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Nysrina (Chapter 18) - Thu 29 Apr 2010

This fanfic is my drug. I kid you not.

The music is a medley of 'The Heart Asks The Pleasure First' and 'The Promise', I think.  :D I dug out my old CD and am listening to it as I type. I cannot imagine a track more appropriate.

You're an amazing storyteller. I love this chapter for so many things, but I am particularly captured by how you wove the story of Inupapa and Izayoi into the tale, echoes of the episode where Kagome held Sesshoumaru's heart during the surgery. Literally, figuratively, his heart is hers.

I am one satisfied fangirl.

MissTeak (Chapter 18) - Thu 29 Apr 2010

This is my favorite chapter till date! The lemon was beautiful, passionate, romantic and it came at the perfect time. I absolutely loved it; it was gorgeous!! Well done :) The tale of the thorn bird sure was tragic; it was a perfect description of the relationship Sesshoumaru and Kagome are caught in. I am definitely looking forward to the next chapter! (though I have an exam tomorrow LOL)

mikaelalucine (Chapter 18) - Thu 29 Apr 2010

Loved this chapter!! This is my favorite out of all of them so far, not just because of the smut, but because... O don't know but I think you might already know how I feel since you wrote it. Great chapter, please update soon!!!

Quiet Whisper (Chapter 18) - Wed 28 Apr 2010

0.0 *blinks stupidly* wow... that was hawt... and you were right, the song went perfectly with it. And I totally loved the story about his father and Izayoi, as soon as he told her I thought that's who it was about, but I also realized that he was pretty much telling Kagome that she had his heart, at least in his own way.

I know he cares about her and isn't the type of guy to say silly things like 'I love you' but I kind of hope he will, at least once... and that's if he does. I know he's got a lot of stuff to work out before anything super concrete can come about, and at the same time it's sad because Kagome won't live as long as he will... what will he do then?

Love it as always and I can't wait for tomorrow!

dayna (Chapter 18) - Wed 28 Apr 2010

Oh my, this chapter was just so beautiful. I loved the fact that Sessy cooked for them and made it very traditional. I also laughed when the part came up about him driving. The image I get of Sessy trying to drive is just too hilarious. Now, this lemon. Very nice. I have a feeling that some through their joining they were able to heal even if it was just a little bit. I cant wait to see what is going to happen in the next chapter, it should prove to be very interesting.

Rin Akarui (Chapter 18) - Wed 28 Apr 2010

What a beautiful chapter! I love it :]

Please keep up the great work! 

Kaza (Chapter 18) - Wed 28 Apr 2010

That was amazing!


FayeMegan (Chapter 18) - Wed 28 Apr 2010

*satisfied grin* I think I may need to read that again. :3

Inusbabe (Chapter 18) - Wed 28 Apr 2010

Liked it, loved it want more of it...

One little thing... smelled like veal? shouldn't that be vension?

Saide (Chapter 18) - Wed 28 Apr 2010

*wipes sweat away from forehead*

primal and sensual...damn. :3 I love it.

And if you noticed, I made a new artz today >D

LadySafire (Chapter 18) - Wed 28 Apr 2010

:sigh: Another chapter worth waiting for.

 Love Sesshomaru learning to drive. 

 Sesshomaru's dinner was so cool. I loved it!

 It was a beautiful lemon. Very well done.

 :SIGH again: Now I have to wait till tomorrow for the next chapter.

Saide (Chapter 17) - Tue 27 Apr 2010

Fury exploded behind her chest and lanced down her arm. She slapped him harder than anything she ever hit in her life. The sound of skin on skin was deafening and the impact twisted his head completely to the side. Had he been at full strength, such a blow would not have moved him at all. Her palm stung. She watched the red handprint blossom on his flawless skin.


Sesshomaru has never been slapped...ever! :O Moar arts in the to-do list! <3

Wynter89 (Chapter 17) - Tue 27 Apr 2010

I really love what you have going on here! 

It is unlike anything i've read to date!

I loved the Star Trek Jargon!  "Are you out of your Vulcan Mind?"

I love the Historical references, especially in Sesshoumaru's Journal!  He caused Issac Newton to come up with his theory on Gravity!   Simply Brilliant!

There are a lot of scenes i can pick out, but I just want to say that over all, this is Mind Boggling!

You have a good knowledge of Medical procedures and that knowledge made this more realistic!

Good luck

I cannot wait for the next installment!


fatcatmom (Chapter 17) - Tue 27 Apr 2010

Very emotional chapter. Rings very true with families who have faced mental heath issues for their loved ones. The snapping fingers thing is new to me- what a great therapy so our demon can banish his demons! Still wonder if Kanrau fancies our Kags, but he is right about the male bond thing and Sess testing her.... Looking forward to the next chapter of the long and rocky path.

Quiet Whisper (Chapter 17) - Tue 27 Apr 2010

Well you sure named that chapter well, self doubt can really suck and sometimes it can do more harm than the actual problem. But at least Kagome has Kanrau to help her get through it. And I can understand why Sesshomaru would test Kagome, to many years of being alone and not being able to trust anyone would make anyone wary, and him even mrore so since he was never very trusting to begin with.

Another great one!

kagomesirene (Chapter 17) - Tue 27 Apr 2010


seems you have an ear for desperate people, as you updates but a few hours after i begged for an update XD

sigh...poor sesshy's getting even worse, but they have to look into his problem to maybe make them better so i still keep my hope up that he will regain some of his old self...more selfesteem, more courage to face the world...and hopefully more trust and believe in kagome and her intentions ...sigh it makes me feel a little bit sad as my grandpa and grandma were in need of care too and in the end my grandma didn't even regocnized us anymore...i know how kagome feels because even though i knew my grandma would never have wanted to be dependant on us, i'm happy that i was there to wash her and prepare her for bed for the last time on the evening before she passed's emotionally hard to take care of your loved ones, but you do it BECAUSE you love them and not just because you pity them...i hope sesshoumaru is able to realize that too...come on kagome, don't give up :o

REDWOLF (Chapter 17) - Tue 27 Apr 2010

Great update, I just hope Sesshoumaru finds completeness without having to pretend he is well. This fic is so insightful.

cjflutterbye (Chapter 1) - Tue 27 Apr 2010

superb -

it almost sounds like he is schizophrenic

I want to hold him until the pain goes away

LadySafire (Chapter 17) - Tue 27 Apr 2010

Its hard to watch someone with a mental/physical disorder come apart. And you are showing the turmoil that Kagome and Sesshomaru are going through.

 In a way, though, Kagome is as much a victim of the past as Sesshomaru. Sure she doens't have the PTSD but  apart of her suffers as well.

 Keep up the great story! I look for this every morning and greedily devour every word.

kagomesirene (Chapter 16) - Tue 27 Apr 2010

>.< *cry* that was sooooooooooooooooooo sad...poor sesshoumaru..i cannot begin to imagine his lonelyness *cry*

i really really really hope that sesshoumaru has not to suffer that much so much longer...i know that PTSD cannot be healed completely, but he really has to finally get a little bit better...i think all this centuries are long enough....come on kagome!!!!

he already knows you love him, but he needs to finally love someone too...i don't think he can really be happy with just recieving and never being able to give anything in return....


pretty please update soon >.<

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