and Kagome was able to help him.  They make a good team.

REDWOLF (Chapter 55) - Sun 22 Nov 2009

What I like best about this fic, a lot happens in every chapter. Well done!

Kanna37 (Chapter 55) - Sun 22 Nov 2009

Wow... that was scary for a while.  Poor Kagome.  At least you only had her suffer for a few minutes.  Can't wait for the next chapter!


stars (Chapter 55) - Sun 22 Nov 2009

please updata

MoMo (Chapter 55) - Sun 22 Nov 2009

Yes That was awesomeness...I love how fiercely independent Kagome is...Um question will that ever change? The Chapter and your work sedated my fanfiction need to an T. Thank you.

babyfairy (Chapter 54) - Mon 16 Nov 2009

damnit! why'd you do that?!?!?! it was getting goooood! lol great work and keep it up. but be sure to update sooner lol thanks

Madeline (Chapter 54) - Mon 16 Nov 2009

"oh shit..." That is not a good note to leave it on!!! Great chapter glad to see Sesshy is including Kagome :) Can't wait to see what happens next!!!

Kanela (Chapter 54) - Mon 16 Nov 2009

....I don't know why I haven't been reading your story. I have no excuse.

It has an amazing plot, very well written, and I love your style. Sesshoumaru's portrait is fantastic! Now I know why you're a winner hehe. I spent two days reading, and let me tell you, it was worth the time. 'll be waiting for your update then...(how dare you leave it like that?!) hahahaha (:

Congratz! :D

WhiteRose-Kurama (Chapter 54) - Mon 16 Nov 2009

Did he just set off the bomb accidentally? I wonder what could cause the guy to swear like that. Keep up the good work and update soon :P

REDWOLF (Chapter 54) - Mon 16 Nov 2009

Woe, you left us here??? Great chapter, but get back here, PLEASE!!! I can't wait. Oh, I feel like chewing on a pencil or nail, or...what am I thinking?  Sesshoumaru is the dog here (lol). Fantastic story, hope you update soon!

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