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Anonymous (Chapter 21) - Sat 01 May 2010

what the heck was that? does this mean that's he alive again? i hope he is! wish you had made the story longer this is good i might have to reread it again

dayna (Chapter 21) - Sat 01 May 2010

So I want to say that I cried throughout this whole chapter. Man if I wasnt feeling the exact same way Kagome was when Sessy died. And yes at the end I was like WTF! I am so excited to see what is gonna happen in the next chapter that its almost torture to have to wait till tomarrow.

This story is just so amazing and so original and I am so glad that I decided to read it.

Chelsea Harris (Chapter 21) - Sat 01 May 2010

OMG...................i got teary eyed when they got to Rin's part. Then, I kinda figured he was going to die when he got struck by lightning because of his heart. But to read it is a whole different story. I literally sobbed. I was like no no no no no no no. He was just starting to live again. And now he's gone. But I know you're bringing him back......right?????????

sesshys_jaded_samuri (Chapter 21) - Sat 01 May 2010

OH MY... I know that I have not reviewed this story as of yet, but I have been reading every chapter... I had a feeling that the dream she had meant that his body needed to reject the artificial valve for it to heal...

I was in tears through the last half of this chapter...

Congrats...not many people can make me cry like that.

I can't wait to see how this ends.

Inu Guardian (Chapter 21) - Sat 01 May 2010

I don't think I've EVER felt the need to cry so hard in my life.  Sitting here, writing this review, I am tearing up.  To see him go through all that he has...For everything to come crashing down.  It's indescribeable.  When I read Kagome's dream sequence, I thought something was going to happen.  To know that Sesshoumaru came back around was such a relief.  You are a truly magnificent author!

Inusbabe (Chapter 21) - Sat 01 May 2010

I had a feeling his heart healed itself, why didn't Kagome think that from the dream?

Now where the bleep is he?? Only one chapter to go

Sorrows Amaranth (Chapter 21) - Sat 01 May 2010

>wails like a baby< SESSHOUMARU!

Midnight Cat (Chapter 21) - Sat 01 May 2010

My God! My computer's Hard Disk dies on me, I rush to get it fixed and have to wait until it was finally done! I come back like a dying person gasping for air to this story and read everything I had missed, I was happy and sad, but then I reach this chapter and now I can't stop crying! My family keeps thinking that I am crazy, they don't understand how words can really affect others, they mock me by saying that I take fanfiction a little too seriously, but I don't care! I just don't care! after everything, after all the pain, after all the special moments, all the highs and lows, it just can't end like this!! It's just so unfair!

I'm writing this with tears in my eyes, and I am not ashamed to say so. Perhaps I am in a sensitive mood and it just happen to be the right thing at the wrong time, or vice-versa, but I do know that this was so painful to read!! It just seemed like it was too raw, too filled with all the emotions I didn't want to experience and it hurt!

It's been so long since the last time I have let myself so engrossed into a story that I felt so emotional, but this was without a doubt one of the few that have really touched me in a way that it has left a huge imprint in my heart.

I have no words to express how I feel; in a way I'm awed that your words had so much impact in me, that you managed to take me into the story so deep that I felt as part of it, as if I was a silent participant, but that I was there none the less, and now when I want to be just a reader to escape the pain and emotions, I can't, because I am way too deep inside! I can't detach myself, I can't escape the pain, and I have to deal with it just as I dealt with every other emotion before! I can't just walk away from it because you managed to draw me in, and that is the sign of a true gifted writer, when the readers are not just looking at words, but become part of the story!

I don't know what happens next, I am afraid to even try to imagine, but I do know that you are amazing, a really gifted writer and I know that you will forever have a fan in me.

Thank you for sharing, thank you for writing, and thank you for doing it in a way that has made us feel every little emotion in the story!!



KEdakumi (Chapter 21) - Sat 01 May 2010

Gotta wait for the end.... so not fair.

Great story!

MonMon (Chapter 21) - Sat 01 May 2010 are an AMAZING writer! I started reading this story last weekend and it is simply one of the best stories I have read to date. I cried so hard during this chapter and I cannot wait until the final chapter tomorrow.

KyuubiPandoraChan (Chapter 21) - Sat 01 May 2010

When she saw Inuyasha in her dream, it was a hint. Gosh, it makes me cry...Everyone followed this story for so long, we are so attached to it that it feels really sad reading it. Last chapter tomolo, I will miss it. The daily ritual of waiting it at midnight here. 

This is a good one.

MissTeak (Chapter 21) - Sat 01 May 2010

Oh my god. Oh my god. What a way to go.

You told me it was going to be mindf***, but damn, this is not mindf***, this is mind BDSM or something!!! SHEESH. OMG I almost died when he...died. It's so horrible, and the emotions went on a ride more potent than triple-loop-roller-coaster+bungee jumping+freefall. I am sad it's going to be the final chapter tomorrow, but at the same time, I am praying it comes soon, because I have to know what happened to the poor guy.

kagomesirene (Chapter 21) - Sat 01 May 2010

man...i have to admit i kinda hated you a little bit for quite some time during tis chapter....needed a whole tissue box for this chapter...not only because i completly understand kagomes hard/angry and desperate feelings about sesshoumaru leaving her so soon, but dying right before dad , both my grandfathers and my grandmother all passed away a few days before/ right on christmas day.... >.< ...jeez your story is just way to close to my life not to cry >.<


please update soon

knifethrower (Chapter 21) - Sat 01 May 2010

What?  What happened here?  Oh, the suspense would probably kill me if I didn't know you would be updating tomorrow.  Amazing pathos in this chapter, btw.

Saide (Chapter 21) - Sat 01 May 2010

you had me chewing my nails for the past 10 minutes, damn girl! >D I'd thought he was a goner for sure! way to keep the suspense til the end~

Can't wait for the final one! >:D<

fatcatmom (Chapter 21) - Sat 01 May 2010

Whoa. I *cried* when I read this chapter, which I have *never* done for any other fan-fic. So powerful and moving for everyone, especially those who have lost loved ones. Then WHAM the morgue is empty! Is our demon in the netherworld or has he returned to our world? Can't wait for the next chapter. Excellently job and thanks for wriin that truly moving chapter.

BeautifulSamurai (Chapter 21) - Sat 01 May 2010

Goodness, i've just been CRYING for the last ...well, ever since he DIED and than THIS happens at the end. . .and I just, *buries nose in tissues*. I didn't even realize how MUCH I even wanted Sesshoumaru to live until he actually died, oh so suddenly. But that's how it is in real life to! Man, that was just heartshattering though. Your story is a complete and wonderous masterpiece, so real and tangible - Kagome's grief felt like it was MY grief - you know that? Just please dont do anything like that ever again. . .they NEED to live. They both must live. I couldn't bear any other ending. It's hard enough realizing that Kagome will one day die and he will be alone (but if you decide to change that next chapter, if anyone could pull that off, it would be you.). This is not romeo and juliet where tragedy some how suits the couple - Kagome and Sesshoumarru have fought to TOO hard. . .And you know all this, of course. Huh. Well excellent work. The pain I felt when he died and the relief I felt when Kanrau grabbed Kagome's arm - that's the rollercoaster that great Author plots are made of.  Thanks for (i think?) not killing him permanetntly yet. But WHERE is Sessh? Now, im going to go cry somehwere . . .I can't believe the next chapter will be the last. This has been such a journey. I guess Sesshoumaru's death will be somewhat like the death of a phoenix,  where the past REALLy, literally does die, but now (if he's alive like the end of this chapter suggests) he can come back and make a fresh start. Oh, oh, oh, still so sad though. Kagome deserves a HUGE hug for this. Excellent work again.

P.s. The scene where Sessh pulls Kagome back in for a hug and says he "learns fast", was one of my all time favorite lines.

Enduring Ice (Chapter 21) - Sat 01 May 2010

Holy hell, you are so cruel.  I cried I mean really cried.

fellow sesshomaru lover (Chapter 21) - Sat 01 May 2010

omfg. this is so good. i have been reading this story since you first put it up. i love this story. its a crime that it should end tommorrow. but alas like all things this to shall have to end. i only wish that you didnt have to kill off inuyasha but thats ok i understand why you did it. it made this story more dramatic and tragic as well. i love your work trouble. its really good. better than have the crap i have written. anyway i must go. toodles. oh if you ever get stuck for a story idea contact me at or what ever.

FayeMegan (Chapter 21) - Sat 01 May 2010

Holy shit. I sat here crying my eyes out and my boyfriend looking at me like I'm an idiot. That was just so sad. Now WTF happened to Sesshoumaru's body?! He got up and walked away right? and the valve came out just like in her dream? He must of reached in and took it out when it came out right?? OMG I can't wait for the last chapter.

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