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MissTeak (Chapter 15) - Mon 26 Apr 2010

Oh, I must have been crazy to forget to review Kagome's declaration of love!! It was so romantic and fitting, but I was a bit upset because not only did Sesshoumaru fail to tell her how he felt about her, he once again tried to dissuade her from being with him. Which is a terrible thing to do, since we know how hard it is for girls to come clean with their feelings. Kagome was so brave and honest, and Sesshoumaru has to learn to do that! :) I am anticipating tonight, when I can read the new chapter. (I receive updates at night because of my geographical location :D )

MissTeak (Chapter 15) - Mon 26 Apr 2010

Gosh, just as I thought you couldn't go any further in bringing our god-like Sesshoumaru down to mortal levels, you snipped his oh-so-luxurious hair. *wails* But still, it is pretty cool. The idea of Sesshoumaru sporting a cool Japanese-style cut is lovely! I saw the pictures; gosh, Sesshoumaru would look so delectable in it. Now, not only is this story realistic when it comes to medical-related areas, it now has an element of modern fashion!! Nice:D I love this!!

On a more serious note, the angst killed me. I started crying for real while reading this in bed on my phone. :( The earlier tears had been the silent sort, but this is just sad, sad, sad. It is so painful to read, and I have never, ever imagined how he would be so depressed and suicidal to the extent of wishing surgery would kill him. That's just...tragic, especially when we all believed he underwent it to get well for his sake and perhaps, Kagome's. It gave the feeling of going back to square one of the healing process, and it is so saddening, indeed.

Great job, dear author! I love you and your story lots!

MissTeak (Chapter 14) - Mon 26 Apr 2010

It seriously hurts to see Sesshoumaru hurting so badly, and having to depend so heavily on drugs. Kagome is such a sweetheart, caring for him so well, sharing his pain, though we all know by now that he holds a place in her heart. The closeness between the two is so adorable. I am loving this chapter as always, and cannot wait to see how their relationship would go. On a lighter note, well, Sesshoumaru can always make money by selling one of his personal belongings. After all, those would be good enough for any museum today! LOL.

MissTeak (Chapter 13) - Mon 26 Apr 2010

Thank goodness for amazing healing abilities! *cheers* I am glad he is better, and you made the healing process realistic without rushing anything. The phone call was really adorable too; I love these tender moments as you should already know by now. The little bits of physical interaction here and there were amazing too; I like the little kisses Kagome gave him as he falls in and out of sleep as he recuperates. Beautiful:)

MissTeak (Chapter 12) - Mon 26 Apr 2010

Oh god, oh god. Thank you so much for making him alright again...I've never been so relieved. Your story brought me on a roller coaster of emotions, and now I can finally breathe easy. Great job there, though the details of the surgical procedure got me a little queasy. LOL. But still, I adored the idea of Kagome holding his heart. It's so literal, so beautiful, and I adore you and your amazing story for that. Somehow, I feel that Sesshoumaru no longer needs Kagome that much, and instead, the tables are turned and it is now her depending emotionally on him. Nice twist there!

MissTeak (Chapter 11) - Mon 26 Apr 2010

As always, excellent effort on the usage of medical terms. It gave the story a very realistic touch and I enjoyed it very much indeed. It's nerve-wracking to see how Sesshoumaru is going to undergo the surgery...gosh I really hope he will survive it. The tender moment shared on the balcony was really lovely; such moments come across to me as a source of strength through this story. Beautiful, indeed.

LadySafire (Chapter 15) - Mon 26 Apr 2010

ARGHH!!! Ya cut his hair?? The travesty!

 Love the newest chapter, its breaking my heart to read. I feel for the hell Sesshomaru is going through. You write so beautifully. I am looking forward to the next.




MissTeak (Chapter 10) - Mon 26 Apr 2010

Awwww this chapter got off to such an adorable start!! I could feel myself melting:) It's soooo cute to imagine Sesshoumaru having fun in an amusement park, yet being unwilling to admit it! How adorable!! *squeals* The scene with the fireflies was beautiful as well :) Great job, I am really impressed with how you made it fluffy and sweet while retaining the touch of melancholy. Poor Sesshoumaru:( It hurts to see him so tormented on the inside.

MissTeak (Chapter 9) - Mon 26 Apr 2010

The idea of him trying to drown his sorrows with alcohol is a really worrying, since we know he is not well after all, and I could feel just how exasperating it would be to see someone you try so hard to save kill himself slowly in this manner. But still, it's nice to see how Sesshoumaru bravely embraced the idea of surgery.

MissTeak (Chapter 8) - Mon 26 Apr 2010

This story wreaks havoc on my sanity, not that I am complaining.

He finally speaks in chapter 7 and almost immediately after he speaks, they get intimate??! YAYY!!! :D LOL. I think I am going to sound like a perv, but I loved the lemon and how they got to that. The dancing part was sensual and romantic without being lewd, and the lemon was amazing. It showed the amount of trust they had in each other, and I wonder how Sesshoumaru felt about being the first man Kagome had ever been with. I'd have loved if we could look into his heart and thoughts, but of course, leaving it a mystery was nice too, since it kept him in character. I also loved how he appreciated her body and was not afraid to tell her about it. On top of that, the way he delayed his own pleasure to watch her go through the orgasm was erotically romantic. In a nutshell, the lemon scene was excellent and breathtakingly beautiful. There is a need for MORE. *winks*

But of course, this story has never been a fluffy fairy tale to begin with, and though it got me sitting at the edge of my seat again, I like the bit of cruel reality at the end. It's heartbreaking to know how the physical limitations he was facing brought about greater emotional limitation and pulled them further apart. But still, damn, how can he tell her to find another man?? :( But I guess that's his way of loving her, to keep her from the hurt that loving him might bring.

MissTeak (Chapter 7) - Mon 26 Apr 2010

Awww, the reunion with Tetsura was definitely heartwarming and touching! It brought a few tears, and I loved how Sesshoumaru understood and appreciated what this woman had done for him. :) It's really sweet in a melancholic way.

...and he spoke. Oh gosh. This chapter is so emotionally-charged. I feel really, really happy for Kagome as her hard work has finally paid off. And DAMN THAT CAR AND ITS HONK!! Can anything get any more untimely?! Sheeeeesh. LOL I was awaiting the tender moment, and...and... ARRRRGH. But you made up for it by giving us the sundae moment:) That was so fluffy and adorable! I cannot imagine a fat Sesshoumaru but it was still really, really cute.

Woots for a multi-talented Sesshoumaru! Even though I don't understand Italian or Dutch, I thought it was really cool to have him display his linguistic talents. He's amazing, really. And you are too, for writing this beautiful piece. 

MissTeak (Chapter 6) - Mon 26 Apr 2010

This was the chapter which got me questioning over and over again what had happened to him. It's heartbreaking, really, to see him suffering so badly. I wonder who was the one who tormented him so badly, but of course, that's a mystery you will solve for me. Excellent writing there; I can practically feel the raw emotions from your words.

On the other hand, I am elated to know he is now back on his feet, literally. It's nice to see him healing slowly, though the emotional wounds are still deep.

You're doing such a fantastic job!! I adore this story, and I think it is one of the best among all the fandoms in which I've ever been involved in my 5 years of writing fanfiction. :) Well done!

MissTeak (Chapter 5) - Mon 26 Apr 2010

I shall continue reviewing from where I left off:) Chapter 5 was yet another great chapter, and I enjoyed the little tender moment involving the satin nightie. It was so innocently sensual, and it told of the budding love between the two of them! Great job, I appreciate how slowly the trust is building up between them. Even though I'd have to admit I got a little sad when I read how insecure he was, to the extent of being afraid of Kagome harming him. It's sad to see someone so proud and so strong be reduced to this state.

KyuubiPandoraChan (Chapter 15) - Sun 25 Apr 2010

I just love reading vulnerable Sesshoumaru's fic. Almost every fic always wrote him being perfect, awesome and whole but yours is different and I liked it.

And gosh, Dr Kanrau...XD If Naraku wasn't evil, he'll be so damn hot to me. I can't wait for the next chapter. Sesshoumaru was kept as a pet. Poor thing...

dayna (Chapter 15) - Sun 25 Apr 2010

I really can't express how much I love this story with a passion. I was literally almost in tears while reading this chapter. When Sesshy ask her to kill him, it was nothing less than heartbreaking. And the pain that they both have to face is so sad. I know I hit on this note alot but I love how they are helping each other with the pain they are both facing.  I was really surprised that Sesshomaru was actually afraid that Kagome wasn't real. It seems that his hurt runs deeper than I thought. I'm really starting to wonder about what happened in the time before they found him almost dead. I know Kagome will eventually find out.

I know the events at the doctors house should be very interesting, and I will be waiting for the next chapter.

Saide (Chapter 15) - Sun 25 Apr 2010

"You know, I like that haircut on you. Kinda makes you look like Spock gone punk."

Kagome, who sat across from Sesshoumaru, almost snorted her soda.

"Come to think of it," Akemi leaned over, "he does have about as much personality as a Vulcan. And he's got the ears!"

All three girls giggled.

"And you women are as noisy as the Ferangi," Sesshoumaru muttered, sipping his tea. He smirked when Kagome balked at him, "Yes, Kagome, I do sometimes watch the television when I have nothing better to do. The subtitles are atrociously inaccurate, however. My English is not the best and I could translate better than whoever wrote them."

"Did you turn him into a Trekker?" Hana was a die-hard Star Trek fan. Kagome remembered visiting her house once and seeing a wall framed with autographed photos of actors on the various shows. She often had to remind the plain woman that William Shatner was old enough to be her father.

Kagome leaned back. "I didn't turn him into anything."

"Oh, give the poor man a chance to catch up. Don't forget he's been out of the loop for like thirty years or something." Akemi chimed in.

"I will never understand your obsession with this program."


Hmmmmm...I wonder if Sesshomaru would actually be a Trekker. >D

snowbird (Chapter 15) - Sun 25 Apr 2010

His flashbacks and mental hallucinations are heartbreaking.  I hope that somehow, he can get some mental help with his problem.  Otherwise, he will eventually find someway to give up and die.  What's even more heartbreaking is cutting his hair!  That part is the first time I've been disappointed with any action in this story.  Short hair and Sesshoumaru just don't go together.

Mis.Undo (Chapter 15) - Sun 25 Apr 2010

oh i feel so sesshy. why wont he get better already?!?!?

BeautifulSamurai (Chapter 15) - Sun 25 Apr 2010

P.s. I'm so sorry for all the spelling errors. It's not that I'm lazy, It's just that it's one in the morning here, and while I like to review when everything is still fresh in my mind. . . perhaps i''ll wait till i'm more coherent next time. lol Take care!

BeautifulSamurai (Chapter 15) - Sun 25 Apr 2010

Goodnes! As soon as I think i've got something figured out, you go and surprise me. . .it's wonderful! And does incredible things to my adrenaline. lol  So much happened. Wow. The hair cut (sounds sexy. I'll miss his locks, but I can see that it was the right thing to do at this point in time), another flash back. The bit where Kagome slapped him on his chest was so surprising and yet a nice wake up call. It's little things like that which remind the reader that this is still Sesshoumaru, he's still deadly, and he's in real pain, but he's still an enigma. I don't ever quite know what he's going to do. And Kagome's confession of love was original and fresh. . .so was his responce. But his actions speak so much more loudly than his words anyways. Gosh, Kagome is a truper though! I keep waiting for her to get mad at him just once, or for him to touch some emotional sore spot that will upset HER. . .How can she though, Sesshoumaru really needs face his "demons" first. I had no idea it was that bad, I want to hug him to! Ok, I'll stop rambling. Sorry I keep leaving such long reviews! Your writing is a wonderful, poetic (eg. the bit with his eyelashes like butterflies on aristrocratic . . .), and meaninful and always. This move in with Naraku's look a like breathed even more into the plot somehow, and yet somehow i kind of like this guy! lol Figures, you write him well. I think he has a crash on Kagome a little though . . .Ah, anyways! Cant wait to read more! You've got me addicted, hook line and sinker. Thank you.

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