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Rin Akarui (Chapter 11) - Wed 21 Apr 2010

The last two chapters were amazing :]

Please keep up the great work ^^

KyuubiPandoraChan (Chapter 11) - Wed 21 Apr 2010

Oh man I hope he survive the surgery but I have a feeling he won't...*sniff* Such a good chappie and I should have know that doctor Kanrau was related to Naraku. 

snowbird (Chapter 11) - Wed 21 Apr 2010

I had a feeling that doctor had something to do with Naraku.  I just hope he's as innocent as he seems.  Eventually, I bet he figures out just who she really is.

If Sesshoumaru's health changes for the better and he still has his long life ahead of him, please don't take Kagome away from him by leaving her with a human's lifespan.  He's been through enough and I think it would only make it worse for him without her.

mikaelalucine (Chapter 11) - Wed 21 Apr 2010

Come on Sesshy survive!!!! Hehehehe he was stoned, wow!!!!! I wish I was there to see it. Please update soon!!!

fatcatmom (Chapter 11) - Wed 21 Apr 2010

Another great chapter. Had a feeling Doctor B was onto Sess--and his being a descendant of Naraku is very freaky. Very sweet how she spent his last evening watching the sunset. Let's see how Sess handles hospital food! Also looking forward to how he (and she) addresses his PTSD. One small comment when you were writing about the cost of Sess's medical bills draining his account: people are bankrupted by medical bills in the U.S. but not in Japan. From an article in the Washington Post on the Japanese medical system, the self-employed and the unemployed in Japan must pay about $1,600 a year for insurance coverage. I work with a lot of contractors who pay almost this amount for family medical coverage for one month.

Quiet Whisper (Chapter 11) - Wed 21 Apr 2010

@_@ *fidgets nervously* I really hope he makes it through the surgery... it's kind of scary with all the detail you put into it >.<

One the other hand, the Doc being Naraku's descendant? That was crazy scary I hope he doesn't go all homocidal like Naraku did. And that Rin girl, i wonder if she really is RIn's reincarnation? That would be kind of cool!

Also I looked up the translations for what Sesshomaru said in the earlier chapters and you had me feeling all wamr and uffzy inside! That was so cute!

Anywho awesome as always, can't wait to see what happens tomorrow! And I really hope he makes it out alright!

tika_taki (Chapter 11) - Wed 21 Apr 2010

i enjoy reading your story so much that i couldnt hold my tears! poor sesshou.. being immortal is sad since you'll be living the world alone, left by your loved ones, one by one. but please dont kill sesshoumaru either.. kagome would be left broken-hearted :(

FayeMegan (Chapter 11) - Wed 21 Apr 2010

Eee, not much of a cliff hanger but I'll be pondering the outcome until tomorrow. & I work late tomorrow so I can't read it as soon as it's posted, lol. Sweet, sweet torture. I'm such a light weight with medical and hosptial stuff, even just reading about it make me feel as if I'm going to pass out!

jgem (Chapter 11) - Wed 21 Apr 2010

I just can't get enough of this story. You have me smiling all goofy like one minute and then worried the next. And right now, I'm anxious to see how the surgery went. I will tune in tomorrow....

Midnight Cat (Chapter 11) - Wed 21 Apr 2010

I want to begin by apologizing for being absent, I was out of town and barely got back. I really missed this story!

This chapter was one that made me look deep inside, it was extremelly moving in a way that it got me thinking about how much we take life for granted sometimes.

I am terrified about the outcome of the surgery, and I hope everything goes well; I think it would be way sad if something happened to Sessho.

Onigumo's child? Wow, I didn't really expect that one, but it was really well done!

Now I feel as if I am left in a waiting room, waiting to hear how everything went, but saddly I won't find out until tomorrow!

Thank you so much for sharing again! You remain a fantastic writer, and I really, really love this story!



Brego Whitecloud (Chapter 11) - Wed 21 Apr 2010

Wonderfully and masterfully done. I read this from end to end, and enjoyed every word.  I was thinking Naraku as well--but--good thing the good doctor is a Good Doctor.  ;)  Though I think he suspects that Kagome is the time travelling incarnation. He's intelligent enough to know that she knows far more about him that she lets on.

Sesshoumaru vulerable--it is portrayed very well, and you have him pegged. I know from experience about dignity (and at times, the lack of it) and the medical field. 

I look forward to the surgical/post surgical chapter. 





Saide (Chapter 11) - Wed 21 Apr 2010

Gyuh! I'm as nervous as Kagome here, Sesshomaru going under the knife and what will happen next I wonder...*spazzes from nervousness* It's making me cry ;___;  

*imagines the voice over on TV: Stay Tuned tomorrow for the next episode of Embrace The Silence...*



And thank you for your comment on my recent art, I'm really glad you liked it :3

mikaelalucine (Chapter 10) - Tue 20 Apr 2010

Awwww!!! Poor Sesshy, loved the theme parks though. I can't wait for the next chapter!!!!!

Quiet Whisper (Chapter 10) - Tue 20 Apr 2010

That was so sad! Poor Sesshomaru, to have lived as long as he has and been faced with all that hardship... I think he needs a hug ^.^ ANd she's lucky he's not easily scared, those amusement park rides can be pretty daunting lol. Another great chapter, can't wait to see what happens tomorrow!

iloveprettysilverhair (Chapter 10) - Tue 20 Apr 2010

You gave me such amusing mental pictures in this chapter.  Sesshoumaru at Disneyland has to be one of the most entertaining things I've read in a while XD 

Poor guy has so many painful memories.  I think you're doing a magnificent job in balancing out the chapters with good stuff and bad.  I can't wait till tomorrow ^_^

dayna (Chapter 10) - Tue 20 Apr 2010

That had to be one of the more amusing chapters, Sessy at Disney Land was sooo funny. And the part where he painted her face similar to his was very sweet. i loved it all. I'm glad they got a chance to experience a moment outside of the city even though it did bring out painful memories. I really do enjoy this story and I cant wait for another update tomarrow.

knifethrower (Chapter 10) - Tue 20 Apr 2010

Not having to get old and die seems like a great idea.  Until you actually start getting older, and the world changes around you, for the worse.  The wild places where you picked raspberries are gated and fenced off, meadows that used to be full of tall wild grasses and daisies replaced by closely-mown, radioactive-green golfcourse grass with big ugly condos that look like the Bastille sprouting out of it.  Automobiles cost tens of thousands of dollars, and even a guy who is good with his hands can't work on his own car in his own garage.  You need a computer to run diagnostics.  Corporations have more rights than individuals.  It is all about money.  I could go on and on.

If you go to the right places, at the right times, when they are not overrun by tourists, you can still get a taste of what life used to be like.  But, as Kagome and Sesshomaru experienced in this chapter, just a taste of life the way your memory and your heart tell you it should be can be a very melancholy experience.

If anyone finds a time portal, let me know, alright?   

Saide (Chapter 10) - Tue 20 Apr 2010

*is too busy crying* Sesshomaru is too hurt...gyah T^T

Sesshoumaru's Lady (Chapter 9) - Tue 20 Apr 2010

I'm really loving this story. I love how you integrate medical terms and procedures into your stories to the point that not only I can understand it but can be entertained by it.  I know that you mentioned in a previous post that someone questioned the issue of blood and I have to admit, that throughout the story, it was a question I brought up as well.  Not only in the aspect of when they first found Sesshoumaru and was bringing him back from the brink of death but also with his upcoming surgery wouldn't they need to test his blood so that they had a supply available during the surgery. I would think that with Sesshoumaru being a demon that his blood tests would show abnormal.  Granted I don't know anything whatsoever about things like this but just the same was curious. 

Also I'm not sure if you mentioned it previously or was planning on addressing it in a future chapter but I'm also curious as to how he came to be in the situation where he was found by the construction crew.

I love how you write your stories in that they have education (field of medicine), romance (Kagome and Sesshoumaru), angst (the situation that one or the other is faced with) and drama (tying it all together) and I never fail to be entertained by your stories.

I feel really bad for Sesshoumaru in that this proud and demon who's essence screams hotness and honor survived as long as he did to be in a situation where he is facing heart surgery and having to rely on assistance from someone for everyday tasks that most everyone takes for granted.  For a being with as much pride as he has, he has handled it very well. But it is still sad... :(

I hope that my favorite couple is able to overcome this huge obstacle and find a future together.

I love your daily updates and look forward to your stories each and every time.  Keep up the most excellent work and take care and have a great day! ;)

taixi (Chapter 9) - Mon 19 Apr 2010

I almost choose not to read this story based on the summary (the summary is nothing like the story - you might want to give potential readers a vague idea of what it's about) - but glad I changed my mind.  This story is somewhat reminisincent of Fugue (that is a huge compliment, since IMO Fugue is one of the *best* fanfics ever, and a beautiful take on Sess in modern times), in terms of its basic premise (Sess is the only surviving demon that is long locked away in time and is then found sooner or later by Kagome, and he struggles with the loneliness.)  But there are great differences; I would characterize this story as being far more tangible than Fugue, both in terms of the everyday interactions of the characters as well as the explicit medical descriptions.  To be frank, I can't handle medical details (just hearing the word tracheotomy squicks me), so I need to skim or skip over all the medical portions (I purposefully avoided reading about the heart procedure/different valves in this chapter, esp. since you helpfully indicated up top that there would be explicit details re: medical procedures).  There is a definite reason I decided not to go to medical school!  But evidence that you have a compelling story is the fact that I continue to read despite the story being rife with words and descriptions that make me squeamish (catheter? feeding through a button? uugggghhhhh).  props to you if you work in the medical field, as I could never do it. 

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