Happy Halloween 2009 By r0o...again
Picture information
Title: Happy Halloween 2009
Subjects: Sesshomaru+Kagome©RumikoTakahashi
Art: r0o
About: This is for 2 things, first i can tell you about is the contest art for DS Anno/Rikayu's contest, the Second i will note later when its submitted, i wont be telling what/who its for til after that time. Either way. I hope its well received. Its kinda got an Art Nouveau thing going on with that oval... i well...
Kagome: Wearing a Uniform Green PlayBoi BunnySuit©Playboy/HughHeffner
Sesshomaru: Wearing FIREMENS pants, I have no idea what happened to his shirt... or his hat.... yeah i just wanted to see his chest.
Things i forgot: Hip strips on Sess as well as his man nipples, he's a youkai i'm going with he doesn't have them for this pic =x or he's and Alien FIREMENS, and they just dont have them -nods-
Hope its well liked.
-4th quarter arts
-edit: i fixed his arm =x
Subjects: Sesshomaru+Kagome©RumikoTakahashi
Art: r0o
About: This is for 2 things, first i can tell you about is the contest art for DS Anno/Rikayu's contest, the Second i will note later when its submitted, i wont be telling what/who its for til after that time. Either way. I hope its well received. Its kinda got an Art Nouveau thing going on with that oval... i well...
Kagome: Wearing a Uniform Green PlayBoi BunnySuit©Playboy/HughHeffner
Sesshomaru: Wearing FIREMENS pants, I have no idea what happened to his shirt... or his hat.... yeah i just wanted to see his chest.
Things i forgot: Hip strips on Sess as well as his man nipples, he's a youkai i'm going with he doesn't have them for this pic =x or he's and Alien FIREMENS, and they just dont have them -nods-
Hope its well liked.
-4th quarter arts
-edit: i fixed his arm =x
21.10.2009 17:43:52
I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!