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sunset in love (Chapter 52) - Sat 24 Oct 2009

so cute...

kimakaanna (Chapter 1) - Fri 23 Oct 2009

I swear, this story is one of the best on this site. Actually it's one of the best that I've ever read!! I love it and the ending of that chapter was so sweet. Sesshy knows just what to say!! Thanks for creating!

Madeline (Chapter 52) - Thu 22 Oct 2009

Awww Sesshy kinda weaseled his way out of the worst of it :D Can't wait for the next chappie keep up the good work :D

TruGemini (Chapter 52) - Thu 22 Oct 2009

And this is why Sess is the best. Inuyasha could never be that smooth in explaining why he lied. That was the best asking for forgiveness line ever. This chapter was great. I have truly fallen in love with this story.

Kanna37 (Chapter 52) - Thu 22 Oct 2009

"He was avoiding. Nice try. She had questions. He had answers. She wanted them. And she was going to get them."  I loved this chapter, and some of the sentences, such as the above, were so delightfully balanced.  Can't wait for the next one!


WhiteRose-Kurama (Chapter 52) - Thu 22 Oct 2009

Can't wait for Sesshou to find Kouro and make him pay. I wonder if Kagome will yell at Inuyasha and the security team as well. Also, can you do fanart of the sea dwellers? Keep up the good work and update soon :P

autumngold (Chapter 52) - Thu 22 Oct 2009

I still don't agree with Sesshoumaru for not telling Kagome the truth about what was going on.  His reasons were good, but I really wish that he would trust her more.  Isn't that how the whole mess with their marriage started, because he didn't trust her?  He's lucky she's such a softy.  Thank you so much for the wonderful update!  I can't wait for the demon council meeting.  Will Kagome get to go?  If not, will she be in trouble when she's left behind?  Please update again soon! 

stars (Chapter 52) - Thu 22 Oct 2009

please updata

Ajah (Chapter 51) - Wed 21 Oct 2009


Seshiepersonalpriestess (Chapter 51) - Sun 18 Oct 2009

So, I guess when Kagome wakes up Sesh is going to be in a world of hurt I hope....make his whole team scared of her. Yup, can't wait. :)

stars (Chapter 51) - Sun 18 Oct 2009

please updata

Madeline (Chapter 51) - Sun 18 Oct 2009

Go Kagome Go!! Woot love the chapter! Keep up the awesome work!! Can't wait for another update! :D

Anon (Chapter 12) - Sun 18 Oct 2009

You're starting to lose me.

Anon (Chapter 10) - Sun 18 Oct 2009

I do find it quite amazing that she was all set and ready to give him a second chance.  I guess after the dip in the bath, sleeping on the couch, and skinning dipping in the lake was enough to help her jump to that conclusion.  What happened to discussing the problem?  Rebuilding the trust?  Then moving forward with some sort of reaffirmed commitment?  New rules of engagement? Making sure they have open and honest communication? 

Anon (Chapter 4) - Sun 18 Oct 2009

I am so not a fan of this Sesshomaru!  Why doesn't he consider her at all?  He only considers himself, his need to resolve the guilt he feels.  What about the hurt she endured? What about asking her what it is she needs and wants?  Does she have any interests at all?  For the whole time they were married what did she do during the days?  Just sit around?  She had no other interests or friends?  How did she spenc her time?  So I think it sucks that while Sesshomaru is trying to gain forgiveness, he has no humility at all, it's not like he's learned anything and he is still getting his way, what is the over all lesson in that?

Kanna37 (Chapter 51) - Sun 18 Oct 2009

Now that's Kagome.   No running... take em on head on and deal with it.  Loved the chapter!


Anon (Chapter 2) - Sun 18 Oct 2009

He sure doesn't seem very remorseful.  I don't think one can commandeer someone's forgiveness, it's like he doesn't get that he was wrong.  Would it have not been sensible thing for him to bend to her will a little and not just ordering her about?  Even something as simple as moving his room next to hers, at least showing her some form of humility and remorse, a subtle action that would have meant a great deal.

Anon (Chapter 1) - Sun 18 Oct 2009

Very interesting story, the chapter ended better than it started that's for sure.  Just one quick note, the way you present the dialogue makes it hard to tell which characters are speaking.

autumngold (Chapter 51) - Sat 17 Oct 2009

Go Kagome.  I knew Sesshoumaru should have had more confidence in her!  She was awesome in the fight.  Thank goodness Mariko saved the baby, but Kagome was the one who saved Mariko's life.  Now, Sesshoumaru really needs to apologize to Kagome.  Once again, like when he thought she lied about her virginity, he didn't trust her.  He is lucky that she will forgive him yet again.  Please update again soon!

His Lady (Chapter 50) - Fri 16 Oct 2009

WOW the gang is tight kagome found out sheesh but omg this is good please continue soon

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