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Rowdys girl (Chapter 13) - Fri 23 Apr 2010

Trouble, I'm sorry I haven't been reviewing every chapter - I print each chapter out and read it in bed every night. And I'm lazy. But this is...incredible! Original. Fresh. Very deep, very introspective. This is a compelling tale and you are a very good writer, as well as a great storyteller. One doesn't expect such expertise in a fanfiction writer, but you are among the writers at this site who could be professional. Excellent work.

October Rose (Chapter 12) - Fri 23 Apr 2010
This story is beautifully written! I could not stop reading. I eagerly awaiting your next chapter update!

BeautifulSamurai (Chapter 11) - Fri 23 Apr 2010

Sorry it took me so long to review. . .I just needed to process your wonderful story before i could put my feelings to words. I'm still speachless. Your writing, storytelling, understanding of these characters, and your medical knowlege is truly exceptional; it makes getting lost in this story all the more easy and enjoyable. There are so many things you have written that has moved me...It just amazes me that you can write about the  real and often more uncomfortible aspects of life with such ease, compassion and mercy. ( I helped take care of my Grandmother during her last year of stage four cancer, and the continous patience, strength, and and even humor that Kagome carries through out all Seshoumaru's bodily care is just inspiring and healing for me). I love that you can make Seshoumaru's so vulnerable, yet also keep him so . .. himself, and show a deeper side of his strength and majesty. I love that you honor their past, but don't keep them constantly stuck in it, unable to deal. This feels like a more mature and REAL telling of how life challenges us all, yet gives us hope. I dont know how you managed to take two character's I know and love, and move them foward - into a future that scarred them, but has also refined them so tangibly and beautifully. Seshoumaru and Kagome's relationship has weaved together so seamlessly, I just want to read more. Seshoumaru's wisdom is befitting of his timelessness and mind, and I often pause and agree with what he says. Thank you also for maturing Kagome's personality so nicely - she has had a difficult life herself, a lot of pain,  but she's not selfish of self-pittying, she's strong. I like that you haven't made her a victim, and that she really carries the strength of a true healer. The scene where Seshoumarru gets up after they've made love and he says, "you would never understand" and she says something like, "help me to understand" is a pefect example of this. She just lost her virginity for the first time, and it would have been understandable for her to be hurt and lash out,  because just as suddenly Sesshoumaru has pushed away, and continues to do so the next day. Yet she's mature enough to know that it really isn't about her - Sessh is upset with himself. And so she's miffed of course, but she's also so patient when she comes back the next day and find's Sesh drunk and hungover. . .Yeah, there's so much more to say and so many other examples to give, but i'll stop rambling and simply say that i think your work is a wonderful and beautiful little masterpiece and has been a great joy for me to read.  Thank you. And i can't wait to read more!!!

MissTeak (Chapter 4) - Fri 23 Apr 2010

This chapter made me smile. Not only is he conscious and interacting with her, he is also showing signs of being the arrogant, rude aristocrat again. Again, I fell in love with the way you portrayed Sesshoumaru. Yes, he is back to being himself with his sarcastic, know-it-all remarks to Kagome's attempts at conversation, but what made it your story was the way you started to introduce his psyche to the readers by the little incidents which might have gone unnoticed. The way he got upset over her laughing at his brain-freeze was definitely a telltale sign that this Sesshoumaru we're seeing is the same Sesshoumaru we know, but he is different in the sense that he is damaged on the inside. The old Sesshoumaru would not have batted an eyelid if anyone criticized him openly (think Inuyasha in the anime. Sometimes all Sesshoumaru did was walk away from the criticisms.), but now, he was getting so upset to the extent of Kagome being able to notice. Something horrible must have happened to him, and I am waiting for you to solve the mystery.

Lovely chapter :)

MissTeak (Chapter 3) - Fri 23 Apr 2010

Gosh...if I thought the earlier ones were hard to read, this was even harder. But I do not mean that it is a bad read in any way; it is hard to read because it is too well-written, with every single possible detail so well described; it left nothing to the imagination. It's almost like watching a train wreck, where morbid fascination forces one to keep looking. The story is also very realistic in the sense that you did not rush his recovery, and every step of his gradual recovery was well-documented (via Kagome's camcorder) and clearly explained. I was a little crushed when I read how the signs of consciousness did not really mean that he was really conscious. This is why I am really, really, impressed by your writing. It portrays reality even if it might be harsh.

Kagome handled it really well too; there were times when she clearly got a little frustrated (the little sighs here and there) but she showed no signs of suffering from the caretaker's stress.

By now, I am really, really hoping he will get better. He has to.

MissTeak (Chapter 2) - Fri 23 Apr 2010

As much as it is painful to read about Sesshoumaru's suffering, I really appreciated how you were not afraid to delve deep into such realistic situations and put these characters (often so glorified in fanfiction) through pain. Kagome's pure-hearted, altruistic nature is very well portrayed, keeping her in character and also, giving the reader a sense of relief to know that there is someone there for Sesshoumaru. Suddenly, the tables are turned in the sense that it is no longer the damsel-in-distress depending heavily on the invincible demon lord. Rather, Sesshoumaru is now fully dependent on Kagome, and that's very interesting to see.

Thank goodness Kagome had the common sense to not disregard her nightmare...I found myself heaving a sigh of relief. Sesshoumaru is just so...fragile and vulnerable at the moment :(

MissTeak (Chapter 1) - Fri 23 Apr 2010

Hello there! :) I have always been intending to read 'Embrace the Silence', given that I enjoyed 'Into the Blue' so much. Finally, after Saide's recommendation, I got down to reading this story on my iPhone at 12.30am last night. And...gosh, it was a bad choice LOL. I couldn't tear my eyes away from your amazing story, so I read chapter after chapter, telling myself I'd stop at the next and before I knew it, I was at chapter 12 and the top of the phone's screen read...5.30am. And now I am practically dying from sleep deprivation but it was all worth it.

I will now review the chapters one by one to tell you just how much I enjoyed reading this wonderful story of yours.

This story started differently from many others I've read; the setting, the obvious effort put into researching on the medical terms and facts, the characterizations...everything was in place and well-presented. Even the OCs, which are neglected in some stories, are well-described, allowing the reader to see everything in his/her mind. Then of course, Sesshoumaru's entrance into the picture came somewhat as a shock, though I have to add that I was expecting him to be a patient of hers. Yet what I did not anticipate was the severity of his situation, and even though I've already read it till chapter 12, I am still left guessing how he got into such bad shape in the first place. Of course, that's your amazing ability of keeping the reader on the edge of his/her seat, and I am enjoying the suspense. It's so hard reading about him suffering, since he is always portrayed as so invincible, powerful, get the idea. I got this painful twinge in my chest when I tried to conjure up a mental image.

FayeMegan (Chapter 12) - Thu 22 Apr 2010

Yay. I'm glad he's okay butttt I had to almost skim though this chapter during the sx part. It gives me the heebie jeebies. I hope tomorrow's chapter is full of fluffy goodness for a nice Friday treat <3

theunknownchild (Chapter 12) - Thu 22 Apr 2010

Great job once again! I am LOVING this story...and all the gory detail :)

mikaelalucine (Chapter 12) - Thu 22 Apr 2010

Yeah Sesshy's ALIVE!!!!!!!! Please update soon!!!

iloveprettysilverhair (Chapter 12) - Thu 22 Apr 2010

This was a very fascinating chapter.  It looks like you have put a lot of research into this fic, and it definitely pays off!  Fantastic job, I'm so glad Sesshoumaru made it through the surgery OK.  I think the only part that made me squeamish was with his ribs being pried open *shudder*

Wonderful job!

Midnight Cat (Chapter 12) - Thu 22 Apr 2010

Uffffff!! Talk about reading an entire chapter while in pins and needles!! The whole time I kept picturing everything, and it brought back memories of one of my favorite shows long time ago in the Learning Channel: "The Operation", where they would show an entire surgical procedure from beginning to end. I used to love to watch it while my family would squirm away yelling about how gross and nasty it was, but for me it was beautiful! Just to see how a surgical procedure could change someone's life, to be able to see inside a living human body! That to me was a true miracle! and I could never get enough!!

I am extremelly glad that you wrote this chapter! I found it fascinating and very well done! I am not surprised that Dr. B this his best and I was surprised that Kagome could actually be so involved in the procedure!! That took courage!! As much as I love surgucal procedures, I don't think I could stand to participate in one where one of my loved one's life was on the line.

Thank you for an excellent job in writing this chapter!! One of the best!!

I look forward with much anticipation for the next one!!

Hugs and much love:


Saide (Chapter 12) - Thu 22 Apr 2010

I'm clutching my pajama blouse with tension. I thought he'd never survive the operation. ;____;

It's like I'm the one who's under the knife. LOL


*insert TV voice over: Stay Tuned tomorrow for the next episode of Embrace The Silence...* LOOOL

Quiet Whisper (Chapter 12) - Thu 22 Apr 2010

Wow I don't even think I could imagine holding someone's heart in my hands, let alone one that belongs to someone you love!!! That was such an awesome moment! AND YAY I'M SO EXCITED HE MADE IT OUT ALRIGHT!!!!!! *gives you interwebz cookies*

Ooh now I have to wait for tomorrow to find out what happens next... I'm so not a patiend person but at least i have to work so that'll keep me occupied lol.

Hey also I was wondering, how long is this story going to be? Aw alwasy wonderful job! ^.^


cjflutterbye (Chapter 1) - Thu 22 Apr 2010

I have been following along since chapter 3 and I have to say that it is just an amazing story as you are an amazing writer.



CarmMeldoll (Chapter 12) - Thu 22 Apr 2010

OMG I love this story...I spent 3 hours just reading and rereading every chapter so I could be caught up!  Since I am just picking it up so late in the game.  This story is so moving, the detail is amazing.  Thank you.

GreyEcho (Chapter 2) - Thu 22 Apr 2010

I just started to read this and wanted to say I love this fic so far. Very interesting and I'm curious what happend to him. I can't wait for him to wake up. Well back to reading.

LadySafire (Chapter 11) - Thu 22 Apr 2010

excellent chapter! keep up the great work!

 Onigumo's ancestor? Love it!

 Love the stoned Sesshomaru and the emotional one as well.

anxiously awaiting more!

taixi (Chapter 11) - Thu 22 Apr 2010

Hehe, you're channeling Fugue again (love it): 

"One day, this will be you under the sheet."

A lump formed in her throat. "But not today."

"No," he whispered, "not today."

On another note, not a bad idea having the sexy Dr be a descendant of Naraku - but is he descended from Naraku or Onigumo? One would think he'd have to be descended from Naraku in order to even have a chance at having similar features, but I can't really imagine Naraku hiring a prostitute and getting her pregant, that seems much more like Onigumo's MO

Nysrina (Chapter 11) - Thu 22 Apr 2010

Naraku's descendent (should've spotted the anagram!), Rin's lookalike and the moon talking to a certain Dog Lord who smoked opium (I choked on my french fry here). I am quite entertained. Heh.

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