Many Faces of Mokomoko, M+M
Picture information
yeah well i was just having fun with this. I placed it in fanart, rather the other, b/c it does pertain to M+M. so nah :P either way, i had a lot of fun coming up with these, and they are just roughly done and fast, so either way i like them. - r0o
Mokomoko plus miko is MissK's fic.
-3rd quarter art.
thesong that made me draw these
Artist note: Please ask before using this in any other fanart/banner/other/etc. I've only given an okay to a few people. and i'd like to keep up with who is using what. Thanks.
Mokomoko plus miko is MissK's fic.
-3rd quarter art.
thesong that made me draw these
Artist note: Please ask before using this in any other fanart/banner/other/etc. I've only given an okay to a few people. and i'd like to keep up with who is using what. Thanks.
19.09.2009 09:29:27
....ROFL *dies from laughter*
I love all the annoyed looks