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Wynter89 (Chapter 14) - Sun 25 Apr 2010

I felt so disappointed that the chapter ended.  T_T.   I am really getting into this!  It took my breath away.  I dont believe i've ever read anything like it before.   

I love the medical diction, the glossary, and your knowledge of these medical procedures! 

Well done!  

Keep up the fantastic work!

Good luck!

I cannot wait for the next installment!  

InuAngel (Chapter 14) - Sat 24 Apr 2010

Hi agian I know I just reviewed, but I was going to comment on the food hording, I think I know why he's hording, I have a friend who's father was mentally ill and when he had to go into a hospital for awhile it left the family strapped for money, it was so bad that sometimes they just had a can of peas for dinner split between four kids.  Well, she told me when her father was well and out of the hospital and the money was coming back into the home from both incomes her and her sibs would horde food, hid it everywhere in case their father had to go back again and they would be prepared and won't go hungry.  Is that what Sess is doing?  Now that my friend is older, well she's an older woman I visit and help out, she still over stocks her cabinets, even though her children are grown with children of her own.  Everytime there is a sale on food she gives me literly hundreds of dollars to buy cases and bags of food, it's stored in the pantry, cabinets, drawers in her bedroom, in closets and her little storage closet next to her apartment.  I know while he was burried, in that coma he had to have felt the pangs of hungar, it wasn't plessant.  Is that what Sess is doing, making sure he never goes hungry again?

Also, I was thinking that Sess would go to school and become a famous heart surgeon, but a teacher would be perfect for him. i wouldn't mind him being my teacher. LOL.  Bad InuAngel, Bad girl!  Again INCREDIABLY BEAUTIFUL!

Much Love

InuAngel Again

InuAngel (Chapter 14) - Sat 24 Apr 2010

What can I say, I am so glad I stumbled upon your fic, it's one of the most beautiful fic's I've ever read!  I don't have anyother words that will describe this fic.  Sess, being this exposed, you wrote this beautifully with out making him out to be cry baby or whimp nor taking from the original character. You're version of Sess, well, he's still him he's very much Sessshomaru, but---hummm, how do I explain this?  He had lived a long life and has learned what is important, he has learned that power isn't the begin and end all.  If Sess was a real being and survived all he has I believe he would be just as you have written him.  I adore his character as you have written him, if you would have left him the same cold, demon your fic wouldn't be what it is now, it's INCREDIABLE!  I love his and Kagome's relationship,the part when she held his beating heart in his hand made me nearly cry. I felt for Sess, I live in danger of heart failure myself with my rare blood disease, I have to have monthly blood transfussions to live, and this disease causes all kinds of chaos on my body and organs some with the same symptoms that Sess has or had, somedays I feel I can't go on this way myself, I really connected with him. I am glad you took your time and did your research on his health condition before you wrote this, I hate it when writers write about an injury or illness and didn't research it, it ruins the fic badly.  Example: Kagome is bleeding badly they slap on a bandage and wham she's running through the forest again with no effects from the bloodloss or trama, or she's shot in the chest and right after surgery she's eating chilli fries. No offense to anyone at all, just and observation.  I was taught to research everything before I write it or paint it.

  I think you gave Kagome the perfect perfession, if you would have made her some top notch doctor she wouldn't have had the time to care for Sess as she has, realistically anyway. Also, with her being gone through the well most of her schooling career it wouldn't make sence for her to have had the time to work at becoming a doctor.  Your fic is very realistic, for having a demon in it.  I think it's cool how Sess survived barly, was found just in time.  Will he meet another demon?  Then you have to wonder if he would have survived all those centuries with a heart condition, seeing that Inu died with his.  Your fic is really unique and I love it!!!  Their relationship is going at a true pase, not to fast and not to slow but careful like relationships should go.  I hope you are very proud of your work it's AWESOME!  Like I said this is the most beautiful fic I have ever read and I have read a lot of them.  Every chapter is perfect, it's detailed and filled with emotion, so well written it's like I can see the characters and feel what they feel.  AWESOME!  I check daily for updates and when I see one, I get comfortable and turn off my phone until I'm finished reading it!  INCREDIABLY BEAUTIFUL!!!!  Write on!

Much Love


Miss.Undo (Chapter 14) - Sat 24 Apr 2010

ots kind of scary how you update so fast and long. your the perfect aurthor!!!! lol please continue doing the same you have been doing! the story is great! ")

BeautifulSamurai (Chapter 14) - Sat 24 Apr 2010

Short but sweet. . .and powerful too, in its own way. Another gem of wisdom in Kagome's words about pain. Plus, i feel that now Sesshoumaru is opening up even more, or healing perhaps is the better word, because instead of withdrawing and turning away from her like he always does after seeking her comfort. . .Sesshoumaru *physically* stays turned towards her throughought the night and even into the morning. I love this story even more with each passing chapter. Please keep up the wonderful work. It makes my day!

Quiet Whisper (Chapter 14) - Sat 24 Apr 2010

*sigh* Sesshy can be so stubborn sometimes... but I highly doubt even a few hundred years would ever change that about him. At least he was willing to recieve comfort from Kagome, and I would serious love to see him lounging around in a pair of boxers and a yukata *drools*

Anyway great job as always!!

kagomesirene (Chapter 14) - Sat 24 Apr 2010

I'm happy that sesshoumaru is recovering nicely, and the relationship to move into the right direction too....

...but that he's hoarding all this food makes me anxious and i cannot shake the feeling that he's already preparing his leave >.<

please update soon

dayna (Chapter 14) - Sat 24 Apr 2010

Again another amazing chapter, I like how slowly but surely you can tell that Sessy is healing and Kagome is there right along with him to help with his ordeal. I wonder though how its gonna effect them when Kagome finally has to deal with her own personal demons. Hopefully Sesshomaru will be able to help her just as much as she is trying to help him. I also love that Kagome is finally starting to understand to beauty of silence.

cant wait for another chapter.

oksana (Chapter 14) - Sat 24 Apr 2010

This is one of the few funfics that make me check computer few times a day, even when I supposed to be studying:) Its very interesting to read it knowing all terminology and procedures. And Sesshoumaru is very different and very human-like in your story. Love it:)

Saide (Chapter 14) - Sat 24 Apr 2010

Sesshoumaru flopped out like a couch potato, his yukata spread wide open and his white boxers on display to the world.

This one is added to my queue of what to draw next if I don't get lazy. XD (yes I'm weird to draw the silliest of the silly, but tis strike inspiration the most) it's begging for a clear picture! HAHAHAHAHA

Rowdys girl (Chapter 13) - Sat 24 Apr 2010

Wow, so good, so very good! I just love the way you write.

KyuubiPandoraChan (Chapter 14) - Sat 24 Apr 2010

Poor Sesshou...And gosh more drama coming? I can't wait for it. Life could never be simple for them huh? XD Anyway, great chapter. I waited till 12am my time for this and it has become a daily ritual for me. XD

1CarinoInu (Chapter 13) - Sat 24 Apr 2010

To me, this is an absolutely beautiful piece of fiction.  It appears very well researched, with all of the technical information throughout, and written with a plot to draw you in.  

I just started reading it, yesterday.  I like to let fictions start out and see how often updates are done, and then check out the reviews to get a feel for a story before I delve into them.  Truly a piece of art.  Well done.

I look forward to seeing how things work out between the two, as well as our Doctor, who has figured out what Sesshoumaru is.  


love you so much (Chapter 13) - Sat 24 Apr 2010

<3     ^_^

FayeMegan (Chapter 13) - Sat 24 Apr 2010

Dang. I really hope Sesshoumaru can get over his PTSD and embrace life more. He and Kagome really need eachother. Looking forward to tomorrow's update as always ^__^

snowbird (Chapter 13) - Fri 23 Apr 2010

Wow!  That was really something when she actually held the heart of the one she loves.  Maybe when his soul embraced her, it effected her not only emotionally but physically?  One can only hope.  I'm not interested in her turning into a youkai, but it would be nice for her life to be extended.

Quiet Whisper (Chapter 13) - Fri 23 Apr 2010

Yay! He's doing better!! I'm happy to see him up and about and I'm glad he found out that Kagome held his heart. I hope everything goes alright with PTSD and he gets things figured out. And the phone call where he had her look at the moon was such a cute scene!!!

Great job as always, can't wait for tomorrow!!

Saide (Chapter 13) - Fri 23 Apr 2010

Squealing like a mother hooked to her soaps, man. You really know how to keep the readers on edge. >D

I would want to try Sesshomaru's kimono too, I'd say that luxurious silk would feel like 10 levels of heaven >D



and cue in TV voice...

**stay tuned for the next episode of: Embrace The Silence**




BeautifulSamurai (Chapter 13) - Fri 23 Apr 2010

Goodness, the last two chapters. . .phenomenal. Just, wow. She literally HELD his heart, and it was so beautiful. Sesshoumaru and Kagome are so, so good for each other. I love them, and I love how you write them! Mmm,  Sesshoumaru HAS come so far. . .But these night terrors, I wonder what the true story is behind the scars that made him so afraid. They deffinetly still have some work ahead of them (but as a reader i'm slightly grateful, now that i've read this, i don't really want their story to end), but Sesshoumaru in his wisdom is right, there is a beauty in suffering, and it's not necessarily a dark one. While i feel one major challenge has been resolved as of this chapter, I see that you've re-introduced some other mysteries. Seshoumaru's notebooks, the hidden bags of food, his scars...I look foward to reading it all. Thanks for your writing again, and your frequent updates - it made my day!


P.s. That Docotr B. is quite a character, I enjoy his humor! And i think its great you sprinkle each chapter with a little bit of humor, whether its from Kagome's work, young silly nurses, or the characters themselves - it's all the spice of good.

Cinne (Chapter 13) - Fri 23 Apr 2010

Amazing chapter, love everyone in it.

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