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Silverwing (Chapter 16) - Tue 27 Apr 2010

This is one of the most fascinatingly educational stories that I have read in a very long time. The psychological analysis is also very interesting and the poetic way that you create Sesshoumaru's thoughts is breath taking. The lack of grammatical mistakes and the quality of the writing is also a welcome respite. Thank you so much for writing! I enjoyed reading all that there is of this story (even if it really set me back in school reading!) and I greatly look forward to the next installment.

REDWOLF (Chapter 16) - Tue 27 Apr 2010

Well, I can surely say without a doubt, that this the most educated fic I have ever read concerning the human body and what could go wrong with it. Your info is beyond comparison to any fic I have ever read concerning the heart. You have done a fantastic job!

FayeMegan (Chapter 16) - Tue 27 Apr 2010

How tragic! Makes me think of the song "Sympathy for the Devil" one of my favorites. It can be happy time nao pleez? lol. This is an epic story.

MissTeak (Chapter 16) - Mon 26 Apr 2010

Oh gosh, this chapter was a total tear-jerker...I couldn't stop tearing as I read how much Sesshoumaru had suffered. It was so much sadder than dying; he was doomed to walk like the living dead, and see everyone else die. That's really tragic. Gosh, I hope things get better for him, and on a side note, Kanrau (cute arrangement of the name 'Naraku' there) seems to be getting closer and closer to Kagome. The subtle hints like comforting her, praising her cooking...hmm, I hope I am thinking too much, but it so seems like he might be developing some interest in her. But of course, Sesshoumaru x Kagome all the way!!

Rowdys girl (Chapter 16) - Mon 26 Apr 2010

I couldn't wait until bedtime to read this chapter and I am so glad I didn't. You've had me crying on and off through this, but when they read his notebook, the tears just started running and didn't stop...still haven't stopped. How painfully empty and sad his life was. And how will they reach into his lost memories, to help him heal? Very real, very painful, but there's a certain desperate beauty in this.

snowbird (Chapter 16) - Mon 26 Apr 2010

Oh, wow!  What a chapter.  Sesshoumaru really did some traveling and got involved in historical events.  Even something as small as Isaac Newton and the apple.  I had to laugh at that.  You even had him responsible for the Salem witch trials.  But he did them all alone and became more lonely than ever the more he travelled.  I agree with Kanrau, Sesshoumaru needs to remember his life as a prisoner so that it can be freed from the shadows of his mind.  I've begun to like Kanrau and hope that he does not turn out to be a disappointment.

Quiet Whisper (Chapter 16) - Mon 26 Apr 2010

Oh wow... sorry I didn't leave a review yesterday! I was at a hair show and only got enough time to read the update. But dang lady... those last two chapters are nuts. And as much as I don't like that idea, I can understand why Sesshomaru would want to end his life... he's been through so much and had to go through all of it alone, poor guy >.<

I thought the pope part was funny, and the same with the apple falling off the tree. Issac Newton anyone? And it would be awesome to have seen everything that he did... just not as alone.... once again I say poor guy lol.

Anywho keep up the awesome work and I can't wait for tomorrow!

a Mysticlady (Chapter 16) - Mon 26 Apr 2010

I have been reading this for the last week and after finishing this chapter, I was listening to music and Serenity by Godsmack came on. And I realise how fitting the song was to your story. It it different and interesting to really see how living for eternity or lose to it can really effect some one, even our demon lord. Wonderful flow and and plot. You are doing a great job, keep it up.

Nilee1 (Chapter 16) - Mon 26 Apr 2010


jgem (Chapter 16) - Mon 26 Apr 2010

This chapter was beautifully written. I could totally feel the pain and loneliness that Sesshoumaru had gone through as he lived through time. You did a great job making it clear why someone who is known for being so powerful and confident, could become so weighed down with guilt, fear, and end up being so depressed. 

Given all this, I can see why he keeps pushing Kagome away and why he wants it all to just end. He knows Kagome will age and die, yet he will keep on going. Why would someone willingly put themselves out there like this? Given this, I am interested to see how you are going to reconcile these two.

By the way, I bet the tissue companies are happy to have someone like you writing. You keep them in business.

Miss.Undo (Chapter 16) - Mon 26 Apr 2010

p.s i know who he reminds me of he is the demon version of Forest Gump! lol :)

Miss.Undo (Chapter 16) - Mon 26 Apr 2010

man thats a tearjerker! its so sad. he needs a for the rest of his life type of vacation, with kagome! ") i dont even have to ask you to update you do it automaticly! love it!

theunknownchild (Chapter 16) - Mon 26 Apr 2010

0_o. This chapter was an absolute masterpiece!! Haha, the apple falling was my favorite part...that was newton, right?

Anyways, wonderful job!!! That was so interesting...

Kaza (Chapter 16) - Mon 26 Apr 2010

I'm happy this chapter was long. It lets me really get into the story. It was sad, though. You wouldn't imagine that Sesshomaru would be able to go through something like that.

KyuubiPandoraChan (Chapter 16) - Mon 26 Apr 2010

For the first time reading this fic, I cried at the death and loneliness Sesshoumaru had to face. I felt his emotion and how he had gotten weaker and weaker. How he lost his mind and how time was cruel to him.

This is unlike other fic I read where Sesshoumaru survived the time with ease and became a billionaire. No, this Sesshoumaru survived the time like any other people would if they have immortality. The way you describe it told us that, living so long was not as fancy as it sounded.

Its a great chapter. I hope Sesshomaru can pull it through.

Inusbabe (Chapter 16) - Mon 26 Apr 2010

WHOA! Really that is all can say at the moment. I loved it. Hopefully there will more on how he felt being pulled from oblivion.

dayna (Chapter 16) - Mon 26 Apr 2010

Wow! that was so eye opening. I really shed tears this time reading about what Sesshy has been through. That kind of existence had to be so horrible. I have to say that he is a tropper because anyone else would have just given up way before Sesshy did. I love the fact that the details and the history you added were so vivid if was like I was experiencing his travels right along with him. I have to wonder though what were his thoughts when he realized that he had found Kagome, or rather when Kagome found him. I know he said he thought she was an illusion but when he finally understood that she wasnt, I wonder what was going through his head. So far this is my favorite chapter and I cant wait to find out what happened during his imprisonment.

I'm still trying to figure out this Kanrau character. I'm starting to really like him but at the same time he gives me this eerie feeling. I wonder if he has a crush on Kagome?


BeautifulSamurai (Chapter 16) - Mon 26 Apr 2010

Wow. I'm speechless.

Rowdys girl (Chapter 15) - Mon 26 Apr 2010

Hey, Trouble, have I mentioned that I think you're a brilliant writer? When you go professional, I will buy your books. Your characters have depth and reality and you KNOW your background. And you have good writing skills. Yep, I see books in your future if you want to write them.

Saide (Chapter 16) - Mon 26 Apr 2010

My heart is breaking into tiny little pieces and crying like Kagome as I'm reading his entries, he's seen so much and felt too much pain. T^T


*will go cry her heart out in a while*

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