Omg.... thats all i can say right now.... omg
Aw man, I really, really do hope this is just Kagome's nightmare after she fell asleep thinking about Sesshoumaru and Dr. Tanaka. I really do. I don't want Dr. Tanaka to die, and this could really destroy Kagome -- thinking it was all her fault. I hope this is just a glimpse of what could potentially happen if she decides to give in to the temptation. Kagome and Sesshoumaru really need to talk & it's about time Sess lets Kagome in on his plans about the princess.
And if everything that happened after she fell asleep is real, then man, I'm really scared for her. She doesn't need an enemy out of Sesshoumaru. Maemi and the emperor is already after her, not her ex-mate too!
Thank you for the wonderful update as always. I don't blame you at all for being glued to the tv since I am essentially the same when the world cup started! Till the next chapter!
Ankita (Chapter 106) - Mon 30 Jun 2014
I wish kagome's never goes back to him now he will understand how it feels n poor doc he had to dieee >_< when does d world cup endsss ?_? I hope it does soon
Shana (Chapter 106) - Mon 30 Jun 2014
Ugh! Sesshomaru is just pissing me off right now!! Let the girl have her needs met too! Geez! Please let her slap him! Please!! One good really hard slap to tell him how unfair he is being to her! That would make me feel better lol!! This story has had its ups and downs but it has me captivated for sure! I've been reading it since the first chapter was posted. Can't wait for the next update!!
nicole (Chapter 106) - Mon 30 Jun 2014
Another month before you write a chapter good story
Monica (Chapter 106) - Mon 30 Jun 2014
Did not see that coming to be honest. However, people have needs and loneliness can be the very devil. Excellent update as usual.
Ana (Chapter 106) - Mon 30 Jun 2014
Ohhhhhhhhhh please don't leave us hanging! :(
Kagome finally toke the courage to step up to her desires and now this? Please update soon.
Thank you for the update! <3
I like the story.. I really do, but can it start getting happier yet?
Oh, Kagome, what have you done? She's in trouble now.
satuross (Chapter 106) - Mon 30 Jun 2014
and....things gets worst
heh heh hehhhh
nicole (Chapter 105) - Mon 30 Jun 2014
Wish you would update
Erica (Chapter 105) - Sat 28 Jun 2014
Started reading this story a few days ago, I usually don't mess with incomplete stories but I took a chance and fell in love. I haven't been able to put my phone down since starting. I've laughed, I've cried and felt like I was actually living through their heartache. I can't wait for the next chapter to be posted so I can find out what happens next! Love your work keep going!
Aviva (Chapter 105) - Thu 19 Jun 2014
Great chapter, love the interaction between Kagome and the doctor, glad he was able to save the town. I felt so bad for Aiko having her first menses and had to tell her father, nervy moment but at least Sesshomaru handdled it well. So the story is almost full circle and Kagome is almost at the point in her life from chapter one. Sighs! I can feel the ending of Bent in the air. Wonderful story!
Aviva (Chapter 104) - Thu 19 Jun 2014
Aah that is so sweet! Kags and Sessh having such an intimate moment. That woman the princess is trying hard to hurt Kagome, but when Sesshomaru finds out not only her butt will hurt but all over. I hope he punishes her so bad that she would want to die.
Shaneka (Chapter 105) - Wed 18 Jun 2014
I really loved this chapter a bit disappointed that Sesshoumaru didn't go check up on his family but I loved it anyway.
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